- [R] GLIDE: Towards Photorealistic Image Generation and Editing with Text-Guided Diffusion Models. Implementation and pre-trained model of ‘glide-text2im’ also released by OpenAI. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10741 23 comments machinelearning
- Efficient Train Loading and Unloading - Beginner Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCfKZDCbxh4 16 comments factorio
- Factorio: HOW TO BUILD A BUILDING TRAIN - Tutorial, Guide https://youtu.be/P_TCqoxb_1s 5 comments factorio
- The Definitive CTO Guide to Train Your Team on Git https://buttercms.com/blog/cto-guide-to-train-your-team-on-git 6 comments git
- Definitive Train Guide? https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/9l6rcz/definitive_train_guide/ 3 comments factorio
- Train guides? https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/75axa9/train_guides/ 10 comments factorio
- The ultimate guide on how not to train! https://i.reddituploads.com/ff9494e8917a4344b66732c14267b7de?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=0514e4a671bec2f354eb3747289809d5 52 comments bicycling
- Train guide for tourists https://www.reddit.com/r/italy/comments/4yd9ku/train_guide_for_tourists/ 29 comments italy
- (A beginner's guide to) Train travel in Germany http://www.seat61.com/Germany-trains.htm#.VdSpC5OY9z0 19 comments germany
- Beginner's guide to German trains (fixed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwvor9zAEQc 13 comments germany
- Manager Training Guide Blames Women For Coworkers Who Come On To Them. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/08/21/2502151/jhana-training-sexual-harassment/ 4 comments politics
- Free lessons, coach and training guide for a university investigation! https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/lflv4b/free_lessons_coach_and_training_guide_for_a/ 15 comments chess
- 1.1 - Guide to your very own Vanilla Logistics Train Network v2.0 https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/jzzano/11_guide_to_your_very_own_vanilla_logistics_train/ 17 comments factorio
- Guide to creating your very own Vanilla Logistics Train Network https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/fwy1ww/guide_to_creating_your_very_own_vanilla_logistics/ 8 comments factorio
- Islanders get a Puppy for guide dog training https://www.nhl.com/islanders/news/islanders-pick-a-puppy/c-299886256 38 comments hockey
- Any guides on reading train contents to control signaling? https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/76zqwa/any_guides_on_reading_train_contents_to_control/ 6 comments factorio
- Guide to building SeeFood: How to train your own model for CoreML http://reza.codes/2017-07-29/how-to-train-your-own-dataset-for-coreml/ 4 comments swift
- Smart Unloading Train Station Guide (Vanilla Factorio) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=805063163 10 comments factorio
- Could anyone explain trains, or link a well made video or guide to them? https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/4qzrkf/could_anyone_explain_trains_or_link_a_well_made/ 9 comments factorio
- [OC] 2015/16 NBA Guide (Training Camp Edition) https://theloveofhoops.wordpress.com 19 comments nba
- The Ultimate Guide to Indian Train Travel. Or Maybe Not. http://theblueindian.blogspot.com/2011/11/ultimate-guide-to-indian-train-travel.html 3 comments india
- A Hacker’s Guide to Efficiently Train Deep Learning Models 🚀 https://medium.com/@ahmedbesbes/a-hackers-guide-to-efficiently-train-deep-learning-models-b2cccbd1bc0a 6 comments learnmachinelearning
- Rate my train network (kinda guide as well) https://pastebin.com/HFxfWwef 5 comments factorio
- USS Donald Cook: U.S. Navy Guided-Missile Destroyer -- Here’s a look at USS Donald Cook on recent deployments and training exercises. https://www.nationalreview.com/photos/uss-donald-cook/#slide-1 5 comments navy
- Blind man barred from train. Station Manager: "Your guide dog might have fleas." http://www.disaboom.com/blogs/disabled_politico/archive/2008/04/18/blind-man-barred-from-train.aspx 52 comments worldnews
- The Itchy Guide to keeping trains simple with station limits for absolute beginners, and what good they actually do over not using them https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/lmgf2w/the_itchy_guide_to_keeping_trains_simple_with/ 150 comments factorio
