Hacker News
- Show HN: Gulp Bro – Gulp, Browserify and Incremental Build https://github.com/ngryman/gulp-bro 4 comments
- Build Wars: Gulp vs. Grunt http://markdalgleish.github.io/presentation-build-wars-gulp-vs-grunt/ 5 comments
- Error with gulp-sass setup https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/o9okup/error_with_gulpsass_setup/ 9 comments webdev
- Indian Family on Vacation in Ireland 'Racially Abused' by Beer-gulping Man on Train to Dublin https://www.news18.com/news/india/indian-family-on-vacation-in-ireland-face-racial-abuse-on-train-from-belfast-to-dublin-2197961.html 54 comments india
- npm monthly: Chai 4, ESLint 4, webpack 2.6 and 3, gulp-uglify 3 and jsdom 11! https://gemnasium.com/blog/npm-monthly-chai-4-webpack-2-6-3-gulp-uglify-3-jsdom-11-eslint-4/ 6 comments javascript
- Newly developed material gulps down hydrogen, spits it out, protects fusion reactor walls https://news.wisc.edu/newly-developed-material-gulps-down-hydrogen-spits-it-out-protects-fusion-reactor-walls/ 2 comments science
- Astronomers may have seen a star gulp down a black hole and explode https://www.sciencenews.org/article/astronomy-star-swallow-black-hole-supernova-cosmology 5 comments astronomy
- Astronomers may have seen a star gulp down a black hole or neutron star and explode, leaving behind a balck hole. It's the first solid evidence of a rare double cosmic cannibalism. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/astronomy-star-swallow-black-hole-supernova-cosmology?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=r_science 11 comments science
- Cape Cod fisherman OK after whale gulps him down, spits him out https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/06/11/cape-cod-fisherman-ok-after-whale-gulps-him-down-spits-him-out/ 14 comments nottheonion
- Cape Cod fisherman OK after whale gulps him down, spits him out https://www.bostonherald.com/2021/06/11/cape-cod-fisherman-ok-after-whale-gulps-him-down-spits-him-out/ 62 comments nottheonion
- Desperate koala stops cyclist and clings to her hand while gulping water from her bottle as temperatures soar to nearly 40C https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7829667/koala-flags-cyclist-sips-water-bottle-temperatures-soar-nearly-40c-adelaide.html 72 comments worldnews
- SVN checkout and commit using gulp commands https://www.tutespace.com/2019/01/svn-checkout-and-commit-using-gulp.html 8 comments angularjs
- How to switch from Gulp to Webpack: a tutorial to get you started https://www.valentinog.com/blog/from-gulp-to-webpack-quickstart/ 44 comments webdev
- How do things like Node, React, Webpack, Gulp, Babel, etc. make money? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/6opkxx/how_do_things_like_node_react_webpack_gulp_babel/ 8 comments webdev
- Question: use pug with gulp https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/6l6fzc/question_use_pug_with_gulp/ 4 comments webdev
- Webpack & Gulp? Or just Webpack? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/5khopx/webpack_gulp_or_just_webpack/ 6 comments webdev
- Gulp - What's your SVG workflow for icons? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/4mxllo/gulp_whats_your_svg_workflow_for_icons/ 7 comments webdev
- What happens if the fee market activates with a 1mb limit kept imposed by Core developer inaction? (favourable projected scenario! *gulp*) https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoinxt/comments/3x4l1l/here_is_my_supportive_response_to_jeff_garzik_on/cy22w0a 8 comments btc
- Gulp for Beginners https://css-tricks.com/gulp-for-beginners/ 18 comments web_design
- Wrote my first story on medium today: How to enhance your front-end development workflow using Gulp [looking for feedback] https://medium.com/@0x1ad2/how-to-enhance-your-front-end-development-workflow-using-gulp-cad48ee03552 31 comments webdev
- 6 Gulp Best Practices You Can Use Today to Radically Improve Your Development Experience http://blog.rangle.io/angular-gulp-bestpractices/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=listing&utm_campaign=blog&utm_content=gulp 8 comments javascript
- A useful article on getting started with Gulp http://insidethe.agency/blog/gulp-for-designers-getting-started-with-gulp-js 8 comments programming
- Quench: The Gulp file generator http://quenchjs.com/ 4 comments web_design
- Automating Builds with Gulp http://www.toptal.com/nodejs/an-introduction-to-automation-with-gulp 3 comments node
- Spreading Gulp tasks into multiple files https://medium.com/@_rywar/spreading-gulp-tasks-into-multiple-files-2f63d8c959d5 3 comments webdev
- Traceur, Gulp, Browserify and ES6 http://www.mattgreer.org/articles/traceur-gulp-browserify-es6/ 8 comments javascript
- Introducing Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and npm support for Visual Studio http://www.hanselman.com/blog/introducinggulpgruntbowerandnpmsupportforvisualstudio.aspx 6 comments webdev
- a new, documented AngularJS boilerplate using Gulp and Browserify (SASS included) https://github.com/jakemmarsh/angularjs-gulp-browserify-boilerplate 11 comments webdev
- Choose: Grunt, Gulp, or npm? http://blog.ponyfoo.com/2014/07/04/choose-grunt-gulp-or-npm 18 comments webdev
- JS Task Runners Comparison: Grunt vs Cake vs Gulp vs Broccoli http://blog.cozycloud.cc/technic/2014/06/18/task-runners-comparison/ 3 comments webdev
- Gulpfiction: Visual web editor to get started with Gulp http://gulpfiction.divshot.io/ 2 comments javascript
- Gulp + Browserify: The Everything Post http://viget.com/extend/gulp-browserify-starter-faq 8 comments javascript
- GULP VS. GRUNT: NODE.JS AUTOMATION TOOLS SHOWDOWN http://www.oomphinc.com/blog/2014-03/gulp-vs-grunt-node-js-automation-tools-showdown 6 comments javascript
- Build Wars: Gulp vs Grunt [slides] http://markdalgleish.github.io/presentation-build-wars-gulp-vs-grunt 39 comments javascript
- Why you shouldn't create a gulp plugin (or, how to stop worrying and learn to love existing node packages) http://blog.overzealous.com/post/74121048393/why-you-shouldnt-create-a-gulp-plugin-or-how-to-stop 6 comments javascript
- Sarah Palin Classes Up CPAC, makes jokes about her rack, sips a Big Gulp http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/sarah-palin-classes-cpac 23 comments politics
- First they came for the Big Gulps... http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/06/13/big-gulp.html 5 comments politics
- More CBS News/Coric interview: Palin on Russia (gulp) http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2008/09/palin-on-russia.html 14 comments politics
- Gulp! China asks banks not to lend to US financial institutions http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/china-asks-local-lenders-not/story.aspx?guid=%7B389ccd2e%2D9d08%2D4a8b%2Da512%2Df1b3e0b0be19%7D&dist=msr_2 7 comments business
- On the endangered species list 70,000 years ago? ... Gulp, us. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080424/ap_on_sc/close_call;_ylt=apsnzvaxudpqrl9h6hw4elys0nue 40 comments science