Hacker News
- 100 days without Covid-19: how New Zealand got rid of a virus https://theconversation.com/100-days-without-covid-19-how-new-zealand-got-rid-of-a-virus-that-keeps-spreading-across-the-world-143672 5 comments
- I Got Covid-19 in March and Never Got Better https://www.autostraddle.com/the-soft-butch-that-couldnt-or-i-got-covid-19-in-march-and-never-got-better/ 3 comments
- Got some success, got Covid, lost job, now forced to improve store as main source of income https://happysublime.com/ 14 comments ecommerce
- Records Show Nearly 900 Secret Service Employees Got COVID https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/records-show-nearly-900-secret-service-employees-got-covid 16 comments politics
- COVID-19: 0.54% of hospital staff got virus 1-10 days after vaccination https://www.jpost.com/health-science/covid-19-hospitals-should-not-dismiss-post-vaccination-symptoms-study-657635?modsrgay 9 comments worldnews
- ‘I got mine’: O.J. Simpson receives COVID-19 vaccine https://fox5sandiego.com/news/coronavirus/i-got-mine-o-j-simpson-receives-covid-19-vaccine/ 10 comments nottheonion
- Have I Got Corona: a website to estimate the chance you've got Covid-19 https://haveigotcorona.web.app 8 comments reactjs
- 9 million 946 thousand people around the world got coronavirus vaccine https://www.isthemessage.net/general/9-million-946-thousand-people-around-the-world-got-coronavirus-vaccine/ 27 comments worldnews
- Idaho’s Anti-Handout Lt. Governor Got $300K From COVID Program https://www.thedailybeast.com/idaho-lt-gov-janice-mcgeachin-got-dollar300000-in-covid-19-ppp-loans 30 comments nottheonion
- Trump returns to Oval Office, says it's a "blessing from God" that he got COVID-19 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-covid-blessing-from-god/ 6 comments politics
- White, Rich People Got Their Coronavirus Stimulus Money Faster Than People of Color https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/g5pwb3/white-rich-people-got-their-coronavirus-stimulus-money-faster-than-people-of-color 23 comments politics
- Companies with Trump ties got coronavirus small business loans https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/07/coronavirus-small-business-relief-companies-with-trump-ties-got-ppp-loans.html 5 comments politics
- Trump administration won’t say who got $511 billion in taxpayer-backed coronavirus loans https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/06/11/trump-administration-wont-say-who-got-511-billion-taxpayer-backed-coronavirus-loans/ 11 comments politics
- Man Made False Orders from Pizzerias, Said He Hoped Italians Got Coronavirus https://lawandcrime.com/crazy/man-made-false-orders-from-pizzerias-said-he-hoped-italians-got-coronavirus-police/ 18 comments nottheonion
- Column: We got unlucky on COVID-19. The wrong man is in charge during a once-in-a-lifetime crisis https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2020-04-12/we-got-unlucky-the-wrong-man-is-in-charge-during-a-once-in-a-lifetime-crisis 287 comments politics
- Coronavirus reaches Lithuania, a case got confirmed just a few hours ago. https://delfi.lt/lietuvoje/article.php?id=83646133 69 comments europe
- Trump wanted, and got, a coronavirus lead who would give politics primary consideration https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/02/27/trump-wanted-got-coronavirus-lead-who-would-give-politics-primary-consideration/ 22 comments politics
- Real estate agents got $3.9 billion in Covid relief PPP funds. The housing market boomed, but few repaid the loans https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna26947 128 comments politics
- Hindu right-wing groups in US got $833,000 of federal COVID fund https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/4/2/hindu-right-wing-groups-in-us-got-833000-of-federal-covid-fund 5 comments politics
- You got a vaccine. Walgreens got your data. Retail pharmacies are now giving out Covid-19 vaccines, and some of them are using it as an opportunity to profit off your information. https://www.vox.com/recode/22310281/covid-vaccine-walgreens-cvs-rite-aid-walmart-data 20 comments technology
- Covid: Nearly 2m UK people got first Covid vaccine in last week https://www-bbc-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-55748645?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331aqhkafqarabia%3D%3D#aoh=16112452761459&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=from%20%251%24s 19 comments europe
- Here’s How Joel Osteen and His Tax-Exempt Megachurch Legally Got $4M in COVID-19 Funds https://lawandcrime.com/opinion/heres-how-joel-osteen-and-his-tax-exempt-megachurch-legally-got-4m-in-covid-19-funds/?utm_source=mostpopular 179 comments politics
- Rich countries hoarding COVID vaccines, they bought 54% of total doses but got only 14% of world population https://www.dw.com/en/rich-countries-hoard-coronavirus-vaccines/a-55879841 3 comments worldnews
