Hacker News
- Homeland Security Admits Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump (2022) https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-homeland-security-report-antifa-portland-1849718673 3 comments
- Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump https://twitter.com/gizmodo/status/1588861712622825472 3 comments
- Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-homeland-security-report-antifa-portland-1849718673 394 comments moderatepolitics
- Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-homeland-security-report-antifa-portland-1849718673 45 comments goldandblack
- Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump. A new Homeland Security report details orders to connect protesters arrested in Portland to one another in service of the Trump's imaginary antifa plot. https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-homeland-security-report-antifa-portland-1849718673 750 comments law