- Good News For Bernie Sanders: More Supporters & Endorsements http://www.inquisitr.com/2712136/good-news-for-bernie-sanders-more-supporters-endorsements/ 15 comments politics
- Good News For Bernie Sanders: More Supporters And Endorsements http://www.inquisitr.com/2712136/good-news-for-bernie-sanders-more-supporters-endorsements/ 166 comments politics
- Good News for Bernie Sanders? Poll Shows 47% of Americans Would Vote for a Socialist http://inthesetimes.com/article/18106/americans-socialism-bernie-sanders 930 comments politics
- 538 Analysis: Bernie Sanders And Pete Buttigieg Had A Good Week On Cable News https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/bernie-sanders-and-pete-buttigieg-had-a-good-week-on-cable-news/amp/ 44 comments politics
- Polls bring good news to Bernie Sanders in 2 key states https://news.yahoo.com/2020-polls-bernie-sanders-iowa-new-hampshire-141740765.html 29 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders: 'I hope my legacy will be that I was a very good president' | US news http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/02/bernie-sanders-democratic-race-delegates-us-president-2016 800 comments politics
- Sen. Bernie Sanders: "Whoa! What happens in 1982?"...noting the dramatic reversal in his diagram. "Well, Ronald Reagan is president, and the good news is we are into trickle-down economics."..."Frankly, this is a metaphor,"..."This is an example of exactly what trickle-down economics is all about." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/30/ronald-reagan-middle-class_n_6578130.html?ir=india 30 comments politics