Hacker News
- How to Integrate Feature Flags with GitHub for Efficient Development Workflows? https://www.featbit.co/blogs/How-to-Integrate-Feature-Flags-with-GitHub-for-Efficient-Development-Workflows 2 comments
- Show HN: Gitsome: A Git/Shell Autocompleter with GitHub Integration https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome 15 comments
- 🚀 Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions: A Comprehensive Guide 🎯 https://heyvivek.com/continuous-integration-and-deployment-cicd-with-github-actions-a-comprehensive-guide 4 comments programming
- Trending on GitHub top 10 for the 4th day in a row: Open-source framework for integrating AI models and APIs directly with Postgres https://github.com/SuperDuperDB/superduperdb 8 comments postgresql
- Setting up Continuous Integration for Rust using GitHub Actions https://keliris.dev/articles/setup-rust-github-actions 2 comments rust
- GitHub - jackmpcollins/magentic: Seamlessly integrate LLMs as Python functions https://github.com/jackmpcollins/magentic 6 comments python
- Rust and Actix Web powered minimalist dev portfolio and blog, featuring GitHub OAuth, session management, static file serving, API endpoints, and SQLx integration. https://github.com/ryspc/rayspace.dev 7 comments rust
- Full-length tutorial on adding automated CI (continuous integration) to your Python projects with GitHub Actions https://www.youtube.com/watch?index=1&list=PLbn3jWIXv_ibMS6CFOKMZkOHimDB9xdU2&v=x3hkXbOkfM8 2 comments flask
- GitHub integration has been re-enabled! 🎉 https://blog.heroku.com/github-integration-update 2 comments heroku
- GitHub: Security alert - Attack campaign involving stolen OAuth user tokens issued to two third-party integrators (Heroku and Travis CI) https://github.blog/2022-04-15-security-alert-stolen-oauth-user-tokens/ 7 comments netsec
- Continuous Integration Pipelines with GitHub Actions for (React) Developers (incl screencast) https://profy.dev/article/continuous-integration-with-github-actions 4 comments reactjs
- Shadow a Developer: How to set up a Continuous Integration Pipeline with GitHub Actions https://youtu.be/QH9rhtp_TMk 2 comments reactjs
- Continuous Integration with Github Actions and Rust https://www.homeops.dev/continuous-integration-with-github-actions-and-rust/ 18 comments rust
- Continuous Integration and Deployment of Docker Images using GitHub Actions https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/o0pavu/continuous_integration_and_deployment_of_docker/ 5 comments docker
- The Python Package Index is now a GitHub secret scanning integrator https://github.blog/changelog/2021-03-22-the-python-package-index-is-now-a-github-secret-scanning-integrator/ 9 comments programming
- Free Continuous integration(CI) for laravel using github actions https://dudi.dev/laravel-continuous-integration-github-actions/ 6 comments laravel
- I integrated Github OAuth login into my Flask application https://flaskblogxx.herokuapp.com/login 13 comments flask
- Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions for a Scala project https://diamantidis.github.io/2020/05/17/ci-with-github-actions-for-scala-project 3 comments scala
- Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions (CI) | ASP.NET Core 3 REST API Tutorial 29 https://youtu.be/BO2C5qAyl4w 8 comments dotnet
- Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions and Laravel 6 https://medium.com/@robertodev/continuous-integration-with-github-actions-and-laravel-6-e6cb9aa5aea9 5 comments laravel
- Help needed beta testing my pre-release product (local CI server running on Docker integrated with GitHub) https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/an3l2k/help_needed_beta_testing_my_prerelease_product/ 10 comments devops
- Announcing the new GitHub and Jira Software integration https://blog.github.com/2018-10-04-announcing-the-new-github-and-jira-software-cloud-integration/ 406 comments programming
- Gitcoin Now Easily Integrates w. Github - Chrome Extension Enters Beta https://medium.com/gitcoin/gitcoin-chrome-extension-enters-alpha-63f9bdf492e4 4 comments ethereum
- Atom 1.18 released with Git and GitHub integration https://github.com/atom/atom/releases/tag/v1.18.0 42 comments javascript
- Git and GitHub Integration comes to Atom http://blog.atom.io/2017/05/16/git-and-github-integration-comes-to-atom.html 6 comments opensource
- Git and GitHub Integration comes to Atom http://blog.atom.io/2017/05/16/git-and-github-integration-comes-to-atom.html 18 comments git
- Integrating Jenkins with Github, Node.js and Slack https://lethalbrains.com/integrating-jenkins-with-github-node-js-and-slack-e8fc4d2271b5 3 comments javascript
- Integrating Jenkins with Github, Node.js and Slack https://lethalbrains.com/integrating-jenkins-with-github-node-js-and-slack-e8fc4d2271b5#.im2ffglbo 6 comments node
- Gitsome: A Supercharged Git/Shell Autocompleter with GitHub Integration https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome 5 comments programming
- I created a GitHub integration for Doxygen, try it out! https://codedocs.xyz/ 29 comments cpp
- Github integration and automatic library linking for browser-solidity https://forum.ethereum.org/discussion/3696/github-integration-for-browser-solidity 5 comments ethereum
- Gitter: JS powered, Github integrated chat for developers https://gitter.im/ 4 comments javascript
- Integrating and Using Github through Visual Studio 2012 http://rionscode.wordpress.com/2013/04/19/integrating-and-using-github-in-visual-studio-2012/ 9 comments dotnet
- Interactive Demo of Perl's Catalyst/HTML::FormHandler integration with Bootstrap and JQuery (sourcecode on github) http://formhandler-perl.dotcloud.com/ 3 comments programming
- Github Concern: Easily integrate with github and associate commits with models and users. http://www.github.com/adamgamble/github_concern 3 comments rails
- I built an online game that let you play “Taboo” game with GPT Al! First time trying out the new NextJS beta with “app directory” routing. Integrated with OpenAI API. Hosted on Vercel. CI/CD with GitHub Actions. CSS framework using Tailwind CSS. https://taboo-ai.vercel.app/ 5 comments sideproject
- Template github project using nix with haddock, ghcide, emacs integration, github action https://github.com/ibizaman/hs-template-nix 6 comments haskell
- GitHub - Clivern/Rabbit: ⚡️A lightweight service that will build and store your go projects binaries, Integrated with Github, Bitbucket and Bitbucket Server. https://github.com/clivern/rabbit 9 comments golang
- We've released our GitHub repository which enables developers to integrate cryptocurrency payments into their games and applications. Code examples in various programming languages, including C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, NodeJS, PHP, Python, Ruby and Shell scripting https://github.com/atomicpay/RESTful-API-client 3 comments gamedev
- GitHub - kitabisa/teler-waf: teler-waf is a Go HTTP middleware that provide teler IDS functionality with teler IDS to protect against web-based attacks and improve the security of Go-based web applications. It is highly configurable and easy to integrate into existing Go applications. https://github.com/kitabisa/teler-waf 7 comments golang