Hacker News
- Met Police: Run away, call 999 if you feel danger when stopped by lone officer https://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/james-obrien/sarah-everard-wayne-couzens-undercover-police-warrant/ 80 comments
- Him by Hall, helping distributed teams feel less lonely https://hall.com/him-by-hall 4 comments
- Does Facebook make you lonely? Or do more lonely people choose to use Facebook?: Researchers concluded that there is a relationship between Facebook use and loneliness, which exists because the feeling of loneliness brings its users to Facebook, rather than because Facebook makes people lonely http://www.newswise.com/articles/does-facebook-make-you-lonely 30 comments science
- "Loneliness is a contagious disease...Those who had immediate contact with lonely people were around 50% more likely than average to feel lonely themselves." http://www.economist.com/sciencetechnology/displaystory.cfm?story_id=15063920 15 comments science
- Met Police: Run away and call 999 if you feel in danger when stopped by lone 'officer' https://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/james-obrien/sarah-everard-wayne-couzens-undercover-police-warrant/ 1800 comments worldnews
- 'Sad, lonely feeling': Tokyo man evicted twice, 50 years apart, for Olympic construction https://www.yahoo.com/news/sad-lonely-feeling-tokyo-man-053727698.html 12 comments worldnews
- 'Sad, lonely feeling': Tokyo man evicted twice, 50 years apart, for Olympic construction https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/sad-lonely-feeling-tokyo-man-evicted-twice-50-years-apart-olympic-construction-2021-07-01/ 175 comments nottheonion
- 'Sad, lonely feeling': Tokyo man evicted twice, 50 years apart, for Olympic construction https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/sad-lonely-feeling-tokyo-man-evicted-twice-50-years-apart-olympic-construction-2021-07-01/ 15 comments worldnews
- Majority of Britons admit to feeling lonely, finds study https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/loneliness-friendship-adults-shy-time-social-media-study-a9291776.html 16 comments europe
- Feeling lonely? You can now hire a partner or even a whole family https://screenshot-magazine.com/the-future/rent-family-japan/ 6 comments nottheonion
- President Trump likely feeling 'pretty lonely' after turbulent week, Chuck Todd says https://www.today.com/news/president-trump-likely-feeling-pretty-lonely-after-turbulent-week-chuck-t115311 33 comments politics
- How to live in society without feeling miserably lonely? https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/6utfy0/how_to_live_in_society_without_feeling_miserably/ 7 comments philosophy
- I'm feeling very lonely https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/6tom4h/im_feeling_very_lonely/ 10 comments india
- How to overcome the "lonely" feeling when coding? https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/6ont3c/how_to_overcome_the_lonely_feeling_when_coding/ 35 comments gamedev
- Feeling lonely in the absence of Jayalalithaa, says Sasikala http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-feeling-lonely-in-the-absence-of-jayalalithaa-says-sasikala-2332349 4 comments india
- Feeling lonely? Gary Payton will have dinner with you for $5000 http://www.thuzio.com/gary-payton.html 3 comments nba
- Feeling lonely after leaving Facebook https://www.ted.com/talks/rick_falkvinge_i_am_a_pirate.html 44 comments privacy
- Not depressed, just sad, lonely or unhappy. Have we lost touch with the importance of just feeling sad? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-11431720 5 comments science
- Feeling Low Up High: the Lonely Astronaut http://abcnews.go.com/technology/story?id=5588291&page=1 7 comments space
- Loneliness can double risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. After adjusting for age, sex, and education level, they found that participants who were very much lonely, were twice as likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who did not feel lonely https://diabetologia-journal.org/2022/09/29/loneliness-associated-with-double-the-risk-of-developing-diabetes/ 40 comments science
- Feeling lonely? Artificial intelligence chatbot could help seniors https://www.boston25news.com/news/trending-now/feeling-lonely-artificial-intelligence-chat-bot-could-help-seniors/974893166 21 comments artificial
- A Research Revealed Using Less Social Media Make You Feel Less Lonely https://digitalindiapreview.com/less-lonely/ 16 comments technology
- Gay men who feel lonely are 67% more likely to have unprotected anal sex, Chinese study shows http://instinctmagazine.com/post/men-who-feel-isolated-hopeless-are-more-likely-engage-high-risk-sex-acts-study-shows 3 comments science
- Are Intelligent People More Likely To Feel Lonely? http://digg.com/video/intelligent-people-more-lonely 8 comments philosophy
- "How Facebook Makes Us Unhappy." No one joins Facebook to be sad and lonely. But a new study from the University of Michigan psychologist Ethan Kross argues that that’s exactly how it makes us feel. http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/how-facebook-makes-us-unhappy 43 comments technology
