Hacker News
- Gardeners can grow a genetically modified purple tomato made with snapdragon DNA https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/02/06/1228868005/purple-tomato-gmo-gardeners 57 comments
- The USDA's new plant zone map shifts cities like Lansing and Omaha five degrees warmer and could change how you garden, including when and what you grow https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/news/usdas-plant-zone-map-could-014542210.html 3 comments environment
- The USDA's new plant zone map shifts cities like Lansing and Omaha five degrees warmer and could change how you garden, including when and what you grow https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/news/usdas-plant-zone-map-could-014542210.html 3 comments climate
- [Dan Casey] Bill Walsh on the importance of Positive Coaching: “If you’re growing a garden, you need to pull out the weeds, but flowers will die if all you do is pick weeds. They need sunshine and water. People are the same.” https://twitter.com/CoachDanCasey/status/1775176791105134593?s=20 170 comments nfl
- Food education programs such as gardening and cooking lessons in elementary school can provide an important contribution to the continuation of healthy dietary behaviors as children grow up, finds a new study. https://www.elsevier.com/about/press-releases/participants-in-school-based-gardening-and-food-programs-benefit-from 4 comments science
- She's been growing a garden for monarch butterflies for 2 decades. So why did the city mow it down? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/london-monarch-garden-chopped-1.6531311 5 comments worldnews
- Scientists discover new giant water lily species - The huge plant had been in the archives of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and was growing in a number of aquatic collections but it was mistakenly identified as another species. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-61725827 3 comments science
- Pruning and growing trees with simulated per-leaf photosynthesis and more (previously known as Garden). Our first video instead of devlogs. Made fully in Rust from scratch, including the custom game engine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUPvR_aMN-A 4 comments rust_gamedev
- World's First Underwater Vegetable Garden Reopens Growing Lettuce and Basil in Perfect Temperature https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/nemos-garden-in-italy-is-the-worlds-first-underwater-farming-operation/ 116 comments technews
- Facing Warming Waters, Fishermen Are Taking Up Ocean Farming: Called regenerative ocean farming, this model involves growing shellfish and kelp in underwater gardens https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/facing-warming-waters-fishermen-are-taking-up-ocean-farming-180978091/ 6 comments environment
- A study has established how plants use their metabolism to tell time and know when to grow - a discovery that could help leverage growing crops in different environments, including different seasons, different latitudes or even in artificial environments and vertical gardens https://about.unimelb.edu.au/newsroom/news/2021/march/plant-clock-could-be-the-key-to-producing-more-food-for-the-world 3 comments science
- School gardens linked with kids eating more vegetables: Students who participated in gardening, nutrition and cooking classes ate a half serving more vegetables per day. “Teaching kids where their food comes from, how to grow it, how to prepare it — that’s key to changing eating behaviors.” https://news.utexas.edu/2021/02/04/school-gardens-linked-with-kids-eating-more-vegetables/ 760 comments science
- Urban land could grow fruit and veg for 15 per cent of the UK population, research shows | Allotments cover 1.3 per cent of this, while 38 per cent of green space comprised of domestic gardens, which have immediate potential to start growing food. https://phys.org/news/2020-03-urban-fruit-veg-cent-population.html 9 comments worldnews
- This wearable vest grows a self-sustaining garden watered by your own urine https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/this-wearable-vest-grows-a-self-sustaining-garden-watered-by-your-own-urine-1.5408768 412 comments nottheonion
- Richard Jefferson: Knicks fans, as much as I can't stand most of you, understand this: this might be the best thing that has happened to them. I think the Knicks as a franchise they need to grow up and need to figure out the new NBA. Stop telling people "The Garden" - no one cares about that anymore https://youtu.be/9w_k9wEzvw0?t=106 1017 comments nba
- This Raspberry Pi aquaponic garden grows vegetables with sensors and a live fish https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/aquaponic-domestic-garden/ 35 comments raspberry_pi
- Ikea has debuted an indoor farm that grows greens three times faster than a garden: “Called Lokal, it uses a hydroponic farming system — allowing crops to grow on trays under LEDs in a climate-controlled box.” http://www.businessinsider.com/ikeas-space10-designed-a-vertical-farm-for-the-home-2017-9?r=us&ir=t#/%23the-lokal-farm-lets-anyone-harvest-greens-indoors-1 887 comments technology
