Hacker News
- Why Free Markets Make Fools of Us http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2015/10/22/why-free-markets-make-fools-us/ 74 comments
- [Highlight] Cole Anthony with an early Shaqtin a Fool contender as he blows the open layup https://streamable.com/jd6sdb 10 comments nba
- Bitcoin Is Currently Facing the Iceberg Illusion. Don't be fooled by the price stagnation, the Bitcoin revolution continues to strengthen. https://inbitcoinwetrust.substack.com/p/bitcoin-is-currently-facing-the-iceberg 69 comments bitcoin
- Don't be fooled by 'wild' style - O'Ward would be fine in F1 - The Race https://the-race.com/formula-1/dont-be-fooled-by-wild-style-oward-would-be-fine-in-f1/ 11 comments formula1
- [Renck] Why did Goodell ignore Broncos’ pleas to move Saints game last season? Surveillance video from Denver’s facility showed QBs had tried to fool system. They had removed their contact-tracing devices and put them in four corners of meeting room, then they sat together to watch film. https://twitter.com/troyrenck/status/1435232373017251841?s=21 1112 comments nfl
- How SpaceX Could Become Space Force's No. 1 Defense Contractor | The Motley Fool. Very interesting read! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fool.com/amp/investing/2021/06/01/how-spacex-could-become-space-forces-no-1-defense/ 13 comments spaceforce
- [Highlight] Panthers fool the whole Tampa Bay defense and allows McCaffrey to turn a 4th and 2 into a Touchdown https://streamable.com/1glb55 6 comments nfl
- Here is an article from MIT published a year ago that calls any detection of Phosphine on a rocky planet "a sure-fire sign of life". Don't let the diplomatic wording of todays announcement fool you. This is HUGE. https://news.mit.edu/2019/phosphine-aliens-stink-1218 10 comments space
- The Fool Proof Plan Powell Wants Me To Do (pt1) https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/hb74b8/the_fool_proof_plan_powell_wants_me_to_do_pt1/ 12 comments wallstreetbets
- Drazen Petrovic making a fool out of Hakeem Olajuwon. Drazen scored 44 pts that night with 17/23 FGM https://thumbs.gfycat.com/crispadorableamericancreamdraft.webp 12 comments nba
- Macron Uses Toddler Reverse Psychology Trick to Fool Trump Into Supporting NATO http://nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2019/12/macrons-toddler-psychology-trick-makes-trump-endorse-nato.html? 1222 comments worldnews
- Donald Trump: An American Tragedy for the U.S. and the Entire World | This is not a trivial matter. Any fool can push the stock market to unsustainable levels. One has simply to print a lot of money or to go deeply into debt. https://www.globalresearch.ca/donald-trump-american-tragedy/5692916 35 comments economy
- Hats off to Pakistani Women For Promoting Peace and Showing The World The Reality of War Mongering Fools Claiming to be Patriotic https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/08/15/opinions/pakistani-actress-the-problem-with-priyanka-chopra-hayat/index.html 51 comments pakistan
- "2 Gujarati Thugs Have Been Fooling People", Says BJP Leader; Expelled https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/2-gujarati-thugs-have-been-fooling-people-says-bjp-leader-ip-singh-expelled-2012654 20 comments india
- Fake Putin Twitter Account Fooled More Than a Dozen Major News Outlets https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/11/fake-putin-twitter-account-fooled-more-than-a-dozen-major-news-outlets/ 7 comments politics
- Black Mesa has an amusing April Fools' Day announcement https://steamcommunity.com/games/362890/announcements/detail/1670147565653799331 20 comments linux_gaming
- Can Someone in the White House Run and Get the KFC Bucket off the Old Fool’s Head? He’s Recklessly Tweeting Again https://www.theroot.com/can-someone-in-the-white-house-run-and-get-the-kfc-buck-1824147936 16 comments politics
- Trump is a 'fool' if he doesn't 'heed the gigantic alarm bells' from Alabama Senate race http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/364683-piers-morgan-trump-is-a-fool-if-he-doesnt-heed-the-gigantic-alarm-bells 18 comments politics
- Ben McLemore submits his entry to Shaqtin A Fool after missing a 360 dunk https://streamable.com/p5k2d 32 comments nba
- Trump blasts 'ungrateful fool' LaVar Ball, calls him a 'poor man's version of Don King' http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-blasts-lavar-ball-ungrateful-fool-poor-don-king-2017-11 5 comments politics
