Hacker News
- Norvig vs. Chomsky and the Fight for the Future of AI http://www.tor.com/blogs/2011/06/norvig-vs-chomsky-and-the-fight-for-the-future-of-ai 4 comments
- ‘Fight for the future,’ Kamala Harris rallies crowd of 15,000 in Michigan https://www.mlive.com/politics/2024/08/fight-for-the-futurekamala-harris-rallies-crowd-of-15000-in-michigan.html 37 comments politics
- Arman Tsarukyan on Twitter: Respect to @beneildariush for accepting the fight with me on May 6th. Sucks ufc didn’t want to do it. Hopefully we meet in the future ✊🏼 https://twitter.com/ArmanUfc/status/1648164996365578241?s=19&t=aNenuUSLWv94Sd3Akf1V_g 93 comments mma
- With Angela Lee's future in doubt, Chatri Sityodtong will ask for her blessing over interim title fight https://www.scmp.com/sport/martial-arts/mixed-martial-arts/article/3214841/one-championship-chatri-will-ask-angela-lee-blessing-over-ham-seo-hee-interim-title-shot?campaign=3214841&module=perpetual_scroll_0&pgtype=article 3 comments mma
- A Battle Over Building Codes May Be The Most Important Climate Fight You’ve Never Heard Of | Big polluters tightened control over the nation’s building codes last year. Now fresh meddling from a gas utility has stoked fears for the future. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/building-codes-climate_n_621e4b69e4b0afc668c68e59 5 comments environment
- Don’t Stop Now: Join EFF, Fight for the Future at Apple Protests Nationwide https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/09/dont-stop-now-join-eff-fight-future-apple-protests-nationwide 76 comments privacy
- 'Will be the future': Canadian billionaire develops one-seat electric vehicle to fight traffic woes https://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/will-be-the-future-canadian-billionaire-develops-one-seat-electric-vehicle-to-fight-traffic-woes-1.5397396 53 comments worldnews
- Afghanistan conflict: Fighting for a future in a war without end https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-54840977 25 comments worldnews
- I Am Shattered but Ready to Fight | The support for President Trump is a disgrace, but the future is not hopeless. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/05/opinion/trump-supporters-election-2020.html 42 comments politics
- Cornel West on Trump, the virus and the future: "Imagine a world that is worth fighting for" Accountability for Trump and his regime is one thing, says West. But don't succumb to a bitter desire for revenge https://www.salon.com/2020/10/13/cornel-west-on-trump-the-virus-and-the-future-imagine-a-world-that-is-worth-fighting-for/ 15 comments politics
- Trump uses Russia as a shield, or weapon, in fight with European leaders over future of Group of Seven https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-uses-russia-as-a-shield-or-weapon-in-fight-with-european-leaders-over-future-of-group-of-seven/2020/06/01/21203730-a42b-11ea-bb20-ebf0921f3bbd_story.html?outputtype=comment 5 comments politics
- Barr Reportedly Wants the Trump Administration to Stop Its Quest to Destroy Obamacare | A Wednesday deadline for any change in legal tactics is looming in yet another fight between several states and the federal government concerning the future of Obamacare. https://lawandcrime.com/covid-19-pandemic/william-barr-reportedly-wants-the-trump-administration-to-stop-its-quest-to-destroy-obamacare/ 8 comments politics
- Trump says he would 'love to' have officials testify but is 'fighting for future presidents' https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/472084-trump-says-he-would-love-to-have-officials-testify-but-is-fighting 74 comments politics
- What Do the Democrats Stand For? Inside a Fight Over America's Future https://time.com/5634769/future-of-the-democratic-party/ 7 comments politics
- Hong Kong torn between a British past and a Chinese future as it fights for democracy https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-06-18/hong-kong-fighting-for-democracy-british-past-chinese-future/11216400 35 comments worldnews
- Over 300,000 Internet Users Tune In as Net Neutrality Bill Clears Major Hurdle 'Unscathed'. Digital rights group Fight for the Future said so many people were watching the hearing online that they "broke the counter" https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/03/26/over-300000-internet-users-tune-net-neutrality-bill-clears-major-hurdle-unscathed 5 comments politics
- Michael Bloomberg will fight for a carbon-free future instead of the White House https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/5/18252265/michael-bloomberg-beyond-carbon-climate-change-white-house-president 26 comments politics
- After 4 years fighting ISIS, Syrian Kurds face uncertain future as US pivots to Turkey https://thedefensepost.com/2019/01/02/syria-kurds-future-us-turkey/ 3 comments internationalpolitics
- Zouma puts Chelsea future on hold to focus on Stoke fight for survival https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/kurt-zouma-putting-chelsea-future-on-hold-to-focus-on-stoke-city-fight-for-premier-league-survival-a3815821.html 3 comments soccer
- How Paul Ryan lost and Donald Trump won in the fight for the future of the GOP https://edition.cnn.com/2018/04/11/politics/paul-ryan-retirement/index.html 15 comments politics
- We’re fighting the wrong trade battle with China. The future is clean energy. https://thinkprogress.org/china-leading-the-way-with-renewable-energy-investment-31a84ad9eb1d/ 29 comments politics
- Fight to Hawaii: How the U.S. Navy is Training Carrier Strike Groups for Future War https://news.usni.org/2018/03/22/fight-hawaii-u-s-navy-training-carrier-strike-groups-future-war 3 comments navy
