- Charles Hoskinson says Cardano wants a ‘certified wallet’ to make things run faster https://finbold.com/charles-hoskinson-says-cardano-wants-a-certified-wallet-to-make-things-run-faster/ 59 comments cryptocurrency
- Video: Pence's desire to run for president 'a known thing,' ex-adviser says https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2022/07/20/vp-mike-pence-former-adviser-olivia-troye-pence-president-aspirations-capitol-hill-visit-newsroom-vpx.cnn 45 comments politics
- Mehdi Hasan Thinks There’s One Thing Journalists Should Be Biased About | MSNBC’s new host says a bias for democracy is a bias “we should be proud about, open about, and not hide or run away from.” https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a35782004/mehdi-hasan-interview-msnbc-show-lessons-from-trump-era/ 15 comments politics
- Obama Say: 'There's a pattern' of Republicans running the economy 'into the ground' and Democrats having to 'come back and clean things up' https://www.businessinsider.com/obama-on-republicans-democrats-recessions-and-trump-economy-claims-2018-10 20 comments politics
- Joe Biden ‘won’t run for re-election’ if he beats Trump in 2020 – Campaign advisers to former vice president say he wants to find a running mate he can 'turn things over to after four years' https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-2020-age-trump-second-term-re-election-old-polls-a9242531.html 176 comments politics
- An Expert on Concentration Camps Says That's Exactly What the U.S. Is Running at the Border - "Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz." https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a27813648/concentration-camps-southern-border-migrant-detention-facilities-trump/ 1216 comments politics
- Tucker Carlson Says White Nationalists Aren't a Thing—'You Could Live Your Entire Life Here Without Running Into a White Nationalist' https://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-tucker-carlson-white-nationalist-trump-1392886 79 comments politics
- Kamala 2020? Harris Says Things Could Get 'Ugly' If She Runs Against Trump: 'When You Break Things, It Is Painful' https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-2020-harris-says-things-could-get-ugly-if-she-runs-against-trump-will-1240612 90 comments politics
- Poll: Most say more women running for Congress is a good thing http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/402997-poll-most-say-more-women-running-for-congress-is-a-good-thing?amp 6 comments politics
- The Undertaker: “I’m very proud of my run as The American Badass. In 1993, adding the American flag was not Undertaker-esque. It was one of the first things me and Vince butted heads over. I remember Vince trying to sell me, ‘It’s the Betsy Ross flag.' I just didn’t have the juice to say no.” https://www.si.com/fannation/wrestling/news/the-undertaker-recalls-early-creative-difference-with-vince-mcmahon 12 comments squaredcircle
- [Greg Auman] Bucs' Tom Brady, explaining his thoughts as he scrambled for a first down near the goal line: "Oh, my God, what am I doing out here? Let me run forward and get on the ground as fast as I can. ... It doesn't come naturally to me, let me say that. That's not one of my things." https://twitter.com/gregauman/status/1439914358507704320?s=20 156 comments nfl
- Trump Says Doctors and Nurses “Running Into Death” Is “Beautiful Thing to See” https://truthout.org/articles/trump-says-doctors-and-nurses-running-into-death-is-beautiful-thing-to-see/ 49 comments politics
- Healthcare Workers Appalled as Trump Says Nurses 'Running Into Death' to Treat Covid-19 Patients Is 'A Beautiful Thing to See' https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/05/15/healthcare-workers-appalled-trump-says-nurses-running-death-treat-covid-19-patients 195 comments politics
- Trump says doctors and nurses are running into death like ‘soldiers run into bullets’ and its a beautiful thing..... https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/trump-says-doctors-are-running-into-death-like-soldiers-run-into-bullets/2020/05/14/dc62d55b-b299-4c90-b311-b3701bfda03a_video.html 69 comments politics
- Donald Trump running the most dishonest White House ever, says historian. 'This is the kind of thing you see when you’re dealing with a malignant narcissist'. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-white-house-liar-us-president-dishonest-history-richard-nixon-robert-dallek-oval-offic-a8073036.html 18 comments worldnews
