Hacker News
- Why study functional programming? (2012) https://acm.wustl.edu/functional/whyfp.php 196 comments
- Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire https://research.utwente.nl/en/publications/functional-programming-with-bananas-lenses-envelopes-and-barbed-w 18 comments
- Argument: Functional programming is not useful for most apps http://en.arguman.org/functional-programming-is-not-useful 6 comments
- Declarative JavaScript With Functional Programming Tools https://github.com/azer/declarative-js 9 comments
- Crash course in applied functional programming http://redsymbol.net/articles/crash-course-applied-functional-programming/ 16 comments
- Functional Go Programming Language https://github.com/eobrain/funcgo 35 comments
- Codata in action, or how to connect Functional Programming and Object Oriented Programming http://www.javiercasas.com/articles/codata-in-action 5 comments haskell , plt
- Algebraic Data Types: Things I wish someone had explained about functional programming https://jrsinclair.com/articles/2019/algebraic-data-types-what-i-wish-someone-had-explained-about-functional-programming/ 3 comments programming
- Functional programming in Go [case study] https://yourbasic.org/golang/your-basic-func/ 3 comments golang
- Why Isn't Functional Programming the Norm? – Richard Feldman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyJZzq0v7Z4 20 comments elm
- Functional Programming + Iterative Web Scraping in R https://www.programmingwithr.com/functional-programming-iterative-web-scraping-in-r/ 3 comments rstats
- Functional Programming is on the rise https://medium.com/@elizarov/functional-programing-is-on-the-rise-ebd5c705eaef 59 comments programming
- Are functional programs easier to verify than imperative programs? http://semantic-domain.blogspot.com/2018/04/are-functional-programs-easier-to.html 9 comments rust
- Core Functional Programming Concepts http://thesocietea.org/2016/12/core-functional-programming-concepts/ 3 comments javascript
- An introduction to functional programming https://snippus.com/s/ny7hxhfl 26 comments programming
- 16 Months of Functional Programming http://www.vasinov.com/blog/16-months-of-functional-programming/ 382 comments programming
- LanguageExt: Functional programming extensions for C# 6.0 https://github.com/louthy/language-ext 13 comments programming
- Why Functional Programming Matters http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~rjmh/papers/whyfp.pdf 543 comments programming
- C Programming Techniques: Function Call Inlining http://www.embeddedrelated.com/showarticle/172.php 85 comments programming
- You, Too, Can Be on the Cutting Edge of Functional Programming Research http://prog21.dadgum.com/138.html 244 comments programming
- QML -- a functional quantum programming language http://sneezy.cs.nott.ac.uk/qml/ 22 comments programming
- Overwriting variables in a recursive function. Program shows the variable's change, but the output doesn't reflect it. https://gist.github.com/Alexander-Mages/5a58c8fa86f7c791e4a413bf82d483df 9 comments haskell
- Dutch functional programming meetup 11 Jan 2019 https://wiki.clean.cs.ru.nl/nl-fp_dag_2019 7 comments haskell
- Options for strongly typed functional programming with Python? (Slightly OT) https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/6km0dd/options_for_strongly_typed_functional_programming/ 7 comments haskell
- John Carmack's latest thoughts on functional programming and static typing from a VR talk at UT Dallas https://soundcloud.com/veritan-1/20150409-carmack-ut-dallas-2#t=24:47 18 comments programming
- OCaml functional programming language http://www.ocamlpro.com/ 3 comments programming
- Fusion makes functional programming fun! http://donsbot.wordpress.com/2010/02/26/fusion-makes-functional-programming-fun/ 31 comments programming
- Cell: a functional, relational, reactive programming language that compiles to and integrates with C++, Java and C# http://www.cell-lang.net 18 comments coding
- Developers love trendy new languages, but earn more with functional programming https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/03/developers-love-trendy-new-languages-but-earn-more-with-functional-programming/ 32 comments programming
- Humble Book Bundle: Functional Programming has a book included about Haskell https://www.humblebundle.com/books/functional-programming-books?partner=geekdeals&charity=1227 6 comments haskell
- From imperative to functional programming: things I learnt diving into Haskell https://blog.pusher.com/10-things-i-learnt-diving-in-the-functional-programming-deep-end-with-haskell/ 14 comments programming
- From imperative to functional programming: things I learnt diving into Haskell https://blog.pusher.com/10-things-i-learnt-diving-in-the-functional-programming-deep-end-with-haskell/ 60 comments haskell
- Total Functional Programming in a Partial Impure Language http://semantic-domain.blogspot.com/2012/12/total-functional-programming-in-partial.html 4 comments haskell
- Scala and Functional Programming - Free video course with Martin Odersky with a certificate if you pass the tests - Sign Up Now! https://www.coursera.org/course/progfun 32 comments programming
- Erik Meijer's "Functional Programming Fundamentals" Part 2 is up http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/going+deep/lecture-series-erik-meijer-functional-programming-fundamentals-chapter-2/ 12 comments programming
- Next week in Portland: ICFP Functional Programming Workshop http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/fpworkshop/content/functional_programming_workshop.html 6 comments haskell
- Is it better to learn a programming language by learning different parts of it (variables, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc.) or by building an actual project? https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/idwche/is_it_better_to_learn_a_programming_language_by/ 50 comments learnprogramming
- Over-the-air TV might soon receive interactive functionality similar to streaming | Pause, fast forward, rewind, and skip through broadcast TV programs with HDR and enhanced audio https://www.techspot.com/news/102643-over-air-tv-might-soon-receive-interactive-functionality.html 20 comments technews
- ELI5: the difference between object-oriented, imperative, functional and declarative programming paradigms https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/4hxth7/eli5_the_difference_between_objectoriented/ 4 comments learnprogramming
- The Influence of Functional and Object-Oriented Programming Paradigms on Programming Style http://symbo1ics.com/blog/?p=846 3 comments programming