- The iPhone X's Face ID can be fooled by identical twins http://mashable.com/2017/10/31/putting-iphone-x-face-id-to-twin-test/ 183 comments apple
- Yolmer Garcia hits a line drive to center, KK misplays it so badly he fools umpires who call it a HR (even after review). Ball didn't hit anything or leave the yard http://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/mp4/2017/06/06/1469395883/1496791636535/asset_1800k.mp4 342 comments baseball
- Trump's Syria 'success' is fool's gold http://theweek.com/articles/691006/trumps-syria-success-fools-gold 11 comments politics
- Don't Be Fooled. The North Carolina "Compromise" Doesn't Actually Protect Trans Rights http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/03/hb2-cooper-north-carolina-deal 4 comments politics
- NVIDIA Corporation Volta Architecture Rumor Emerges -- The Motley Fool http://www.fool.com/investing/2017/01/22/nvidia-corporation-volta-architecture-rumor-emerge.aspx 40 comments nvidia
- Don't be fooled; FCC's set-top box rules good for consumers, industry http://www.mercurynews.com/tv/ci_29860859/wolverton-dont-be-fooled-fccs-set-top-box 3 comments technology
- Fool Me Once: Congressional investigations into the attacks in Benghazi have been plagued by a series of inaccurate, partisan leaks designed to attack former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Last week, the New York Times fell victim to this ploy. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-elijah-cummings/fool-me-once_1_b_7917902.html 4 comments politics
- In honour of April Fool's day - only these are real things sysadmins had to go through http://www.gfi.com/blog/ridiculous-things-sysadmins-go-through/ 7 comments sysadmin
- Alexey Shved shvaqtin' a fool http://streamable.com/w9w9 4 comments nba
- Woz questions historical account of Apple being founded on April Fools' Day 1976 http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/wozniak-questions-long-accepted-date-day-one- 22 comments apple
- We are fools: 6 things we need to realise about Pakistan http://www.firstpost.com/world/we-are-fools-6-things-we-need-to-realise-about-pakistan-581989.html 33 comments india
- San Diego LGBT voters not fooled in mayor's race: A straight Democrat is better for equality than a gay Republican http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2012/11/14/comment-why-straight-bob-filner-will-be-better-for-san-diego-than-gay-carl-demaio/ 13 comments politics
- As we move closer and closer to Election Day, American women are about to teach radical Republicans what can happen when you take an entire demographic for no more than easily-manipulated fools. http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/american-women-carry-day-article-1.1193378#ixzz2asqtgl6p 835 comments politics
- Dear Republicans: You look like fools... http://progressivecentralists.org/dear-republicans-you-look-like-fools/ 4 comments politics
- One year ago, it was confidently claimed that deficit concerns would cause bond rates to spike and that Krugman would look a fool. To date, bond rates still haven't spiked and no concessions are forthcoming. http://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/hdeor/the_invisible_attack_intensifies/c1uj7j1 53 comments politics
- Mother Fool's stands in solidarity with the public sector workers of Wisconsin in their fight to preserve their right to collective bargaining. Donate to give free coffee to anyone who is on their way up to the capitol to demonstrate. http://motherfools.com/news.php?uri=news 3 comments politics
- How a software fraudster 'fooled the CIA' into grounding transatlantic flights and evacuating the Met Museum - The Reg http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/12/24/cia_montgomery/ 8 comments worldnews
- MrGreyGhost is one of the "Republican" operatives attempting to control opinions on reddit via psy-ops. What a fool. http://www.reddit.com/user/mrgreyghost/ 9 comments politics
- Schizophrenics not fooled by hollow mask illusion. 99% of people without it are. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16911-schizophrenics-see-through-hollowmask-illusion.html?dcmp=otc-rss&nsref=online-news 91 comments cogsci
- First aprils fools joke of my day (midnight last night), it took a bit before I noticed. http://www.thesixtynine.com 3 comments reddit.com