- The 2018 midterms are fast approaching. First up: Primary fights for both parties’ future. https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/the-2018-midterms-are-fast-approaching-first-up-primary-fights-for-both-parties-future/2018/01/06/3b3d20fe-f1b0-11e7-b3bf-ab90a706e175_story.html 3 comments politics
- The 2018 midterms are fast approaching. First up: Primary fights for both parties’ future. https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/the-2018-midterms-are-fast-approaching-first-up-primary-fights-for-both-parties-future/2018/01/06/3b3d20fe-f1b0-11e7-b3bf-ab90a706e175_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_midterms746pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.44403769ca2a 18 comments politics
- EFF Deeplinks analysis of “Phish For the Future”, an advanced persistent Spearphishing campaign targeting civil liberty campaign NGOs, Free Press & Fight For The Future. Attacks proximate to protests supporting Net Neutrality. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/09/phish-future 8 comments privacy
- Telegraph (UK): 'Change football's laws or head for oblivion' - brain expert says game faces fight for its future http://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2017/08/09/exclusive-change-footballs-laws-head-oblivion-concussion-expert/ 14 comments soccer
- 'Serial' flu shots may limit body's ability to fight virus in future http://www.ctvnews.ca/health/serial-flu-shots-may-limit-body-s-ability-to-fight-virus-in-future-researchers-1.3147903 14 comments worldnews
- MegaBots just raised $2.4 million to help fund the giant mech fighting league of the future http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/megabots-seed-funding/ 3 comments robotics
- Google, Microsoft Join Obama to Fight Climate Health Woes. President Barack Obama is warning that climate change will start affecting Americans’ health in the near future and he’s recruiting top technology companies to help prepare the nation’s health systems. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-04-07/climate-change-deemed-health-hazard-the-white-house-aims-to-cure 12 comments politics
- Hey we're Fight for the Future and we don't usually do this but we're running a contest and giving away a free Blackphone (unlocked smartphone bundled with surveillance-resistant privacy apps!) http://tumblr.fightforthefuture.org/post/95105857088/giveaway-win-a-free-blackphone-and-protect-yourself 4 comments privacy
- Europe's New Status Quo: 'Ukraine Is Fighting Our Battle' - The crisis in Ukraine has ended Europe's long period of stability -- but what does that mean for its future? SPIEGEL speaks with three experts about Putin's plans for the region and why the EU needs to step up in order to survive. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/experts-discuss-what-ukraine-crisis-means-for-future-of-europe-a-971032.html 3 comments europe
- Dimitar Berbatov wants to fight for Manchester United future - ESPN Soccernet http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story/_/id/925129/dimitar-berbatov-wants-to-fight-for-manchester-united-future?cc=5901 12 comments soccer
- A Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts is raising the stakes in the nation’s fight over the future of public employee unions, saying emails aren’t enough to show support and that it is time to “get a little bloody.” http://nhjournal.com/2011/02/23/dem-rep-to-unions-time-to-get-%E2%80%98bloody%E2%80%99/ 4 comments politics
- Neal Stephenson, Greg Bear and friends fight for the future of ebooks with "The Mongoliad," a collective interactive project http://io9.com/5549740/neal-stephenson-and-friends-fight-for-the-future-of-ebooks-with-the-mongoliad 9 comments books
- Keystone XL Pipeline Canceled. Here’s What It Means for the Future Fight Against Fossil Fuels https://www.desmogblog.com/2021/01/20/keystone-xl-pipeline-canceled-biden-future-fossil-fuels 36 comments politics
- We have devs fighting w/ miners, fighting with each other, talking about the network crashing and burning, how burnt out they are.. In public, on twitter. This is fucking stupid & makes it seem like the future of this project is totally uncertain.... https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/hc7cfm/we_have_devs_fighting_w_miners_fighting_with_each/ 172 comments ethereum
- 'Free Trade' Will Kill Climate Movement, Hundreds of Groups Warn Congress: 'These trade deals give the worst climate scofflaws new and powerful weapons to wield against the broad-based grassroots movement to stop fracking and fight for a clean energy future' http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/06/06/free-trade-will-kill-climate-movement-hundreds-groups-warn-congress 44 comments politics
- Kim Dotcom Wins Release of $4.83m, Some Lawyers Set To Get Paid: NZ High Court frees $4.83 million from a govt bond seized when he was arrested; cash will go towards Dotcom’s legal expenses to date and contribute to his future fighting fund https://torrentfreak.com/kim-dotcom-wins-release-of-4-83m-some-lawyers-set-to-get-paid-290812/ 5 comments worldnews
- First-Time Voters Want to Have a Say in Our Country’s Future — Not old enough to vote in 2016, these young voters of color are ready to fight for the world they want to live in. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/photos-young-voters-2020/ 19 comments politics
- How to fight fire with electricity Forget the hose . . . firefighters of the future may be putting out fires with a wave of an electric wand http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2011/mar/29/how-fight-fire-with-electricity 15 comments science