- ‘Hillary, please run!’ Trump jokes, says ‘whole Russia thing’ was an excuse for Democrats’ 2016 loss https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/10/16/hillary-please-run-trump-jokes-says-whole-russia-thing-was-an-excuse-for-democrats-2016-loss/?utm_term=.f501df2dab9e 49 comments politics
- When investors say that stocks outperform things like bonds in the long run (as they have over the past 100 years), couldn't that outperformance just be an artifact of that particular 100 year timeline? http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/histretSP.html 4 comments askscience
- There is no such thing as a city that has run out of room: What we really mean when we say we can't make space for more neighbors. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2015/10/06/there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-city-that-has-run-out-of-room/?tid=pm_business_pop_b 2 comments politics
- Romney Pulls Video of Ann Saying Mitt Doesn't Disdain the Poor, "Ann Romney of the furor in which her husband is heard disparaging 47% of Americans, “I know he cares & that’s why he’s running. It’s unfortunate when things get taken out of context.” The full video was published with no edits. http://www.politicususa.com/romney-campaign-pulls-video-ann-romney-mitt-disdain-americans.html 137 comments politics
- Bachmann and God: Bachmann has made clear that she is waiting for God to tell her whether to run for president, as He has instructed her, she says, in all other things political. It is not clear why she needs an exploratory committee. http://www.laprogressive.com/election-reform-campaigns/michele-bachmann-and-god/ 12 comments politics
- Mad Dog Palin - The scariest thing about John McCain's running mate isn't how unqualified she is - it's what her candidacy says about America http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/23318320/mad_dog_palin 16 comments reddit.com
- [Thomas Frank] Says that he adjusted things at half-time to counter the threat from Conor Gallagher: "We knew he was very good offensive midfielder who likes to run into the pockets and the half space. We adjusted that and I didn't feel he was a threat second half" #CPFC #CRYBRE https://twitter.com/MattWoosie/status/1429120000523227136 4 comments soccer
- The most important thing people should be talking about in regards to all this TSA news, the former head of the TSA now runs the company selling the machines to the government. Conflict of interest perhaps? I would say so. http://www.rcreader.com/commentary/tsa-commonsense/ 6 comments reddit.com
- The most important thing people should be talking about in regards to all this TSA news, the former head of the TSA now runs the company selling the machines to the government. Conflict of interest perhaps? I would say so. He made a business out of it. http://www.rcreader.com/commentary/tsa-commonsense/ 50 comments business
- The most important thing people should be talking about in regards to all this TSA news, the former head of the TSA now runs the company selling the machines to the government. Conflict of interest perhaps? I would say so. http://www.rcreader.com/commentary/tsa-commonsense/ 6 comments politics
- Reddit, my friend Katie seen running here was killed. When she ran, people hid in the bushes with mirrors, magnifying glasses and miniature pyramids doing things that should be illegal. Many of them had 666 scrawled on their foreheads. The local police say it's not a cult and they have rights. Help. http://hub.tm/spwid 3 comments reddit.com
- "I did the appropriate thing and sent it to where coyotes go" says douchebag Rick Perry about shooting a coyote while out for a run. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/27/rick-perry-shoots-and-kil_n_554397.html 25 comments reddit.com
- Jurgen Klopp says he is not surprised Arsenal managed to turn things around from their poor start but admits their run is impressive "The way they came back is not normal, they have an incredible run of results, they are good. They know they were lucky in one or two games." https://streamable.com/j2j5r1 26 comments soccer
- Adrian Wojnarowski on LeBron: "[Kevin Durant] said out loud what everybody has been saying privately. The question is how do I fit off the court. LeBron and his group run things, they run the organization. Nobody is going to take that from them" https://youtu.be/H_i4appGXW8?t=146 214 comments nba
