Hacker News
- Greenwashed: Electric Pickup Trucks Are Dirtier Than You Think https://www.thedrive.com/news/electric-pickup-trucks-are-dirtier-than-you-think 3 comments
- Greenwashed: Electric Pickup Trucks Are Dirtier Than You Think https://www.thedrive.com/news/electric-pickup-trucks-are-dirtier-than-you-think 262 comments technology
- Greenwashed: Electric Pickup Trucks Are Dirtier Than You Think - Building an electric truck makes far more emissions than a gas one. So where’s the break-even point when they both hit the road? We decided to find out. https://www.thedrive.com/news/electric-pickup-trucks-are-dirtier-than-you-think 188 comments environment