Hacker News
- Hiring Your Start-up’s First Employee http://www.thedailymuse.com/entrepreneurship/7-keys-to-hiring-your-start-ups-first-employee/ 3 comments
- How I got hired at a Y Combinator start-up without the necessary credentials https://www.hireart.com/blog/?p=20 65 comments
- Why Hiring for Start-ups is so Hard Right Now. http://ryanspoon.com/blog/2011/03/06/tech-hiring/ 7 comments
- What Start-ups Should Know About Hiring a Lawyer http://www.thedailymuse.com/entrepreneurship/what-start-ups-should-know-about-hiring-a-lawyer/ 43 comments
- Start-up Offers New Hires $10,000, and All the Accoutrements of Hipsterdom http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/02/start-up-offers-new-hires-ten-grand-lifetime-supply-of-beer/?seid=auto&smid=tw-nytimes 3 comments
- Nine London Start-Ups that are Hiring Right Now https://www.hiremarshal.com/blog/hiring/london-startup-jobs/ 10 comments
- So where do hiring start-ups hire from? http://www.livemint.com/companies/onosowp3emdbz8eyiajykp/so-where-do-hiring-startups-hire-from.html 11 comments india
- How to Hire Like a Start-Up http://www.softwarebyrob.com/articles/how_to_hire_like_a_start_up.aspx 2 comments reddit.com
- IIT placements: Start-ups now allowed to hire students from campus http://www.livemint.com/education/ptx9q5qqyfr2zgqol1hhvj/iit-placements-startups-now-allowed-to-hire-students-from.html 3 comments india
- (remote) SaaS Start-up hiring 2nd eng - full stack ruby dev https://userevidence.notion.site/UserEvidence-Full-Stack-Ruby-Developer-ce19ad31256a4edda3acc1c06d161bb0 8 comments ruby
- Microsoft's hire of start-up staff probed as possible merger https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crg5eemmn9eo 10 comments technews
- Rickshaw-puller creates start-up, hires IIT & IIM grads https://www.indiatoday.in/trending-news/story/rickshaw-puller-creates-start-up-hires-iit-iim-grads-2356056-2023-04-05 5 comments india
- Google hires top start-up team, fueling concerns over Big Tech’s power in AI | The search company’s deal with the start-up Character.ai is similar to recent moves by Microsoft and Amazon that have drawn antitrust scrutiny https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/08/02/google-character-ai-noam-shazeer/ 4 comments technology
- I've been working on law enforcement for the last 10 years. I plan to be hired as a web developer on a start-up within 12 months (preferably in a full-time remote role). Rate my learning path. https://roadmap.sh/backend 33 comments cscareerquestions