Hacker News
- Happy Woman Day to all! https://www.reddit.com/gallery/m0hnea 47 comments europe
- Happy National Day Belgium! http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/4187653/8077613/benationaldayen2-100.jpg/6d466430-79be-40be-8a0c-d64c55e02473?t=1500475484972 157 comments europe
- Kimi: Happy mothers day to all moms, especially this one. https://www.instagram.com/p/bitxnntbtws/ 13 comments formula1
- por*hub wishes you a happy independence day :D https://i.redd.it/jl66pumvvtfz.png 2 comments india
- Happy Bobby Bonilla Day!! https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/6kl0hu/happy_bobby_bonilla_day/ 9 comments baseball
- Happy Statehood Day Slovenia! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/statehood_day_(slovenia) 14 comments europe
- Happy Women's Day r/India! https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/5y5x68/happy_womens_day_rindia/ 62 comments india
- James Rodriguez: „I can't assure that on January I will still be at Real Madrid. There are offers from clubs for me. I have 7 days to think about it. I'm happy here but I want to play more.“ https://twitter.com/partidazocope/status/810502604467924992 344 comments soccer
- Happy Software Freedom Day! A few words from RMS https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/happy-software-freedom-day-a-few-words-from-rms 44 comments linux
- Happy International Worker´s Day https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/4h81up/happy_international_workers_day/ 296 comments europe
- Happy Software Freedom Day! http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/its-software-freedom-day 16 comments linux
- Texans WR DeAndre "Nuk" Hopkins on his relationship with his mother. Happy Mothers Day to all! https://www.yahoo.com/parenting/nfl-star-deandre-hopkins-i-have-an-unbreakable-118463107107.html 11 comments nfl
- Why You Should Never Wish Anyone a 'Happy Memorial Day' http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/marine-explains-what-memorial-day-means-to-the-worlds-biggest-anonymous-email-list 3 comments politics
- It's Cal Ripken Jr's day. Happy Birthday ! http://www.themlbnation.com/2013/08/24/cal-ripken-jr/ 6 comments baseball
- Happy International Happiness Day http://rendezvous.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/20/happy-international-happiness-day/?smid=re-share 4 comments worldnews
- Happy Independence Day, from the Prison Industrial Complex! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150890876777061&set=a.441893607060.240955.81629472060&type=3&theater 2 comments politics
- Happy Towel Day 2011, everyone! http://www.justplainsomething.com/2011/05/happy-towel-day-2011.html 8 comments books
- Happy Pi Approximation Day, Reddit! http://fauxrealtho.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/pi_day_dinosaurs.png 4 comments reddit.com
- Happy Victory Day, everyone. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8670589.stm 3 comments reddit.com
- Happy National Whore Day (no, really - in the Netherlands) http://www.24oranges.nl/2010/03/18/bring-your-whore-some-flowers/ 4 comments europe
- Happy Valentines Day. Here's a mouse that looks like a vagina. http://gizmodo.com/5469489/g+point-mouse-is-not-a-very-good-valentines-gift?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+gizmodo%2Ffull+%28gizmodo%29&utm_content=google+reader 4 comments technology
- Happy Constitution Day My Fellow Americans! http://www.constitutioncenter.org/ncc_progs_constitution_day.aspx 8 comments politics
- [zach] Coffey: 'I will say out of the gate, I wasn't lobbying for this job. I know Ken and Jeff had talked quite a bit. Jeff said something the other day, 'would you ever think of coaching?' and I said, 'No, I'm very happy with my position.' https://twitter.com/zjlaing/status/1723815230441238821 107 comments hockey
- [GriffDogg] Ryan O’Reilly gets knocked into the crossbar; His mom Bonnie says “it wasn’t that bad”. Happy Mother’s Day to the hockey moms out there https://twitter.com/griffdoggdfs/status/1523412677955006465?s=21&t=_ATZ_OoOUDzkqeBuEIaxPw 24 comments hockey
- Happy Constitution Day, fellow Guardians! https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript 2 comments spaceforce
- 'Happy Brexit Day' note in UK building demands residents 'only speak English https://www.euronews.com/2020/02/02/happy-brexit-day-note-in-uk-building-demands-residents-only-speak-english 22 comments worldnews
- [General Discussion] Around the Horn: Happy Opening Day! - 4/2/17 https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/62zn3r/general_discussion_around_the_horn_happy_opening/ 3 comments baseball
- Happy FA Day friends! What are you hoping for today? https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/4qr71l/happy_fa_day_friends_what_are_you_hoping_for_today/ 156 comments hockey
- Happy Public Domain Day: here are the works that copyright extension stole from you in 2015 http://boingboing.net/2014/12/31/happy-public-domain-day-here.html 835 comments books
- On a yet another happy-go-rapey day, read this guy on the irony of debates over the anti-sexual assault bill http://iyerdeepak.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/7030/ 8 comments india
- Happy smallpox eradication day, everyone! 32 years since the last natural case! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/smallpox#eradication 81 comments science
- Happy Father's Day /r/Baseball, here is Ken Griffey Jr hitting back to back home runs with Ken Griffey Sr in 1990 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCk1UY5Afus 216 comments baseball
- [Mike Benton] Dave Hakstol says Shane Wright will play Tuesday night against the Montreal Canadiens. “We’ve been really happy with Shane, his outlook and work every single day.” “His approach has been excellent.” https://twitter.com/Benton_Mike/status/1599856073368023040 89 comments hockey
- [Cádiz CF] on twitter- "Happy birthday @Benzema, 😜 Take the day off and celebrate your birthday with family and friends! For you there’s no need to go to work today 😉" https://twitter.com/Cadiz_CFEN/status/1472521879688777729 6 comments soccer
- Happy EU Enlargement Day (May 1st), r/Europe - 10 years and counting since the Union's single largest expansion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_enlargement_of_the_european_union 9 comments europe
- British police have launched investigation after "Happy Brexit Day" sign was posted in block of flats telling residents "we do not tolerate" people speaking languages other than English. The unsigned note was found hours before the UK officially left the European Union after 47 years of membership. https://www.euronews.com/2020/02/02/happy-brexit-day-note-in-uk-building-demands-residents-only-speak-english 48 comments worldnews
- [Fernando Alonso] I gave everything I had today. I’m so happy and proud of this @alpinef1team on this historic day for the brand, and the victory of @estebanocon! What a day! Thanks Budapest. You always treat us very well. https://twitter.com/alo_oficial/status/1421920065893588997 36 comments formula1
- The day has come! Happy 4th of July r/nba! Hope everybody has a fantastic "Durant Decision Day"! https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/4r758u/the_day_has_come_happy_4th_of_july_rnba_hope/ 24 comments nba
- Today marks 61 years since Francis Crick's and James Watson's first publishing in the journal Nature describing the double helical structure of DNA. Happy DNA Day! http://www.nature.com/nature/dna50/archive.html 12 comments science