Hacker News
- Awesome Google Colab and 30+ example notebooks https://github.com/firmai/awesome-google-colab 4 comments
- Google's Colab just introduced GPU support for free https://www.kaggle.com/getting-started/47096#271139 3 comments
- open factorio server via ip with google colab https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Jt_N6NB_TNpQaiDtMCL715MAmymzm_qa?usp=sharing 3 comments factorio
- [P] Tutorials on setting up GPU-accelerated LLM on Kaggle and Google Colab (free GPU) https://github.com/casualcomputer/llm_google_colab 5 comments machinelearning
- An Easy Way to Use Selenium in Google Colab Notebooks! https://github.com/jpjacobpadilla/Google-Colab-Selenium 5 comments python
- Google Colab alternative with better features? None 5 comments deeplearning
- Google Colab notebook to transcribe and translate audio with OpenAI's Whisper https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1WLYoBvA3YNKQ0X2lC9udUOmjK7rZgAwr?usp=sharing 6 comments artificial
- Reverse Engineering Google Colab https://dagshub.com/blog/reverse-engineering-google-colab/ 8 comments programming
- [P] Reverse Engineering Google Colab https://dagshub.com/blog/reverse-engineering-google-colab/ 14 comments machinelearning
- Google Has Banned the Training of Deepfakes in Colab https://www.theinsaneapp.com/2022/05/google-has-banned-the-training-of-deepfakes-in-colab.html 14 comments stallmanwasright
- Google quietly bans deepfake training projects on Colab https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/google-quietly-bans-deepfake-training-projects-on-colab/ 2 comments technology
- Google bans deepfake training in Colab https://mixed-news.com/en/google-bans-deepfake-training-in-colab/ 16 comments artificial
- Google Has Banned the Training of Deepfakes in Colab https://www.unite.ai/google-has-banned-the-training-of-deepfakes-in-colab/ 109 comments technews
- Google Has Banned the Training of Deepfakes in Colab https://www.unite.ai/google-has-banned-the-training-of-deepfakes-in-colab/ 19 comments technology
- Google Has Banned the Training of Deepfakes in Colab https://www.unite.ai/google-has-banned-the-training-of-deepfakes-in-colab/ 13 comments futurology
- How is NVIDIA P100 on Google Colab Pro compared to Laptop with RTX3080 (Mobile, or Max-Q) ? https://www.notebookcheck.net/Inexpensive-MSI-GP66-Leopard-11UH-in-review-Gamer-with-RTX-3080-for-under-EUR2-000.585397.0.html 29 comments deeplearning
- How To Make A Simple Stock Price Prediction Google Colabs? https://www.kaggle.com/pdquant/stocks-significance-testing-p-hacking/data 7 comments learnmachinelearning
- Installa PyTorch (con lua) su Google Colab https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1HoJ2qboOanL578Qz_NH3cvV86EfTyhe- 3 comments learnmachinelearning
- What are your thoughts regarding the Google Colab Monthly Plan? https://colab.research.google.com/signup 5 comments datascience
- Can't Colab in Google COLAB https://www.reddit.com/r/googlecolab/comments/oj14h9/cant_colab_in_google_colab/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 2 comments coding
- Best Computer Vision Google Colab Notebooks List (Updated) https://www.qblocks.cloud/creators/computer-vision-google-colab-notebooks 4 comments computervision
- How do you maintain your files on Google Colab, using ngrok? https://stackoverflow.com/a/61682149/ 3 comments learnmachinelearning
- Questions about Google colab https://torch.save 4 comments deeplearning
- Google Colab Tips for Power Users https://amitness.com/2020/06/google-colaboratory-tips/ 26 comments learnmachinelearning
- YOLACT++ Real-Time Instance Segmentation (with Google Colab Tutorial) https://youtu.be/x9PZ1xjIkng 5 comments computervision
- A Notebook to create your own beautiful style transfer pictures with Google Colab https://github.com/jeremycochoy/style-transfer/blob/master/Pytorch_Style_Transfer.ipynb 3 comments learnmachinelearning
- A Notebook to create your own beautiful style transfer pictures with Google Colab https://github.com/jeremycochoy/style-transfer/blob/master/pytorch_style_transfer.ipynb 3 comments programming
- Why is Google Colab (on GPU) slower than a Macbook? https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier.html 5 comments learnmachinelearning
- Data Sources to Google Colab https://prakhartechviz.blogspot.com/2019/03/google-colab-machine-learning.html 4 comments learnmachinelearning
- anyone want to try this google colab notebook for gpt 2 https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1da54684tFMjPbR5idbvoCyjOoEGwIVwV 24 comments artificial
- Hospital price gouging during the COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory analysis in py-polars and Altair (Google Colab notebook in link) https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2022-05-31-hospital-price-gouging/ 3 comments python
- [D] How is NVIDIA P100 on Google Colab Pro compared to Laptop with RTX3080 (Mobile, or Max-Q) ? None 30 comments machinelearning
- Create stunning flyers from code, using Google Colab and borb https://github.com/jorisschellekens/borb-google-colab-examples/blob/main/using_borb_to_create_a_stunning_flyer_in_pdf.ipynb 2 comments python
- Collection of best Computer Vision Google Colab Notebooks https://www.qblocks.cloud/creators/computer-vision-google-colab-notebooks 15 comments learnmachinelearning
- What is the best way to train on a large dataset on Colab when the data location is on Google Drive? https://github.com/wkentaro/gdown 11 comments learnmachinelearning
- Get free GPU for training with Google Colab - Detailed Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bindex=1&%3Blist=UUQEaglnOLB-tU2NdB8GLidA&v=1EHWYTUL6vU 4 comments learnmachinelearning
- Get free GPU for training with Google Colab - Detailed Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Blist=UUQEaglnOLB-tU2NdB8GLidA&v=1EHWYTUL6vU 3 comments datascience
- Google bans deepfake-generating AI from Colab https://techcrunch.com/2022/06/01/2328459/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAErkObGU0ip9UDRiYmsnsvy0N0FzBbFiEVZhhQ-l28vN6NgH96JQ5NYTUQrJEnQPcfsOD1rueBykO7nwRIcqaG-5u1dWcVqugWW73_K4TUhQul380gS3G6-lGxNp0bUA3LEWaV9bwE_yVZvu_eJ9pWn6MpmSm7qoE0moLMsNSxQm 4 comments technology
- Google bans deepfake-generating AI from Colab https://www.newsanddc.com/2022/06/google-bans-deepfake-generating-ai-from.html 19 comments programming
- Hey /r/CompSci, I made a research paper recommender for Computer Science, and I would love for you to try it out! It uses embedding representation for each paper, so you can get recommendations of a combo of several papers, and TSNE maps of the recommendations. Easy to run in Google Colab https://github.com/santosh-gupta/research2vec 3 comments compsci