- College is a bad investment for many, study says - College may not pay off for students pursuing majors in low-paying fields, such as the arts, or going to lower-tier schools. http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-college-is-a-bad-financial-bet-for-some-study-says-20130508,0,723490.story 9 comments politics
- TB vs Boston - Guy Boucher predicts low-scoring games decided by "the smallest detail." "One thing for sure," Boucher said, "it's going to be a war out there." http://www.tampabay.com/sports/hockey/lightning/tampa-bay-lightning-coach-guy-boucher-predicts-the-smallest-detail-will/1168603 11 comments hockey
- Why the Trump administration is going after low-income immigrants, explained by an expert https://www.vox.com/2019/8/12/20802613/trump-public-charge-immigration-rule-change-explained-marielena-hincapie 48 comments politics
- Low-ability youngsters from wealthy families go on to earn more money than their more gifted, poorer counterparts, says the UK Education Secretary Justine Greening. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-39444993 733 comments worldnews
- Another Knicks meltdown begs the question: How low can they go? https://theathletic.com/3135171/2022/02/17/another-knicks-meltdown-begs-the-question-how-low-can-they-go/ 37 comments nba
- "The only single issue on which there is any bipartisan consensus in the United States right now is the need to get tough on China. US-China relations were already at a low point before COVID-19. The pandemic is going to make them much worse." https://www.pairagraph.com/dialogue/93c993407ff0401da961fd7b8831375d 41 comments geopolitics
- We haven't seen how low it can go https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/506948-we-havent-seen-how-low-it-can-go 41 comments politics
- Pioneer Natural Resources CEO: "86% of Independent Oil and Gas Companies will Go Bust by 2021 under current low oil price enviornment" https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/fr0amy/pioneer_natural_resources_ceo_86_of_independent/ 38 comments investing
- A new suction-cup with electrode attachments enable researchers to measure blue whale heartbeats, which can go as low as 2 bpm while deep diving https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2019/11/19/1914273116?ct 5 comments science
- [Schefter] While he is away from the Cowboys, Ezekiel Elliott’s weight is in the low 220s, the lowest it has been since his rookie year, per source. If and when the two sides can work out a deal, Elliott will be all ready to go. https://twitter.com/AdamSchefter/status/1162070191108497408 71 comments nfl
- Zach Lowe on TK Show: Other owners and GMs' biggest worry is that the Warriors new arena is going to print money. https://soundcloud.com/tkshow 66 comments nba
- Phil Ivey playing low buy-in bracelet events (therefore, must have a bracelet bet going on) https://www.pokerstrategy.com/news/world-of-poker/103776/ 22 comments poker
- In Tax Code Rewrite, Republicans Ask How Low Can They Go https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/25/us/politics/tax-plan-trump-republicans.html?partner=socialflow&smid=tw-nytnational&smtyp=cur&mtrref=t.co&gwh=70a769582edad67d1c34464cb778adf8&gwt=pay 3 comments politics
- Zach Lowe on Twitter: Bucks now with ~$42M in 17-18 salary going to Monroe, Henson, Plumlee. https://twitter.com/zachlowe_nba/status/755071975584894976 86 comments nba
- Signing up for my first Rewards credit card. Go with my credit union for possible low APR rates, or Citi Double Cash for higher cash back? https://www.skyone.org/loans/platinum-visa.html 9 comments personalfinance
- Hello World! How low can you go? http://www.lisha.ufsc.br/teaching/os/exercise/hello.html 4 comments programming
- timer problems...why won't the pin go to LOW? http://pastebin.com/6zz4fepx 5 comments arduino
- Is the comparitively low memory of PC video cards to the new consoles going to bottleneck current GPU's? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130945&ignorebbr=1 8 comments hardware
- How Low Can You Go — Gallup Finds Unemployment And Underemployment Still Dropping http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/10/14/gallup-finds-unemployment-and-underemployment-dropping/ 59 comments politics
- Dusty Baker and Derek Lowe have a feud going apparently http://cincinnati.com/blogs/reds/2012/06/14/baker-fires-back-at-lowe-with-explosive-accusations/ 4 comments baseball
- Brian Burke was going to fight Kevin Lowe in a barn... http://blogs.thescore.com/nhl/2011/12/02/on-anti-bullying-and-how-brian-burkes-son-helped-mend-his-relationship-with-kevin-lowe/ 28 comments hockey
