Hacker News
- The World’s Great Photographers, Many Stuck Inside, Have Snapped https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/02/arts/design/instagram-photographers-coronavirus.html 55 comments
- History is full of leaders who cannot bear the result of their portraiture. When nearly all the world’s leaders were in NY for a meeting of the UN, Platon, a photographer for The New Yorker, tried to hustle as many of them in front of his lens as possible. http://www.newyorker.com/online/multimedia/2009/12/07/091207_audioslideshow_platon 13 comments worldnews
- When we have looked at too many sepia-tone photographs and old, herky-jerky black-and-white movies, we can almost forget that people a century ago lived in a colorful world too. You can see old Russia (and parts of Central Asia) in full color in these pictures... [pics] http://7th7th.blogspot.com/2009/11/i-couldnt-believe-my-eyes-when-it-said.html 4 comments science