- I'm making a smarter garden automation and management system that will help gardeners of any skill level or budget to maintain an optimum growing environment by automating equipment and alerting to potential issues that threaten your plants. https://hydromazing.com/2016/11/22/hydromazing-nutrient-controller/ 8 comments raspberry_pi
- 'Extinct' species of tree found growing in Queen's garden http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/wentworth-elms-extinct-trees-found-in-queens-garden-scotland-edinburgh-a7343806.html 20 comments nottheonion
- The FarmBot. A Raspberry Pi based robot that plants, monitors, and grows your garden for you. (not an ad) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r0CiLBM1o8 170 comments raspberry_pi
- Underwater farmers grow strawberries in balloon gardens http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27822-underwater-farmers-grow-strawberries-in-balloon-gardens.html?utm_source=nsns&utm_medium=soc&utm_campaign=twitter&cmpid=soc%7Cnsns%7C2015-global-twitter#.vzcydp9wbqb 130 comments science
- Magic mushrooms found growing in Buckingham Palace gardens http://www.itv.com/news/2014-12-12/magic-mushrooms-found-growing-in-buckingham-palace-gardens/ 320 comments worldnews
- Elderly couple bought what they thought was 'shrub' and ended up growing monstrous cannabis plant in their garden. http://cannabisculture.exposed/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=47/? 2 comments nottheonion
- Woman Faces Jail Time For Growing Vegetable Garden in Her Own Front Lawn http://abcnews.go.com/us/vegetable-garden-brings-criminal-charges-oak-park-michigan/story?id=14047214 198 comments nottheonion
- Gardening on the Moon! NASA is sending seeds to the moon in 2015, they will germinate and grow in a capsule on the moon's surface. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/cct/office/cif/2013/lunar_plant.html 31 comments space
- Millions of New Species of 'Killer Slugs' From Spain Set to Invade English Gardens - After worst year on record for slugs, it's about to get worse. Growing up to 5 in. long, they eat dead mice, dog mess & even each other. In Scandinavia, slugs eating road kill caused road hazard. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/9791458/millions-of-killer-slugs-set-to-take-over-gardens.html 56 comments worldnews
- Elderly British couple unknowingly grows huge pot plant in garden http://www.globalnews.ca/elderly+british+couple+unknowingly+grows+huge+pot+plant+in+garden/6442730186/story.html 5 comments worldnews
- The legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon are the inspiration behind an ambitious plan to grow a rooftop forest high above Beirut's crowded streets. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/09/world/meast/beirut-wonder-forest/index.html?iid=article_sidebar 4 comments technology
- All charges dropped against Julie Bass, the Michigan gardener threatened with jail time for growing vegetables in her own yard http://www.naturalnews.com/033175_julie_bass_oak_park.html 424 comments politics
- Update: Charges dropped against woman who faced jail time for growing a veggie garden in her front yard http://www.detnews.com/article/20110715/metro02/107150397/charges-dropped-against-oak-park-woman-over-veggie-garden 9 comments reddit.com
- You are not a software engineer. You grow gardens. http://chrisaitchison.com/2011/05/03/you-are-not-a-software-engineer 480 comments programming
- Dutchman Hydroponics | Grow Lights, Grow Tents, Gardening Supplies Canada http://www.dutchmanhydroponics.com/ 3 comments reddit.com
- Grow Black Tea in Your Garden http://www.vegetablegardener.com/item/6466/grow-black-tea-in-your-garden 3 comments reddit.com
- Can I grow an indoor herb garden that is not in a kitchen window? | The Cooking Garden http://www.cookinggarden.com/how-to-grow-garden-herbs/can-i-grow-an-indoor-herb-garden-that-is-not-in-a-kitchen-window 3 comments reddit.com
- Growing Strawberries in the home garden http://www.flowersgrowing.com/growing-strawberries-in-the-home-garden/ 2 comments reddit.com
- How does this garden grow? Very high, with $1m in marijuana http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/1m-in-marijuana-growing-in-sydney-home/2008/02/12/1202760285482.html 2 comments reddit.com
- Man charged with murder for killing cop during drug raid. Informant apparently mistook his gardening hobby for a marijuana grow. http://www.theagitator.com/2008/01/30/back-to-chesapeake-3/ 217 comments reddit.com
- Gardening hobbyist's house gets raided by police. "He had grow lamps!" Very bad situation ensues... http://www.reason.com/blog/show/124622.html 3 comments reddit.com
- Garden of Weedin' • Oregon's medical marijuana growers want to win respect, help the sick...and grow the kindest bud on the planet. http://www.wweek.com/editorial/3311/8481 4 comments reddit.com
- We always talk about wanting to change our society and stop carbon emissions. Yet how many of us continue to get our food from restaurants, especially fast food, who obviously do not care. Cooking at home, growing a veggie garden, eating healthy. Going back to the old ways is the way. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/01/06/news/how-fast-food-chains-could-actually-reduce-their-carbon-footprint 171 comments environment