Hacker News
- I was asked to leave an event for female founders because I had my baby with me https://www.businessinsider.com/asked-leave-event-female-founders-y-combinator-because-baby-2024-9 168 comments
- Female Founder Secrets: Men Clamming Up https://femfosec.com/men-clamming-up/ 1449 comments
- Survey of YC female founders on sexual harassment, coercion by angels and VCs https://blog.ycombinator.com/survey-of-yc-female-founders-on-sexual-harassment-and-coercion-by-angel-and-vc-investors/ 435 comments
- Female Founders Conference Live Stream [video] https://blog.ycombinator.com/watch-the-female-founders-conference-live-stream/ 66 comments
- Show HN: Curated List of Awesome Products Made by Female Founders https://github.com/softvar/awesome-products-by-women 2 comments
- YC Female founders conference wasn’t about women in tech https://medium.com/@pritianka/yc-female-founders-conference-wasn-t-about-women-in-tech-4aee00e10c9c 6 comments
- Female Founders Conference – Live Stream [video] http://live.femalefoundersconference.org/ 33 comments
- Female Founders Conference 2015 applications are open http://blog.ycombinator.com/female-founders-conference-2015-applications-are-open 74 comments
- Announcing the Female Founders Conference (March 1) http://blog.ycombinator.com/announcing-the-female-founders-conference 275 comments
- To the Girls of HackerNews: I am a Female Founder who Codes http://susieye.com/2014/01/20/to-the-girls-of-hackernews-i-am-a-female-founder-who-codes/ 232 comments
- Female Founders http://paulgraham.com/ff.html 595 comments
- Damn, Girl: New York Has Almost Double The Female Founders http://www.betabeat.com/2012/04/11/damn-girl-new-york-has-almost-double-the-female-founders/ 79 comments
- The Female Founders Reshaping The Male-Dominated Cybersecurity Industry https://www.forbes.com/sites/meimeifox/2022/11/03/meet-the-female-founders-reshaping-the-male-dominated-cybersecurity-industry/?sh=7d64bd4454c5 55 comments technology
- Caroline Butler, Flori Marquez & Leah Wald: Female Founders and the Future of Digital Assets on Apple Podcasts https://valkyrietrusts.com/podcast 2 comments cryptocurrency
- Raising money is catastrophically challenging for female founders https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/15/raising-money-is-catastrophically-challenging-for-female-founders/ 137 comments technology
- Female Founders Raised Just 2% of Venture Capital Money in 2021 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-11/women-founders-raised-just-2-of-venture-capital-money-last-year 4 comments technology
- The founder of a Kabul-based startup says she deleted details of her female staff to protect them as the Taliban neared the city https://www.businessinsider.com/kabul-crisis-alert-app-wiped-identities-female-employees-taliban-2021-8 6 comments worldnews
- They Still Live in the Shadow of Theranos’s Elizabeth Holmes — Female entrepreneurs said they were constantly compared to Ms. Holmes, the disgraced founder of Theranos, who faces trial soon https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/24/technology/female-founders-shadow-elizabeth-holmes.html 14 comments technology
- The founder of a Kabul-based startup says she deleted details of her female staff to protect them as the Taliban neared the city https://www.businessinsider.in/tech/news/the-founder-of-a-kabul-based-startup-says-she-deleted-details-of-her-female-staff-to-protect-them-as-the-taliban-neared-the-city/articleshow/85560210.cms 561 comments technology
- Female Founder - Eco-warrior Creating Tree-free Paper at Bluecat paper https://bluecatpaper.com/ 4 comments ladybusiness
- Female co-founder in the travel and remote space, beta phase launched! https://strollyn.com/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=ladybusiness_thread 4 comments ladybusiness
- Female Founder Raises 1.25M in 30 Days for Convertible Shoe Startup https://www.growwire.com/pashion-footwear 81 comments business
- Hey! Interview with a pretty badass female founder here. https://www.foodboro.com/meet-a-maker-courtney-boyd-myers-akua/ 3 comments ladybusiness
- Need some more female representation here? A wholesome article I found about the founder of Data Embassy https://www.kiaora.co/stories/liza-bolton 24 comments business
