- Herschel Walker blasts climate bill: ‘Don’t we have enough trees around here?’ https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/3611369-herschel-walker-blasts-climate-bill-dont-we-have-enough-trees-around-here/ 142 comments politics
- Herschel Walker blasts climate bill: ‘Don’t we have enough trees around here?’ https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/3611369-herschel-walker-blasts-climate-bill-dont-we-have-enough-trees-around-here/ 1306 comments nottheonion
- Herschel Walker Asks ‘Don’t We Have Enough Trees Around Here?' In Response To Climate Law https://www.huffpost.com/entry/herschel-walker-trees_n_6303baede4b00c150d638be7 122 comments politics
- Rebuking new climate law, Herschel Walker asks: 'Don’t we have enough trees around here?' https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/rebuking-new-climate-law-herschel-walker-asks-dont-enough-trees-rcna44331 24 comments politics
- Herschel Walker knocks new health care and climate law: 'Don't we have enough trees around here?' https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/23/politics/herschel-walker-criticizes-climate-law/index.html 71 comments politics
- Georgia GOP Senate nominee Herschel Walker blasts the new climate law: 'Don't we have enough trees around here?' https://www.businessinsider.com/herschel-walker-blasts-climate-tax-law-trees-climate-change-gop-2022-8 128 comments politics
- Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Questions Climate Legislation: 'Don't We Have Enough Trees Around Here?' The Georgia Republican “has a problem” with allocating funds for planting trees in urban areas to combat air pollution, cool summer temperatures and benefit city residents’ well-being https://people.com/politics/herschel-walker-critiques-climate-legislation-dont-we-have-enough-trees-around-here/ 30 comments politics