- I built a demo factory for my new modular train logistics system - guide and blueprints coming soon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_Fv3aNG3xo 36 comments factorio
- T-Mobile (US) Alcatel IDOL 4S with Windows 10 Mobile gets detailed in new training guide http://www.windowscentral.com/t-mobile-us-alcatel-idol-4s-guide 57 comments windowsphone
- ISIS Releases Training Guide on 'How to Tweet Safely, Without Giving out Your Location to NSA' http://www.ibtimes.co.in/isis-releases-training-guide-how-tweet-safely-without-giving-out-your-location-nsa-611734 219 comments worldnews
- OTD 12. 4. 1999 NATO attacked a passenger train near the Grdelicapridge. The train was transporting civilians hitting it twice with guided projectiles. https://static.juznasrbija.info/files/grdelica_novo__20.png.jpg 5 comments europe
- A comprehensive guide to understanding how optimizers work in training neural networks. Explains Momentum, Nesterov, Adagrad, RMSProp and Adam. https://medium.com/deep-learning-demystified/https-medium-com-deep-learning-demystified-understanding-optimizers-313b787a69fe 24 comments learnmachinelearning
- [Takeover] Insider Spring Training Guide: The Los Angeles Angels and Tempe Diablo Stadium http://www.downtowntempe.com/item/the-mill-avenue-district-announces-additional-spring-training-trolley-route-to-cubs-park 38 comments baseball
- Jimmy Korderas on Logan Paul: "You can put the credit on whoever, on Shawn Michaels for the training, on Roman Reigns for guiding him through, all of which is legitimate. But hats off to Logan Paul, what a performance he really blew it out of the way, and I hope he gets better soon." https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1089312/former-wwe-official-praises-logan-pauls-crown-jewel-performance/ 33 comments squaredcircle
- [Tony Mabert] (From 2018) RB Leipzig head coach Ralf Rangnick uses a spinning wheel to determine player punishments, which include: -Work in club shop -Serve food in team cafeteria -Guide stadium tours -Mow grass on training pitches -Buy gifts for club staff -Train in a tutu https://twitter.com/tonymabertespn/status/1040148266082619393?s=21 8 comments soccer
- People who suffer from anxiety show deficits in working memory function. Working memory is a brain system that allows us to hold on to certain information and use it to guide our decisions and behavior. Scholars have found that working memory training has the potential to reduce anxiety https://www.psypost.org/2021/04/working-memory-training-has-the-potential-to-reduce-anxiety-60402 35 comments science
- Non-violent groups including Greenpeace and Peta have been listed on a counter-terrorism document that was handed out to schools and hospitals as part of anti-extremism training. The guide is used across the UK and is aimed at tackling those who could be at risk of committing terrorist offences. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7900053/groups-including-greenpeace-peta-listed-alongside-neo-nazis-counter-terror-police-documents.html 28 comments worldnews
- RB Leipzig head coach Ralf Rangnick uses a spinning wheel to determine player punishments, which include: Work in club shop, Serve food in team cafeteria, Guide stadium tours, Mow grass on training pitches, Buy gifts for club staff, Train in a tutu https://twitter.com/tonymabertespn/status/1040148266082619393 305 comments soccer
- [DraftExpress] “I changed mechanics on my jump shot and I’m really seeing a difference... The ball is coming off my two guide fingers + feels really smooth...” ~ Mo Bamba at our interview + workout with him in LA, where he is training with NBA trainer Drew Hanlen https://twitter.com/dxcontent/status/1005550758140563456?s=21 28 comments nba
- CIA-backed aid for Syrian rebels frozen after Islamist attack - The halt in assistance, which has included salaries, training, ammunition and in some cases guided anti-tank missiles, is a response to jihadist attacks and has nothing to do with U.S. President Donald Trump replacing Barack Obama http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-rebels-iduskbn1601bd 7 comments worldnews
- Keith Law's 2016 Arizona Spring Training Dining Guide (must-read for any outsiders attending the Cactus League) http://meadowparty.com/blog/2016/02/23/arizona-spring-training-dining-guide-2016-edition/ 6 comments baseball