- Brussels is ‘honored’ Canadians want to join the EU, but says it won’t happen - EU says it is flattered by poll results, but calls on Canada to fight Trump tariffs hand in hand. https://www.politico.eu/article/canadians-want-join-european-union-will-never-happen-paula-pinho/ 559 comments europe
- Flatter or Fight? Governors Seeking Help Must Navigate Trump https://to.wttw.com/2qqjryg 4 comments politics
- Flatter or fight? Governors seeking help must navigate Trump https://apnews.com/f9fb8c41b7f8acc215e3ec78ca32210a 4 comments politics
- Governors Forced To Flatter Or Fight Trump For Needed COVID-19 Supplies https://www.huffpost.com/entry/governors-flatter-fight-trump-covid-19_n_5e7d2165c5b6cb08a92aa85d 52 comments politics
- Flatter or fight? Governors seeking help must navigate Trump https://apnews.com/f9fb8c41b7f8acc215e3ec78ca32210a 7 comments politics
- Flatter or fight? Governors seeking help must navigate Trump https://abcnews.go.com/health/wirestory/flatter-fight-governors-seeking-navigate-trump-69813789 9 comments politics