Hacker News
- Fuck Hard Work https://m.signalvnoise.com/fuck-hard-work/ 34 comments
- I Have No Idea What “Hard Work” Means https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/09/i-have-no-idea-what-hard-work-means 57 comments
- The system is rigged and hard work is no predictor of success https://fortune.com/2023/09/15/how-racism-meritocracy-broke-economy-book-excerpt-myth-jeff-fuhrer/ 29 comments
- Hard at Work (pic) http://funtasticus.com/20071215/hard-at-work/ 39 comments reddit.com
- Americans Are Skeptical That Hard Work Will Pay Off https://www.citylab.com/work/2017/04/americans-are-skeptical-that-hard-work-will-pay-off/522342/ 62 comments politics
- Deciding what to do, living life to the fullest, working TO hard?, other things. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/9v74b3/deciding_what_to_do_living_life_to_the_fullest/ 10 comments personalfinance
- Trump, at golf club, intent on projecting he's hard at work http://abcnews.go.com/politics/wirestory/trump-golf-club-intent-projecting-hard-work-57141056 14 comments politics
- Hard work is more powerful than Harvard : Modi http://www.thehindu.com/elections/uttar-pradesh-2017/hard-work-more-powerful-than-harvard-narendra-modi/article17387381.ece?homepage=true 13 comments india
- Need help finding a docking station that works with 8tb hard drives https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/5k6egz/need_help_finding_a_docking_station_that_works/ 9 comments techsupport
- Germany has worked hard to shore up winter gas supplies — and it’s ahead of schedule https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/18/winter-gas-germany-ahead-of-schedule-on-natgas-supplies.html 16 comments europe
- I am almost tired of winning so much! HLDing AMC at 850% and GME at 500% is hard work! https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/08/18/trump-albany-rally-winning-sot.cnn 10 comments wallstreetbets
- [Gunderson] LeBron: I just like being around guys who want to play and work hard http://lebronwire.usatoday.com/2018/02/12/lebron-james-after-win-in-boston-i-like-being-around-guys-who-want-to-work-and-play-hard/ 6 comments nba
- Teen says tattoo covering half his face is making it hard to find work http://nypost.com/2017/07/14/teen-says-tattoo-covering-half-his-face-is-making-it-hard-to-find-work/ 80 comments worldnews
- Trump Says He's Working Hard, but His Schedule Says Otherwise http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-vacation-white-house-golfing-and-tweeting-647416 17 comments politics
- Doesn’t take much effort to form government but hard work needed to build country: PM Modi https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/doesnt-take-much-effort-to-form-govt-but-hard-work-needed-to-build-country-says-pm-modi/article65787709.ece 10 comments india
- Work hard so you don’t depend on my name in 2024: PM Narendra Modi to MPs https://twitter.com/timesofindia/status/1160049382986788864?s=19 104 comments india
- ‘Harvard’ has Left the Modi government. Can ‘hard work’ Reverse the Economic Slowdown? https://scroll.in/article/928343/harvard-has-left-the-modi-government-can-hard-work-reverse-the-economic-slowdown 3 comments india
- [Travis Walton] - Draymond hitting the gym hard the day after winning the championship. Hard work doesn't stop! https://twitter.com/traviswalton5/status/874714017641545728 109 comments nba
- Migrant workers in Qatar are being forced to run a marathon as a "thanks" for all their hard work https://www.facebook.com/video.php?amp%3Bset=vb.81286652945&%3Btheater=&%3Btype=2&v=10152924451752946 3 comments soccer
- Why do we work so hard? Until the 20th century, economic activity was more a means of making the time pass than of making money http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/25/opinion/25robb.html?ei=5087&em=&en=3a0b02c988ba41e5&ex=1196226000&pagewanted=print 15 comments politics
- Boris Johnson says rich parents can buy private tuition because they 'work hard' https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/boris-johnson-says-rich-parents-24282642 317 comments worldnews
- Success in America has nothing to do with hard work — and we're in the middle of a 'war on normal people' https://www.businessinsider.com/america-belief-that-hard-work-leads-to-success-is-wrong-2018-5 107 comments politics
- Not sure if anyone is interested but here is my graph since school ended a few weeks ago. (small brag, but also shows what can happen with some hard work) http://www.sharkscope.com/#Player-Statistics//networks/PokerStars/players/NeedAnEdge 9 comments poker
- Oklahoma Republican lawmaker Sally Kern: "Blacks" don't work as hard as white people. WTF? http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/28/sally-kern-blacks-dont-work-hard/ 5 comments politics
- [George Russell] P5 on the grid after penalties. It’s been a tough day but we’re all working as hard as we can to understand where we can close the gap. Thanks for all your support - we’ll come back fighting tomorrow. https://twitter.com/GeorgeRussell63/status/1563583106577485824?s=19&t=sRUsfMknFmd3D0GyQdxLjQ 5 comments formula1