- Research shows people don't feel lonely until they spend three-quarters of their time alone, the study found. However, when their alone time goes beyond 75%, it becomes difficult for them to avoid feelings of loneliness. https://news.arizona.edu/story/uarizona-researchers-examine-relationship-between-loneliness-and-being-alone 53 comments science
- [Bence Bocsák] “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel lonely sometimes. There are days when I’m just sitting on the couch wondering about what to do. Then I put on a movie and try to fall asleep, hoping for tomorrow.” A brilliant and very candid interview by @soos_mark_ with Dominik Szoboszlai. https://twitter.com/benbocsak/status/1720381084104278466?s=46&t=WqTFOXN3-tbLK_z7VefQpg 85 comments soccer
- Negative social media experiences lead to loneliness in young adults, study says. Every 10 percent increase in negative interactions on social media made the study participants 13 percent more likely to feel lonely https://www.upi.com/health_news/2019/01/22/negative-social-media-experiences-lead-to-loneliness-in-young-adults-study-says/1271548187119/ 28 comments science
- People who base their self-worth on their financial success feel pressure to focus most of their efforts on making more money rather than on building their relationships with family and friends, and, as a result, often end up feeling isolated and lonely https://www.minnpost.com/second-opinion/2020/04/basing-self-worth-on-financial-success-leads-to-greater-feelings-of-isolation-and-loneliness-study-finds/ 1606 comments science
- Lonely millennials are more likely to have mental health problems, be out of work and feel pessimistic about their ability to succeed in life than their peers who feel connected to others, regardless of gender or wealth, research with over 2,000 British young adults revealed. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/apr/24/loneliness-linked-to-major-life-setbacks-for-millennials-study-says 122 comments science
- Single life gets better with age, new research show - Over the course of their adult lives, and over time historically, single people become more satisfied with their lives, and whether people have a romantic partner becomes less relevant to how lonely they feel. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/living-single/201901/single-life-gets-even-better-age-new-research-shows 3 comments science
- A study has found addiction to social media technology may actually have a negative effect on social connection. In a survey of 135 San Francisco State students, researchers found that students who used their phones the most reported higher levels of feeling isolated, lonely, depressed and anxious http://www.neuroregulation.org/article/view/18189 25 comments science
- Just graduated college, got a job at a top company, but I feel lonely during working hours. Do I suck it up or do I look for a new job/team? https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestions/comments/6umd2a/just_graduated_college_got_a_job_at_a_top_company/ 16 comments cscareerquestions
- British jihadis are depressed, lonely and need help, says Prof. most likely to be educated and come from wealthy families, but feel bored with their lives and socially isolated. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/11164182/british-jihadis-are-depressed-lonely-and-need-help-says-prof.html 156 comments worldnews
- Almost all Holocaust survivors in Israel feel lonely, some 50,000 said they needed assistance on Passover eve and at least 12,000 will not have heating this holiday http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,l-4210998,00.html 22 comments worldnews
- One in three young people say their mental health and wellbeing improved during COVID-19 lockdown measures, with potential contributing factors including feeling less lonely, avoiding bullying and getting more sleep and exercise, according to researchers. https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/one-in-three-young-people-say-they-felt-happier-during-lockdown 820 comments science
- Smartphone-based mindfulness training may help people feel less lonely and motivate them to interact with more people. The researchers from Carnegie Mellon University also found acceptance skills training to be a critical active ingredient for improving these social functioning outcomes. https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2019/02/05/1813588116 4 comments science
- Elderly people in Japan are getting arrested on purpose for petty crimes like shoplifting because they want to go to prison. They view life in jail as better than life outside: "There are always people around, and I don’t feel lonely here." http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/east-asia/article/2137983/elderly-people-japan-are-getting-arrested-purpose-because-they 108 comments worldnews
- Japanese Start-up Is Selling Human-like Phone Holder That Makes You Feel Less Lonely http://bestmobs.com/japanese-start-up-is-selling-human-like-phone-holder-that-makes-you-feel-less-lonely/ 3 comments technology
- Dogs are great companions that can help you to feel less lonely, suggests new three-armed controlled study. New dog owners felt less lonely after they got a dog, and it happened quickly, within three months of acquiring a dog. They also had fewer negative emotions, such as nervousness or distress. https://www.inverse.com/article/60727-owning-a-dog-will-make-you-feel-less-lonely 1497 comments science