- Here's how Trump is underperforming from 2016 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/here-s-how-trump-underperforming-2016-n1044256 16 comments politics
- Donald Trump underperformed among active internet users, but outperformed previous Republican presidential candidates among those who were least active online, finds a new study on the use of the internet around the 2016 election. https://www.psypost.org/2018/08/study-donald-trump-underperformed-among-active-internet-users-51901 4 comments science
- Donald Trump underperformed among active internet users, but outperformed previous Republican presidential candidates among those who were least active online, finds a new study on the use of the internet around the 2016 election. https://www.psypost.org/2018/08/study-donald-trump-underperformed-among-active-internet-users-51901 3 comments science