- Perhaps there is no more journalism at Fox News Channel ? ( video ) http://www.wuzup.net/wuzup/content.php?q=6&id=4575 2 comments reddit.com
- Fox News Channel producer keeping job despite widely criticized anti-Obama video - The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/tv/fox-news-channel-producer-keeping-job-despite-widely-criticized-anti-obama-video/2012/06/01/gjqaz4jw7u_story.html 316 comments politics
- Fox attacks decency: "the family values-touting cable news channel gratuitously displays sexually-charged imagery on all of its programming" (Video) (SFW - Well, if Fox News is SFW, anyway) http://thinkprogress.org/2007/11/08/fox-attacks-decencywith-bill-oreilly-leading-the-way/ 4 comments politics
- Fox anchor gets pwned by a Democratic guest, but is saved by "breaking news": Was it A) Release of reporters from North Korea, B) Political developments in Iran, or C) Brand new video from Discovery Channel's "Shark Week" http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/8/5/756740/-bailout,-fox-style 61 comments politics
- Video of climate-denier Christopher Monckton advising mining industry insiders to create a US-style Fox News channel in Australia supporting the "super wealthy" https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/mining/monckton/monckton-speaks-to-mining-industry-share-this-video 17 comments worldnews