Hacker News
- Luck Be a Landlord Might Be Banned from Google Play https://blog.trampolinetales.com/luck-be-a-landlord-might-be-banned-from-google-play-2/ 157 comments
- Luck be a Landlord is now banned in 13 countries on the Google Play Store https://blog.trampolinetales.com/luck-be-a-landlord-is-now-banned-in-13-countries-on-the-google-play-store/ 100 comments
- LA landlords rip out escalators, walls to attract tenants like Google, Netflix https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-google-amazon-netflix-land-grab-20190616-story.html 81 comments
- A looming feudal nightmare; "For many workers on San Jose’s new Google campus, the tech firm will be their employer and landlord – and also the creator, owner and disseminator of their data" https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/11/google-as-a-landlord-a-looming-feudal-nightmare 3 comments degoogle
- A looming feudal nightmare; "For many workers on San Jose’s new Google campus, the tech firm will be their employer and landlord – and also the creator, owner and disseminator of their data" https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/11/google-as-a-landlord-a-looming-feudal-nightmare 4 comments privacy
- Google as a landlord? A looming feudal nightmare - To fight a housing crunch of their own creation, tech companies are planning company towns worthy of Gilded Age robber barons https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/11/google-as-a-landlord-a-looming-feudal-nightmare 139 comments technology
- Google Landlord? http://techcrunch.com/2010/08/30/google-invests-86-million-in-low-income-housing/ 33 comments technology
- My former landlord , which owns many apartment complexes including the flats on memorial in Lancaster, Ohio keep getting 1 star reviews removed from google. They sued me for defamation, I’m advising them they should keep the reviews up Wont getting rid of the reviews weaken their defamation claim? https://www.change.org/p/the-residences-at-scioto-crossing-please-stop-using-slapp-to-cover-up-your-fake-reviews 2 comments law