- Boycott the Fox News debate, lets see how low their ratings can go for this event. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0108/7744.html? 7 comments reddit.com
- How Low Must Home Prices Go Until Families Can Afford Them Again? http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/how-low-must-housing-prices/story.aspx?guid=%7B501755ba-5015-43e7-b2a3-e2a3536adf71%7D 4 comments reddit.com
- Pelosi Slams the White House as 'Having a Limbo Contest With Itself to See How Low it Can Go' https://ijr.com/pelosi-slams-the-white-house-questions-how-low-it-can-go/ 141 comments politics
- Thoughts on $IQ over the next couple months? How high (or low) do you think it can go? https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/9405cw/thoughts_on_iq_over_the_next_couple_months_how/ 8 comments investing
- New Census Data Show Household Incomes Are Rising Again, But Share Going to Middle Class Is at Record Low https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/news/2017/09/12/438778/new-census-data-show-household-incomes-rising-share-going-middle-class-record-low/ 5 comments politics
- How Low Will Republican Leaders Let Trump Go? https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-08-01/how-low-will-republican-leaders-let-trump-go 41 comments politics
- Jabari muscles it in down low to go up 1 with 10.1 seconds left https://streamable.com/5rod 29 comments nba
- Favorability for the Democrats has hit a record low as things go from bad to worse for the party after significant midterm losses, according to a new poll. http://www.politico.com/story/2014/11/poll-democrats-favorability-low-112809.html 87 comments politics
- Kevin Lowe offers to go; rejected by Katz. http://www.coppernblue.com/2014/1/26/5347358/kevin-lowe-offers-to-go-katz-protects-mate-fans-lose-again 61 comments hockey
- How low will they go? Conservative group tried to run tv ad in Nevada urging Latinos not to vote. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20020037-503544.html 3 comments reddit.com
- I know this will be hidden because of my low karma going to post anyways tho https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lc7nzn/i_know_this_will_be_hidden_because_of_my_low/ 8 comments wallstreetbets
- The day has finally come for Apple to reveal the highly anticipated iPhone 6 and iWatch. How high (or low) will shares go after the reveal? https://www.tipranks.com/stocks/AAPL 24 comments stocks
- [Sid Lowe] Alberto Moreno on the 2016 Europe League final: "I’ll go to my grave not understanding why I got all the blame" https://twitter.com/guardian_sport/status/1396920648023351298?s=19 4 comments soccer
- My boyfriend (28M) wants to go back to college but he doesn't know how to afford it. He went to college before but dropped out due to mental health issues, low GPA, and private student debt. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6qfxe5/my_boyfriend_28m_wants_to_go_back_to_college_but/ 18 comments personalfinance
- "Here is a list of the people going to be exterminated after the war"... Hitler's hit list - famous artists like David Lowe were on it... and my name was on it too. http://www.mickjoffe.com/jim_russell 5 comments history
- My favorite part of the debate was Obama's honesty. "Candy, there are some jobs that are not going to come back. Because they are low wage, low skill jobs. I want high wage, high skill jobs." This brutal honesty is what is needed to combat Romney's smoke being blown up peoples' asses. http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/10/17/what-romney-and-obama-said-about-apples-iphone-jobs/ 3 comments politics
- "And let me also say this. The people involved... however high or low they go must not only be brought to justice they must also have no future role in the running of a media company in our country." - British PM David Cameron http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/blog/2011/jul/13/phone-hacking-scandal-live-coverage 61 comments worldnews
- [Buha] The Lakers say that LeBron James (left knee) and Russell Westbrook (low back tightness) will be listed as questionable tonight in Portland. James and Westbrook will test out their injuries pregame and then decide if they’re going to play. https://twitter.com/jovanbuha/status/1491515595916939264?s=21 256 comments nba
- TIL Winston Churchill did not want to grant independence to India, he said " "Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw. They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles..." http://tvaraj.com/2012/05/14/indians-hated-british-prime-minister-sir-winston-churchill/ 41 comments india