- 11 years of hating Bitcoin on Reddit. Let's look back on the predictions of anti-Bitcoiners (Adjusted from a post by u/fan_of_hakiksexydays almost a year ago today, to reflect Bitcoin's continued progress since then) https://medium.com/coinmonks/the-modern-financial-system-is-a-debt-based-pyramid-scheme-and-an-investment-based-ponzi-scheme-e37c4154b9 49 comments cryptocurrency
- The Newest Bitcoin Diet Trend Is Hating ‘Seed Oils’ https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7djay/the-newest-bitcoin-diet-trend-is-hating-seed-oils 18 comments bitcoin
- Watch "Honduras & Malaysia to adopt BTC? The IMF hates bitcoin!" on YouTube https://youtu.be/PuX4fXRzA4c 2 comments bitcoin
- After 13 Years, They Still Hate Bitcoin https://decrypt.co/90004/13-years-of-bitcoin-hate-remains-matt-damon?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sm 6 comments bitcoin
- 27% of Americans back making bitcoin legal tender in the US, a YouGov poll shows - but boomers hate the idea https://tokenist.com/bitcoin-for-the-us-poll-shows-27-want-it-as-legal-tender/ 19 comments cryptocurrency
- No, Americans Aren’t Investing in Bitcoin Because They Hate Wall Street https://decrypt.co/75175/no-americans-arent-investing-in-bitcoi-because-they-hate-wall-street 27 comments cryptocurrency
- 3 People Who Hate Bitcoin With a Passion https://news.bitcoin.com/3-people-who-hate-bitcoin-with-a-passion 5 comments btc
- Marius Kjærstad on Twitter: "Why is this statist not reporting Kickstarter to the SEC? Oh that's right, as a #Bitcoin maximalist he hates that #Ethereum has a killer app" https://twitter.com/MKjrstad/status/870319216632766464 23 comments ethereum
- Request: Please remove jratcliff63367 as a moderator in r/btc. He hates Bitcoin Unlimited and r/btc https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/5v924f/why_bitcoin_will_get_scaling_without_segwit_or/de0c9h2/?utm_content=permalink&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=Bitcoin 117 comments btc
- Why do some people hate Bitcoin so much? And what can we do to reduce some of this dumbfounded hatred? https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/3rhm4l/bitcoin_is_going_nuts/ 22 comments btc
- Why Economists Are Right to Hate on Bitcoin http://business.time.com/2014/01/03/bitcoin-paul-krugman-is-right-to-hate-them/ 2 comments business
- Why Bitcoin’s Price Got Stuck at $50,000 | Haters gonna hate hate hate https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-bitcoins-price-got-stuck-at-50-000-11630575001 19 comments cryptocurrency
- Charlie Munger: 'Of course, I hate the bitcoin success' https://nz.finance.yahoo.com/news/buffett-and-munger-on-bitcoin-213317653.html 20 comments cryptocurrency
- WSJ: J.P. Morgan’s James Dimon May Hate Bitcoin, but He Loves Blockchain https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/76r7sb/wsj_jp_morgans_james_dimon_may_hate_bitcoin_but/ 10 comments btc
- Introducing /r/TWHB, Trolls Who Hate Bitcoin, a worthless subreddit where you can document trolls who appear to hate bitcoin https://www.reddit.com/r/TWHB/ 6 comments btc
- Someone plz explain why Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin users seem to hate each other with a passion. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/8np6lz/someone_plz_explain_why_bitcoin_cash_and_bitcoin/ 128 comments btc
- US Senator Ted Cruz Warns a CBDC Would Be ‘Profoundly Dangerous,’ Says Idea Is Backed by People Who Hate Bitcoin https://dailyhodl.com/2023/04/28/us-senator-ted-cruz-warns-a-cbdc-would-be-profoundly-dangerous-says-idea-is-backed-by-people-who-hate-bitcoin/ 117 comments cryptocurrency
- R/cryptocurrency hates Bitcoin maximalism. Unable to think critically, too focused on “going to the moon” shit of the 1960’s. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/shw6vo/bitcoin_is_debatably_the_greatest_invention_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 11 comments bitcoin
- Greg Maxwell, the man who hates Bitcoin and said he proved it was impossible, now supports Craig and the Satoshi Vision client. https://coingeek.com/former-blockstream-cto-gregory-maxwell-sees-light/ 228 comments btc
- "Trolls can't stop hating on him!" Hey u/theymos, maybe banning u/ydtm from r\bitcoin (three months after he had posted only a total of 2 posts there) wasn't enough. Maybe you need to ban all *mention* of u/ydtm on r\bitcoin also. Stop giving free publicity to u/ydtm! https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/40hirh/ive_finally_been_banned_from_rbitcoin_for_witch/ 15 comments btc
- Nic Carter has done a better job of nailing down what I hate about Bitcoin maximalism in two paragraphs than I have in all of my conversations in the last two years combined https://twitter.com/functi0nZer0/status/1542447013417082881 22 comments btc
- JPMorgans CEO Hates Bitcoin, But Loves Taking Money from his Customers for Crypto Funds https://cryptopotato.com/jpmorgan-chase-ceo-still-thinks-bitcoin-is-worthless-but-his-clients-disagree/ 53 comments cryptocurrency
- Charlie Munger ‘hates’ bitcoin’s rise: ‘disgusting and contrary to interests of civilization’... LOL https://www.marketwatch.com/story/charlie-munger-says-bitcoins-rise-disgusting-and-contrary-to-interests-of-civilization-11619978483 65 comments cryptocurrency
