- Advertising Cannot Maintain the Internet. Here's the "Secret Sauce" Solution. 4 comments pricing
- Batches of 50 to 100 Uighur workers are being advertised on the Chinese internet 28 comments nottheonion
- AOC said the reason Democrats lost seats in Congress is that they barely advertised on Facebook and are internet incompetent 4194 comments politics
- Internet advertising to grow at slowest rate since 2001 dotcom bust | Media 9 comments technology
- Firefox made a tool that lets you trick advertisers by opening 100 tabs of random internet 5 comments technology
- Your cable company may soon be forced to be more transparent about your bill - Two Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill this month that would require phone, cable and internet providers to include all charges in advertised prices 8 comments technology
- I don't see space turning anyone into trillionaires. Internet made a lot of people rich because it connected billions of people and it became way easier to advertise to consumers. Space has no consumer future. For that reason i'm out 39 comments wallstreetbets
- Targeted Advertising Is Ruining the Internet and Breaking the World 132 comments privacy
- Researchers Defeat Most Powerful Ad Blockers, Declare a ‘New Arms Race’. Perceptual ad blockers will come out on the losing side in the war against internet advertisers and expose users to a host of new attack vectors in the process, the researchers warned. 16 comments privacy
- Your ISP now has to stop lying to you about broadband speeds - New rules around broadband advertising will usher in a depressing new era of honesty about the UK's cripplingly out-dated internet infrastructure 1409 comments technology
- Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements 5 comments politics
- "Measuring Consumer Sensitivity to Audio Advertising: A Field Experiment on Pandora Internet Radio", Huang et al 2018 6 comments technology
- Australian internet providers might soon be forced to advertise realistic broadband speeds or risk a fine of more than $1 million under a new plan put before the Federal Government. 187 comments worldnews
- Internet Defenders Urge Mass Revolt to Fight FCC's "Scorched-Earth" Attack on Net Neutrality: "FCC Pai is handing over the internet to a few humongous gatekeepers who see the rest of us as products to be delivered to advertisers, not as citizens needing communications that serve democracy's needs.' 4022 comments worldnews
- Internet users are to be granted more rights on connection speeds as UK Ofcom imposes tougher rules on how ISPs advertise broadband services: The proposals give consumers the right to exit contracts penalty-free if speeds fall below a guaranteed minimum 4 comments technology
- Trump is about to sign a bill letting internet providers sell personal information to advertisers 19 comments politics
- Congress will vote tomorrow on whether to gut the FCC’s broadband privacy rules that prevent Internet Service Providers from selling your data to advertisers. Here’s the names and phone numbers of the most important relevant lawmakers 7 comments technology
- Sticky online advertisements haunt India's internet users 7 comments india
- Probe calls Time Warner Cable's Internet speeds 'abysmal' -- Preliminary results of a New York investigation found that Time Warner Cable gave customers far slower Internet speeds than advertised 75 comments technology
- Internet advertising industry chief: Adblock Plus is an 'unethical, immoral, mendacious coven of techie wannabes' 512 comments technology
- At least once a week, two thirds of all children of primary-school age will play an internet game that was created to draw attention to a brand. Most of these advertisements are for snacks and candy. Only 6% of these children are aware that they are ads, and the games do affect their behavior. 1053 comments science
- AdBlock Plus Wants to Host Peace Talks Between Internet Users and Advertisers 7 comments technology
- "The government's health insurance website is quietly sending consumers' personal data to private companies that specialize in advertising and analyzing Internet data for performance and marketing, The Associated Press has learned." 24 comments politics
- Google admits that advertisers wasted their money on more than half of internet ads 11 comments technology
- Google Tests a Way to Follow You to the Mall: Internet Giant Working With Advertisers to Match Web Users to Their Purchases at Stores 15 comments technology
- Americans use the Internet to abandon children adopted from overseas: When a Liberian girl proves too much for her parents, they advertise her online and give her to a couple they’ve never met. Days later, she goes missing. 35 comments politics
- Americans use the Internet to abandon children adopted from overseas:When a Liberian girl proves too much for her parents, they advertise her online and give her to a couple they’ve never met. Days later, she goes missing. 4 comments worldnews
- The Internet’s next victim: Advertising; What the story of AdBlock Plus tells us: The online economy is broken, and won't be easy to fix 2553 comments technology
- Developers of Adblock have a campaign that you can donate to so that they can buy Internet advertisements to block them. 8 comments technology
- The Decline of Google (& the Internet's) Ad Business - A 3rd quarter in a row of cost-per-click decline for Google advertising makes this an unsettling norm not only for the search company, but also for Internet advertising efforts elsewhere. 3 comments technology
- New York City will pilot a new program starting next month that will replace old pay phones with Internet-connected touch screens that display information and advertising. 3 comments technology
- Internet Tax Bill Passed in Illinois: The tax legislation relates to out-of-state merchants like and that do not have a physical presence in Illinois but have relationships with Illinois advertisers and publishers like 5 comments technology
- Many of the most popular applications, on Facebook have been providing access to people's names and, in some cases, their friends' names to dozens of advertising and Internet tracking companies. 3 comments netsec
- Reminder: 50% of AOL's income is from advertising. That 40% figure is for all of their internet access "subscriptions", including broadband. "40%" doesn't refer to the proportion of their users on 56k modems. 7 comments technology
- Microsoft gutted a new privacy control system from Internet Explorer 8 at the behest of the advertising industry and its own marketing executives 56 comments technology
- Google sees record $1.6bn profit. Google has reported its highest quarterly profit, suggesting that the internet advertising market is bouncing back from the recession 5 comments business
- Finally, The Internet has passed newspapers in share of total advertising revenues. Yet another nail in the coffin of the corporate media. 4 comments
- The most advertised directory on the Internet. 11 comments
- Surprise: Internet users don't like it when marketers use their personal information to advertise to them 21 comments
- Despite the Hype, Newspaper and Magazine Advertising Still 4X Greater than all Internet Advertising Combined 6 comments