- Earth is 'pretty normal' within the universe and there could be many more planets like ours, study finds - An Earth-like planet is 'just waiting to be found' say researchers https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/earth-building-blocks-life-planets-exoplanets-latest-alien-proof-a8492821.html 14 comments space
- How Many Planets In The Universe? https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/9153a05bd0d5 5 comments space
- How Many Planets In The Universe? https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/9153a05bd0d5 10 comments science
- How Many Planets Are In The Universe? http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2013/01/05/how-many-planets-are-in-the-universe/ 10 comments space
- We Discovered That Life May Be Billions of Times More Common in the Multiverse - baby universes with ten or even 100 times more abundant dark energy (compared to our own) produce almost as many stars and planets as our own universe. https://singularityhub.com/2018/06/08/we-discovered-that-life-may-be-billions-of-times-more-common-in-the-multiverse/ 4 comments space
- “What Planet Are You From?” It is the question that many “Earthlings” might ask if they were to meet a live ET. In the 20th century alone, over 100 million humans were killed in wars and revolutions. I imagine that self-preservation is a strategy with universal appeal.Serious https://contactunderground.org/2024/10/17/what-planet-are-you-from-2/ 30 comments aliens
- Astronomers have found 32 new planets outside the solar system, adding evidence to the theory that the universe has many places where life could develop. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/space/2009-10-19-new-planets_n.htm 5 comments science