Hacker News
- FFmpeg AI https://ai.mitta.ai/convert 5 comments
- Simulating Non-CRT Monitors with FFmpeg: Flat Panel Displays (2021) https://int10h.org/blog/2021/03/simulating-non-crt-monitors-ffmpeg-flat-panels/ 2 comments
- FFMPEG from Zero to Hero https://ffmpegfromzerotohero.com/ 134 comments
- ffmpeg-mt (multithreading-enabled branch) merged into the main branch of ffmpeg http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2011-march/109906.html 43 comments linux
- OBS Merges FFmpeg VA-API AV1 Support https://www.phoronix.com/news/OBS-Lands-AV1-VA-API 29 comments linux_gaming
- FFmpeg Explorer! An online graphic interface to prototype your ffmpeg command. https://ffmpeg.lav.io/ 11 comments internetisbeautiful
- Show: Cross-platform Image segmentation on video using eGUI, onnxruntime and ffmpeg https://github.com/ahirner/infur 5 comments rust
- Creating web optimized video with ffmpeg using VP9 and H265 codecs https://pixelpoint.io/blog/web-optimized-video-ffmpeg/ 4 comments webdev
- NVIDIA Lands AV1 VDPAU Hardware Acceleration In FFmpeg https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NVIDIA-AV1-VDPAU-FFmpeg 10 comments linux_gaming
- Fully Functional Youtube Clone Using Firebase, FFmpeg, And React https://decodebuzzing.medium.com/fully-functional-youtube-clone-using-firebase-ffmpeg-and-react-1aac96e72123 4 comments frontend
- FFmpeg coming to Fedora ? https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/ffmpeg 5 comments fedora
- FFmpeg 5.0 released https://ffmpeg.org/index.html#pr5.0 117 comments linux
- Setup Different Linux Distros amdgpu-pro, FFmpeg, and OBS-Studio with AMF Encoding None 8 comments linux_gaming
- Why isn't my ffmpeg bash function not working properly? Error: file doesn't exist https://1.mov/ 14 comments bash
- FFmpeg 4.4 released http://ffmpeg.org/index.html#pr4.4 37 comments linux
- ffmpeg.wasm - a pure WebAssembly / Javascript port of FFmpeg https://ffmpegwasm.github.io/ 24 comments javascript
- FFmpeg 4.3 Released with Vulkan Support, AMD AMF Encoder, and AviSynth+ http://ffmpeg.org/download.html#release_4.3 132 comments linux
- New FFmpeg V4.2 - now with more AV1 support and lots of addt'l filters! http://ffmpeg.org/index.html#pr4.2 3 comments opensource
- Video Frame Quality Assessment With Brisque, ffmpeg and C++ https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/amvz92/video_frame_quality_assessment_with_brisque/ 8 comments cpp
- Apparently you can run FFmpeg on latest iPad Pro, I have personally benchmarked its vp8 and vp9 performance against a 8550u laptop. https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/a3m32k/apparently_you_can_run_ffmpeg_on_latest_ipad_pro/ 22 comments hardware
- Converting ffmpeg Video Frames to OpenCV Mats in C++ https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/a2upfb/converting_ffmpeg_video_frames_to_opencv_mats_in_c/ 13 comments cpp
- TIL /u/stabbot, the video stabilization bot, uses only ffmpeg for its black magic https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot/blob/master/src/stabvid.py#l35 29 comments linux
- How to change volume in a .wav file with ffmpeg? https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/8vr942/how_to_change_volume_in_a_wav_file_with_ffmpeg/ 3 comments techsupport
- Learning Nix by Example: Building FFmpeg 4.0 https://blog.kiloreux.me/2018/05/24/learning-nix-by-example-building-ffmpeg-4-dot-0/ 4 comments programming
- Using ffmpeg to create HLS files and manifest - What bitrates should I be using? https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/7bwcei/using_ffmpeg_to_create_hls_files_and_manifest/ 14 comments webdev
- Optimising and modernising FFmpeg’s IDCT - Part 2 http://obe.tv/about-us/obe-blog/item/46-optimising-and-modernising-ffmpegs-idct-part-2 9 comments programming
- Using VAAPI's hardware accelerated video encoding on Linux with Intel's hardware on FFmpeg and libav https://gist.github.com/brainiarc7/95c9338a737aa36d9bb2931bed379219 21 comments linux
- Fork off! FFmpeg project leader quits, says he's had enough with these forking AV libraries http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/08/05/ffmpeg_leader_steps_down/ 4 comments linux
- Debian to finally switch back to ffmpeg https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/07/msg00001.html 28 comments linux
- Debian is preparing the transition to FFmpeg https://wiki.debian.org/debate/libav-provider/ffmpeg 76 comments linux
- FFmpeg 2.6 Released, Install In Ubuntu And Ubuntu Derivatives http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/ffmpeg-2-6-released-install-in-ubuntu-and-ubuntu-derivatives 21 comments linux
- FFmpeg 2.6 Out Now, Devs Hope Google and Mozilla Will Use ffvp9 for 1080p Playback http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/ffmpeg-2-6-out-now-devs-hope-google-and-mozilla-will-use-ffvp9-for-1080p-playback-475163.shtml 3 comments firefox
- FFmpeg 2.1 Supports VP9, HEVC, PulseAudio Output http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob_plain;f=changelog 20 comments linux
- I'm having some trouble with ffmpeg configuration. http://elguyo.com/webcam/ 5 comments linux
- Convert YouTube to MP3 in Linux the long and painful way, with youtube-dl and ffmpeg http://www.linuxforum.com/content.php/166-converting-youtube-to-mp3-in-linux 29 comments linux
- 19 ffmpeg commands for all needs http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/19-ffmpeg-commands-for-all-needs 19 comments programming
- FFmpeg now has the fastest VP8 decoder - ffvp8 http://linuxers.org/article/ffmpeg-now-has-fastest-vp8-decoder-ffvp8 10 comments opensource
- The FFmpeg Hall of Shame http://ffmpeg.org/shame.html 109 comments linux
- An Interview With The Developers Of FFmpeg http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ffmpeg_05_interview&num=1 3 comments programming