Hacker News
- Debian forum captcha broken, can't join http://forums.debian.net/ 3 comments debian
- Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer captcha broken? https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com 4 comments sysadmin
- CrossedCaptcha - just another broken Captcha... But I have a logo! https://smrrd.de/crossedcaptcha.html 5 comments netsec
- Twofold broken captcha app (Popular wordpress plugin) http://incolumitas.com/2013/11/04/a-tale-of-a-twofold-broken-wordpress-captcha-plugin/ 9 comments netsec
- Captcha test broken by Stanford scientists http://software-in-action.com/2011/captcha-test-broken-by-stanford-researchers/ 3 comments technology
- My Reddit profile seems to have broken O.o. Karma reset, none of my comments are available, and now they're asking me to do a CAPTCHA. http://www.reddit.com/user/b3mus3d/ 4 comments reddit.com
- Google’s CAPTCHA - not entirely broken after all? http://taint.org/2008/03/05/122732a.html 18 comments programming
- Has CAPTCHA Been "Broken"? http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001001.html 117 comments programming