Hacker News
- Have Aliens Found Us? (2019) https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/have-aliens-found-us-a-harvard-astronomer-on-the-mysterious-interstellar-object-oumuamua 155 comments
- Did Aliens Settle In Antarctica And Is This What US Forces Found https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=MDQYnipah7k&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D-niBhgjDJwY%26feature%3Dshare 11 comments aliens
- Astronomers Suggest Looking for Aliens That Have Already Found Us http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/06/astronomers-sug.html 104 comments science
- AI is helping us search for intelligent alien life—and we've found 8 strange new signals https://phys.org/news/2023-01-ai-intelligent-alien-lifeand-weve.html 7 comments space
- AI is helping us search for intelligent alien life—and we've found 8 strange new signals https://phys.org/news/2023-01-ai-intelligent-alien-lifeand-weve.html 51 comments technology
- Found a casting call for people who have knowledge of Aliens and Reptilians living among us. http://www.realitywanted.com/call/32118-casting-people-with-knowledge-of-aliens-or-reptilians-living-among-us#.VQhtQY7F_kV 5 comments aliens
- Post-detection policy. I bet they never tell us if a alien signal is found. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-detection_policy 43 comments aliens
- Have Aliens Found Us? An Interview with the Harvard Astronomer Avi Loeb About the Mysterious Interstellar Object ‘Oumuamua https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-new-yorker-interview/have-aliens-found-us-a-harvard-astronomer-on-the-mysterious-interstellar-object-oumuamua 67 comments aliens
- Alienated, Alone And Angry: What The Digital Revolution Really Did To Us: We were promised community, civics, and convenience. Instead, we found ourselves dislocated, distrustful, and disengaged https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/josephbernstein/in-the-2010s-decade-we-became-alienated-by-technology 66 comments technology
- Alien hunters led by Blink 182 singer say they have found 'exotic material' that's debris from a spacecraft - a month after the group revealed a video featuring UFOs that the US Navy reluctantly confirmed was REAL https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7522653/Blink-182-led-alien-hunters-say-UFO-debris-unknown-scientists.html 5 comments aliens