- Kiwi tourists urged not to ride elephants in Thailand: "A female elephant will be shot and then its baby is captured," Intrepid Travel co-founder Geoff Manchester says. "That baby is then tortured until it's willing to submit to humans and it's then trained to do elephant riding." https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2018/08/kiwi-tourists-urged-not-to-ride-elephants-in-thailand.html 57 comments worldnews
- Kiwi tourists urged not to ride elephants in Thailand: "A female elephant will be shot and then its baby is captured," Intrepid Travel co-founder Geoff Manchester says. "That baby is then tortured until it's willing to submit to humans and it's then trained to do elephant riding." https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2018/08/kiwi-tourists-urged-not-to-ride-elephants-in-thailand.html 3434 comments worldnews
- Female co-founder of nudist anti-Putin group found dead in apartment http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/07/25/female-co-founder-nudist-anti-putin-group-found-dead-in-apartment.html 5 comments worldnews
- Female co-founder of nudist anti-Putin group found dead in apartment http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/07/25/female-co-founder-nudist-anti-putin-group-found-dead-in-apartment.html 51 comments worldnews
- Female co-founder of S. Korea's largest porn site arrested https://www.thestar.com.my/news/regional/2018/06/28/female-pornographer-held-woman-who-cofounded-s-koreas-largest-smut-site-arrested/ 15 comments worldnews
- Female entrepreneurs invent male co-founder to avoid sexist discrimination http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/08/30/female-entrepreneurs-invent-male-co-founder-avoid-sexist-discrimination/ 134 comments nottheonion
- Flybridge Recruits Female Founders to Run Women-Only Venture Capital Fund https://www.inc.com/kimberly-weisul/flybridge-recruits-female-founders-to-run-women-only-venture-capital-fund.html 8 comments venturecapital
- 'Female Viagra' founder: GOP health bill would hurt the 'sexual revolution' http://finance.yahoo.com/news/female-viagra-founder-gop-health-bill-would-hurt-the-sexual-revolution-150528779.html 3 comments politics
- VC Resources for Female Founders http://www.k5leaninla.com/ 9 comments startups
- I've spent the last year in the world of entrepreneurship, and I've never met a female founder. Until now. [x-post from /r/twoxchromosomes] http://www.femalefounderstories.com/ 4 comments ladybusiness
- How a Chinese Billionaire Built Her Fortune || Zhou Qunfei, founder of Lens Technology, has come to define a new class of female entrepreneurs in China who have built their wealth from scratch. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/02/business/international/how-zhou-qunfei-a-chinese-billionaire-built-her-fortune.html 3 comments ladybusiness
- Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx: said to be the youngest self-made female billionaire ever, and not just because of an amazing business success that runs counter to conventional wisdom about business training and experience. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mohamed-a-elerian/spanx-billionaire-founder_b_3814723.html 13 comments business
- Wearing just a "cock sock" at meetings and calling female employees "sluts", "bitches" -- A standard day at the office for American Apparel founder Dov Charney http://laist.com/2008/01/08/does_your_job_i.php 73 comments reddit.com
- The Giving Pledge update: Spanx founder is first female billionaire to join the group and donate half of her fortune. http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/politics/aid/130507/spanx-inventor-sara-blakely-donates-half-her-250-million-fortune 222 comments worldnews
- A football club in Lesotho has become one of the first in the world to pay its male and female players the same wage. Founder Steve Fleming says the team wanted to send out a 'powerful message' about women's rights. https://twitter.com/BBCSport/status/1280511890938925056?s=09 32 comments soccer
- INSEAD recently published a paper finding that " firms with female founders who received funding from female rather than male VCs are two times less likely to raise additional financing." https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/epdf/10.1287/orsc.2022.1594 14 comments venturecapital