- Over the last two weeks, I created a site that allows you to create "Wordle leagues". I'm not a pro by any means, but I wanted to share some thoughts on how I was able to spin it up quickly. Hope it helps and shows that it doesn't have to be crazy hard to get an idea up and working! https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html 4 comments reactjs
- [Carlos Sainz Jr.] +150 laps of testing to end the season! Grazie to all the team members and all the people in the factory for the hard work and the support! Great year... but the best is yet to come!! https://twitter.com/Carlossainz55/status/1471176497226469382?amp%3Bs=1&t=IhMmzHSs2KzKeetANtTbrg 18 comments formula1
- I created a social media website where you can talk about Crypto, and NFTs in one place. I worked really hard on this and would love to hear your feedback! The past 3 weeks it’s been blowing up a bit. Please let me know what you think http://skurpy.com//// 44 comments cryptocurrency
- Trump was ringleader of effort to coerce Ukraine to dig up dirt on domestic political rival, "worked hard" to cover it up and has shown no remorse, Democratic lawmakers said on Friday in his impeachment trial. "President Trump tried to cheat, he got caught and then he worked hard to cover it up." https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/trump-ukraine-dirt-impeachment-a4344231.html 12 comments worldnews
- Vinicius: "I'm happy to score but I don't play for that, I just play to help the team. Sterling at City also had trouble scoring goals. I left Brazil very early and I'm working hard to do great things.” https://www.marca.com/futbol/real-madrid/2019/12/12/5df175ae22601dca658b45a0.html 29 comments soccer
- [Cardale Jones] I went back to OSU to finish school. Something I worked as hard on as my football career. I’m my own man and think for myself. Going back benefited me & my family LONG term. Educate yourself on the situation before commenting and spreading the wrong message. https://twitter.com/cj1two/status/1184449426556932097?s=21 445 comments nfl
- [Trevathan] If you honestly know me... you know I believe in good vibes & straight up hard work no matter what. This is the first time in my 7 years that a team has done anything special for me. Made me feel loved, like family. Yes that’s exactly what they are FAMILY #muchluvfromFive9 https://twitter.com/grindin_59/status/1053710284030988291?s=21 37 comments nfl
- Arrigo Sacchi: "We've some lads who're growing, a result of the hard work we’ve done with the NTs between 2010 and now. Belotti, Insigne, Romagnoli. The direction is the right one. But there still aren’t enough Italians playing in Serie A, which is a huge problem for NT. Where’s the Italian pride?" http://www.corriere.it/sport/17_agosto_10/serie-a-arrigo-sacchi-fa-punto-juventus-o-napoli-sfida-due-3ab846f8-7d35-11e7-9293-13df2eb6c4db.shtml 33 comments soccer
- Jamie McGinn eager to join Coyotes as scorer, leader: “If I find 22 goals acceptable, that means I’m not going to be working hard to get past that,” he said. “I’m going to continue to strive to get better.” http://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/nhl/coyotes/2016/07/09/jamie-mcginn-eager-join-coyotes-scorer-leader/86763004/ 39 comments hockey
- Hard disk is often working at 100% usage, despite 0 kB/s data transfer (both read and write speed). When this is the case, programs stop responding temporarily if I try to do something. http://gsmartcontrol.sourceforge.net/home/index.php/Downloads 35 comments techsupport
- KickassTorrents Users Fight Back Against DMCA Takedown Purge: Copyright holders are increasingly 'destroying' the hard work of these pirates, who plan to 'fight back' this Sunday with "KickAss Upload Day." http://torrentfreak.com/kickasstorrents-users-fight-back-against-dmca-takedown-purge-150201/ 205 comments technology
- Deaths Spotlight Taiwan's 'Overwork' Culture - Working hard is ingrained in Taiwanese society. But recent deaths attributed to overwork are leading people to question the culture for the 1st time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16834258 6 comments worldnews
- Oklahoma GOP Rep gets standing ovation from legislature for saying "Minorities earn less than white people because they don’t work as hard" http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/04/28/970934/-minorities-earn-less-than-white-people-because-they-don%E2%80%99t-work-as-hard-and-have-less-initiative 5 comments politics
- Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City -- 'Minorities earn less than white people because they don’t work as hard and have less initiative' http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/04/28/970934/-minorities-earn-less-than-white-people-because-they-don%E2%80%99t-work-as-hard-and-have-less-initiative 6 comments politics
- Two Norman Park Georgia police officers are accused of using excessive force when they threw a man onto the hood of a truck so hard that it left a dent when they arrested him for loitering outside of a business he was working at while he was taking a smoke break. http://moultrieobserver.com/local/x1936223536/man-claims-brutality-in-norman-park-arrest 9 comments politics