- Can anyone say why the Hacker News crowd hates Bitcoin so much, this thread is full of ignorant rants about wasted energy and how it is just a ponzi scheme for idiots, what is wrong with them? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18780489 126 comments btc
- Bitcoin cash emerges to the top [REPORT]. Haters will hate, but they can't stop the growth of bitcoin cash. https://bloqwire.com/bitcoin-cash-emerges-as-one-of-the-top-cryptocurrencies-in-the-market/ 8 comments btc
- Please don't turn in to r/bitcoin, just dishing on XRP. I hate the BankCoin as much as the next one. But let's dedicate this reddit to the improvement of Bitcoin Cash not to trash talking another coin https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7o9zyj/please_dont_turn_in_to_rbitcoin_just_dishing_on/ 28 comments btc
- Very meaningful for the Patriots of Bitcoin such as Roger, Jihan and others: “In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” - Mark Twain https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6sqgo1/very_meaningful_for_the_patriots_of_bitcoin_such/ 14 comments btc
- Even if you hate big blocks, you should withdrawal your money from Coinbase so you'll have your Bitcoin Cash. Otherwise, Coinbase keeps it. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6ociqr/even_if_you_hate_big_blocks_you_should_withdrawal/ 86 comments btc
- Warren Buffet Reveals the Real Reason He Hates Bitcoin. You’re Going to Be Disappointed When You Hear This. The Oracle of Omaha is no longer the farsighted investor that millions of investors have always fantasized about. https://inbitcoinwetrust.substack.com/p/warren-buffet-reveals-the-real-reason 2 comments bitcoin
- If you want cryptocurrency in general to succeed, you want bitcoin to succeed. Dont hate on bitcoin because your shitcoin is more fun, hate on media platforms like CNBC because they only amplify opinions like this. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/20/some-millennials-call-bitcoin-boomer-coin-prefer-dogecoin-altcoins.html 266 comments cryptocurrency
- Charlie munger hating on bitcoin shows that boomers feel threatened because they got complacent and missed out on the next big thing https://www.afr.com/world/north-america/berkshire-hathaway-s-charlie-munger-calls-bitcoin-disgusting-20210503-p57oaj 488 comments cryptocurrency
- Roger ver has really done a lot for the bitcoin community and doesn't deserve the hate he's getting https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7hgkjr/roger_ver_has_really_done_a_lot_for_the_bitcoin/ 400 comments btc
- "In times of change, the Big Blocker is a scarce man. He is hated and scorned. But in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him. For then it costs nothing to be a Bitcoin Casher." https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6ukj53/in_times_of_change_the_big_blocker_is_a_scarce/ 5 comments btc
- Remember when former mod and pseudo-socialist /u/jratcliff63367 demonized Roger Ver for being a "Bored Millionaire"? These people hate and loathe Libertarian Capitalists and everything Bitcoin stands for. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/65pqwi/its_time_for_bored_millionaires_to_go_make_their/ 12 comments btc
- This article from 5 February 2018 was literally celebrating Bitcoin 'crashing' from 20k to 10k by introducing buttcoin sub, which was founded in 2011. The most hilarious tragedy is bragging about being proud buttcoiners since 2011 while still stuck working at jobs they all probably hate. https://mashable.com/article/buttcoin-subreddit-celebrates-bitcoin-fall 196 comments cryptocurrency
- Semi-bitcoin related: This is one more reason the US hates El Salvador. China is gifting other countries infrastructure to gain support while the US just wants to threaten war for support. US foreign policy is shit now. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/china-gifts-el-salvador-stadium-library-after-taiwan-switch 54 comments bitcoin
- Being a "Bitcoin Maximalist" who only cares about Bitcoin is perfectly fine. But if you hate every other coin you are a "Bitcoin Extremist." https://twitter.com/blockchaincent/status/1043584280784527360 13 comments btc
- Thanks Maxi's for ruining true Bitcoin adoption, was designed to be a tool of a freedom, corrupted by you guys in to a tool of grift and greed. (article about El Salvador and how people hate Bitcoin now) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-11-04/el-salvador-s-bitcoin-revolution-is-failing-badly?%3FleadSource=uverify+wall 18 comments btc
- It's easy to understand the hate and resentment coming from BTC trolls when there is so much exciting innovation happening on the #BitcoinCash blockchain. Pointing out that all of these things are possible with BCH but not on BTC is not "attacking Bitcoin." https://twitter.com/Bitcoin/status/986175937371832321 10 comments btc
- /r/bitcoin has it wrong. Bitcoin Legacy is like the Burger King with a line backlog 100K patrons long, charging $30 per hamburger because of the imbalance of supply and demand. Bitcoin Cash is the 8 story Burger joint that opened up next door, and they hate competition. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7tn69m/hes_not_wrong/ 10 comments btc