- US Marines study (n=1848) shows that even with strict quarantine (masks at all times, daily cleanings, no leaving campus, pre-plated meals) Covid-19 still spread. 35 recruits still got the virus, which the authors attribute to asymptomatic spread. https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/marine-coronavirus-asymptomatic-spread-study 6 comments science
- VIDEO: Massive crowd loot govt warehouse in Jos Nigeria after they got tip off it contains food and covid-19 palliatives https://www.mazechmedia.com/2020/10/video-massive-crowd-loot-govt-warehouse-in-jos-nigeria-after-they-got-tip-off-it-contains-food-and-covid-19-palliatives/ 30 comments economy
- ‘The swamp is alive and well in Washington, D.C.’ — 40 lobbyists with ties to Trump got $10 billion of federal coronavirus aid for their clients https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-swamp-is-alive-and-well-in-washington-dc-40-lobbyists-with-ties-to-trump-got-10-billion-of-federal-coronavirus-aid-for-their-clients-2020-07-06?mod=mw_latestnews 163 comments politics
- This Michigan marijuana dispensary is giving free weed to anyone who got the COVID-19 vaccine https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/this-michigan-marijuana-dispensary-is-giving-free-weed-to-anyone-who-can-prove-they-got-the-covid-19-vaccine/content?oid=26261127#frommobile 1156 comments nottheonion
- Ted Cruz Got $35 Million For Billionaire Fracking Donors In Last Coronavirus Bill: Report https://www.huffpost.com/entry/wilks-fracking-donors-ted-cruz-35-million-loan-coronavirus-relief_n_5fea86eec5b64e442105c571 355 comments politics
- [Browne] Eduardo Rodriguez tested positive for Covid-19. He is feeling a lot better but still not 100 percent.Bobby Dalbec also tested positive. He is asymptomatic. He got it at home. https://twitter.com/ianmbrowne/status/1280552664208637953?s=21 10 comments baseball
- A critically ill COVID-19 patient just got a double lung transplant, ‘offering others with irreversibly damaged lungs a means of survival’ https://www.sciencenews.org/article/coronavirus-covid-19-critically-ill-patient-double-lung-transplant/amp?__twitter_impression=true 11 comments worldnews
- Trump’s Vaccine Czar Holds Millions in Stock Options at Company That Got Federal Funding for COVID-19 Work https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-vaccine-czar-holds-millions-in-stock-options-at-company-that-got-federal-funding-for-covid-19-work 491 comments politics
- Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Got a Racist Text Just Because She Doesn't Want More Georgians Dying From COVID-19 https://www.theroot.com/mayor-keisha-lance-bottoms-got-a-racist-text-just-becau-1843069333 4 comments politics
- Trump Expected To Encourage Americans To Wear Masks to Combat Coronavirus - Some in the administration fear that the announcement will open them up to accusations that they got it wrong at the onset. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-expected-to-encourage-americans-to-wear-masks-to-combat-coronavirus?source=articles&via=rss 81 comments politics
- Red Bull F1 driver Perez felt like 'stupidest guy on earth' when he got COVID https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/154668/perez-felt-tupid-when-he-caught-covid19 55 comments formula1
- Katie Porter Grilling the CDC Chief Is the Leadership We Desperately Need — The freshman congresswoman got Dr. Robert Redfield to agree to free coronavirus testing for all Americans. https://www.gq.com/story/katie-porter-grilling-cdc-chief 40 comments politics
- [Meirov] Aaron Rodgers says he posted this photo last night because it’s one of his favorite photos from the 2021 season. Says he appreciated Davante and Randall “holding a spot for me” when he missed the Chiefs game due to COVID. “When I got that photo, I cried.” https://twitter.com/mysportsupdate/status/1496187483134087171?s=21 220 comments nfl
- (ChesscomLive) Ding Liren, who is still in Spain because he got Covid right after the #FIDECandidates: "I am very excited about playing a world championship match, to fight for the crown, next year. (...) Now I have to improve my English!" https://twitter.com/chesscomlive/status/1549725813930606593?s=21&t=nGxhC9bgSXDxI9SPWwEniQ 185 comments chess
- Gene Simmons likens anti-vaxxers to flat-earthers: 'No b****, they died because they got COVID' https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/gene-simmons-likens-anti-vaxxers-to-flat-earthers-no-b-they-died-because-they-got-covid 12 comments politics
- German President (Frank-Walter Steinmeyer) handing out food to the homeless. He got invited by the singer Frank Zander who does yearly Christmas events for homeless people. Because of COVID 19 they ride around cities with the food truck. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/kewfok 30 comments europe
- [Hart] In the end Cam Newton doesn’t think he got beat out by Mac Jones but rather was cut because he would have been a distraction, as many of us talked about. Also emphasized he was almost urged to go get second opinion on his foot leading to COVID violation that left him “bamboozled” https://twitter.com/JumboHart/status/1436313564537630738 21 comments nfl