- [Nehm] The Bucks know they need to slow the Pacers down. “I'd love to call Haliburton and say, ‘Hey, slow it down a little bit,” but he’s still going to run, right? So we have to do things ourself." - Doc Rivers https://twitter.com/eric_nehm/status/1780969148400500884 67 comments nba
- [Schwartz] Lions run defense is struggling and Lions coach Matt Patricia says that is not a good thing with Saquon Barkley coming to town this week. https://twitter.com/nypost_schwartz/status/1187030075927154688?s=21 54 comments nfl
- Jamie Carragher on Salah: "The only other player who scores a goal like that is Messi. I've run out of things to say. The unfortunate thing for him is that City are having such a good season with De Bruyne, otherwise he'd absolutely be walking Player of the Year". http://www.goal.com/en-ng/news/only-messi-can-score-salahs-goal-says-jamie-carragher/qudwu23500nf1nngbuz43gawe 510 comments soccer
- Arun Shourie says 'President' Modi is running a one-man show. 10 brutal things he said http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/modi-is-running-a-one-man-show-says-arun-shourie/1/660769.html 3 comments india
- [Johnston] Drew Doughty feels Vancouver media twisted his words last month. He made small waves in Toronto yesterday: "If you guys wants us to be able to say things and be honest with you and then you're going to go run with it and just get attacked by it, we're just going to stop talking." https://twitter.com/reporterchris/status/1191768103543279616?s=21 382 comments hockey
- Flacco: running Wildcat makes Ravens look like a high school team, says "I'm not blocking, I'm not doing a single thing." http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-flacco-blasts-ravens-use-of-wildcat-offense-20131126,0,5931665.story 256 comments nfl
- [Fontana] Joe Flacco on Pardon my Take yesterday, talking #Browns: I love Cleveland, I love the team. I don't think you ever hear too much of Cleveland is a great organization but I can't say enough good things on how well that team is run. https://twitter.com/MattFontana83/status/1748347102134964351 370 comments nfl
- #Ravens rookie LB Kenny Young says Lamar Jackson wanted to run on his first play of rookie camp. “Good thing it’s (touch) to where we can’t tackle him.” Pretty sure he was joking. Says he can tell Jackson wants to be a leader. https://twitter.com/tompelissero/status/992463552391806976?s=21 31 comments nfl
- Comedian Al Franken announced today that he was running for the US Senate in 2008. When asked why he was running, Franken said bluntly, "The events of the past few years have demonstrated that it's not enough to say the right things. People must step up. Citizens have to make their voices heard. That's the only way we'll ever get SNL off the air." http://www.mikegerber.com/2007/02/newsbreaks-for-wednesday.html 3 comments reddit.com
- Abdoulaye Doucouré: “Sometimes they say black people don’t have technique or elements like that. It’s not true. A lot of black players have technique. Me? Yes. I try to use my skill. I try to dribble to score goals. I’m not only physical. I’m not just running. I can do a lot of things." https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/abdoulaye-doucoure-names-3-stars-14108601.amp?__twitter_impression=true 39 comments soccer
- Reddit headlines have been getting longer and longer lately, but a headline is supposed be a headline, and not a paragraph summarizing the entire article. Just how far can this trend stretch? I didn't know the answer, so this is not only an ironic headline in and of itself, but also an empirical experiment to discover the answer to that question, the result of which you're reading now. Remember, a headline is supposed to be a very short statement which is a descriptive title for the article it references, and is not supposed to tell you how the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. P.S. I would make this headline longer to make my point even further, but it's so long already that I've run out of meaningful things to say! In which case I guess I'll blather on for awhile just to include extra verbiage that the offending headlines in question seem to do. The weather this winter has been crazy, I wonder if it will result in unusual summer weather as well. Oh well, I guess I've made my point. http://reddit.com/info/z9yk/comments 19 comments reddit.com