Hacker News
- So many Americans died from Covid, it's boosting Social Security https://fortune.com/2025/02/19/americans-died-covid-social-security/ 2 comments
- Why Are So Many Americans Still Dying of COVID? https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/02/why-are-so-many-americans-still-dying-of-covid.html 61 comments politics
- 2020 Watch: How many more Americans will die from COVID-19? https://apnews.com/a24c5b0d986c1bd5df3284bda17eb85f 3 comments politics
- 2020 Watch: How many more Americans will die from COVID-19? https://apnews.com/a24c5b0d986c1bd5df3284bda17eb85f 21 comments politics
- So many Americans died from COVID, it boosted Social Security to the tune of $205 billion https://fortune.com/2025/02/19/americans-died-covid-social-security/ 133 comments politics
- So many Americans died from COVID, it boosted Social Security to the tune of $205 billion https://fortune.com/2025/02/19/americans-died-covid-social-security/ 16 comments economy
- Fauci: As many as 400,000 Americans could die from coronavirus https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/519935-fauci-as-many-as-400000-americans-could-die-from-coronavirus 29 comments politics
- National public health group estimates as many as 75,000 Americans could die from drug or alcohol misuse and suicide as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/pulling-through/202005/the-privilege-positive-vibes-only-in-pandemic 11 comments politics
- Public health group estimates as many as 75,000 Americans could die from drug or alcohol misuse and suicide as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/pulling-through/202005/the-privilege-positive-vibes-only-in-pandemic 19 comments science
- With more than 60,000 Americans dead, Trump says U.S. can never declare ‘victory’ over virus | President Donald Trump said Thursday that he believes the U.S. can never declare “total victory” over the coronavirus because too many people have died. https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/with-more-than-60000-americans-dead-trump-says-u-s-can-never-declare-victory-over-virus/ 33 comments politics
- Ivanka and Jared billboards moved to Mar-a-Lago ‘in honour of demands’ for their removal from New York. One board portrays Ms. Trump smiling alongside a count of how many New Yorkers and Americans have died from Covid-19 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/lincoln-project-trump-ivanka-jared-kushner-billboard-new-york-mar-a-lago-b1507100.html 19 comments politics