Hacker News
- What is Elixir? For my Ruby friends https://www.germanvelasco.com/blog/what-is-elixir-for-my-ruby-friends 2 comments
- Elixir and Ruby can talk to each other using Erlix https://blog.fazibear.me/elixir-ruby-dont-fight-talk-with-erlix-24b0f5ed8d12 54 comments
- Comparing Golang, Scala, Elixir and Ruby for ETL – Dimroc http://www.dimroc.com/2014/09/29/etl-language-showdown/ 3 comments
- Communicate Between Ruby and Elixir Using Erlang Ports and Erlectricity https://blog.fazibear.me/elixir-ruby-dont-fight-talk-with-erlectricity-dbf3af67d999#.xkq935iwh 12 comments
- asdf - extendable version manager for Ruby, Elixir, Erlang & Node.js http://github.com/HashNuke/asdf 15 comments elixir , erlang , ruby , show
- Elixir Is Erlang, not Ruby https://preslav.me/2020/09/06/elixir-is-not-ruby-elixir-is-erlang/ 21 comments programming
- Elixir Isn't Ruby https://blog.joshsoftware.com/2020/01/20/elixir-isnt-ruby/ 7 comments elixir
- Ruby X Elixir Conf Taiwan 2018 calling for paper https://www.reddit.com/r/ruby/comments/75vlks/ruby_x_elixir_conf_taiwan_2018_calling_for_paper/ 3 comments ruby
- Ruby vs Elixir - the video of the panel/fight at wroc_love.rb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5dzsG5grK4 3 comments ruby
- Connecting Ruby and Elixir with Erlectricity https://blog.fazibear.me/elixir-ruby-dont-fight-talk-with-erlectricity-dbf3af67d999#.xkq935iwh 3 comments elixir
- Elixir, Ruby, don’t fight. Talk. https://blog.fazibear.me/elixir-ruby-dont-fight-talk-d83d5abc8898#.a2onb8wsv 5 comments ruby
- Elixir, Ruby, don’t fight. Talk. https://blog.fazibear.me/elixir-ruby-dont-fight-talk-d83d5abc8898#.kuvsnpkeq 3 comments elixir
- Why I won't leave Ruby for Elixir. Yet. http://insights.workshop14.io/2016/04/18/why-i-cant-leave-ruby-for-elixir.html 37 comments ruby
- When to choose Elixir over Ruby for 2016 projects? https://www.amberbit.com/blog/2015/12/22/when-choose-elixir-over-ruby-for-2016-projects/ 6 comments elixir
- Elixir vs Ruby Showdown http://littlelines.com/blog/2014/06/27/elixir-vs-ruby-showdown-part-one/ 6 comments programming
- Elixir Is Not Ruby. Elixir Is Erlang https://preslav.me/2020/09/06/elixir-is-not-ruby-elixir-is-erlang/ 30 comments elixir
- Ruby vs. Elixir is like comparing apples and oranges. https://prograils.com/posts/ruby-elixir-which-one-do-you-need-for-software-projects 9 comments ruby
- I've had interest in working in elixir, but I'm not a big fan of Ruby https://twitter.com/mjackson/status/1085775736550506496 38 comments elixir
- Ruby vs. Elixir - Projects & People Edition http://devonestes.herokuapp.com/ruby-vs-elixir-projects-people-edition 8 comments ruby
- Ruby vs. Elixir - Projects & People edition http://devonestes.herokuapp.com/ruby-vs-elixir-projects-people-edition/ 3 comments ruby
- Websocket Shootout: Clojure, C++, Elixir, Go, NodeJS, and Ruby https://hashrocket.com/blog/posts/websocket-shootout 24 comments elixir
- Websocket Shootout: Clojure, C++, Elixir, Go, NodeJS, and Ruby https://hashrocket.com/blog/posts/websocket-shootout 5 comments webdev
- Ruby + Elixir: Polyglottin' FTW! http://www.neo.com/2014/08/11/ruby-elixir-polyglottin-ftw 5 comments ruby
- Comparing Golang, Scala, Elixir and Ruby for ETL http://www.dimroc.com/2014/09/29/etl-language-showdown/ 4 comments golang
- Comparing Golang, Scala, Elixir and Ruby for ETL · dimroc http://www.dimroc.com/2014/09/29/etl-language-showdown/ 18 comments programming
- Elixir devs who used Ruby before, what gems would you like to see in Elixir ecosystem? https://www.reddit.com/r/elixir/comments/hhbg93/elixir_devs_who_used_ruby_before_what_gems_would/ 94 comments elixir
- Elixir and Phoenix vs Ruby on Rails - which one is better? https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/c9ebqj/elixir_and_phoenix_vs_ruby_on_rails_which_one_is/ 15 comments rails
- Looking for Ruby (or other) projects to port to Elixir https://www.reddit.com/r/elixir/comments/b1ol1z/looking_for_ruby_or_other_projects_to_port_to/ 4 comments elixir
- Another attempt to connect Elixir and Ruby together… This time with erlix. Ruby will act as an Erlang node! https://blog.fazibear.me/elixir-ruby-dont-fight-talk-with-erlix-24b0f5ed8d12 4 comments elixir
- Akita's Manga Downloadr Elixir vs Ruby performance revisited http://rosenfeld.herokuapp.com/en/articles/ruby-rails/2016-06-20-akita-s-manga-downloadr-elixir-vs-ruby-performance-revisited 4 comments ruby
- Observer pattern in 3 languages - Ruby, C# and Elixir http://blog.diatomenterprises.com/observer-pattern-in-3-languages-ruby-c-and-elixir/ 9 comments ruby
- Better Git diff output for Ruby, Python, Elixir, Go and more https://tekin.co.uk/2020/10/better-git-diff-output-for-ruby-python-elixir-and-more 3 comments git
- Better Git diff output for Ruby, Python, Elixir, Go and more https://tekin.co.uk/2020/10/better-git-diff-output-for-ruby-python-elixir-and-more?src=twitter 4 comments ruby
- Ruby 2.7 pattern matching after 10 months of professional Elixir https://nts.strzibny.name/ruby-2-7-pattern-matching-after-10-months-of-professional-elixir/ 8 comments ruby
- Elixir vs Ruby: File I/O performance (Ruby kind of wins?) http://cloudless.studio/articles/12-elixir-vs-ruby-file-i-o-performance-updated 14 comments elixir
- I added Rust but it could use optimization - Websocket Shootout: Clojure, C++, Elixir, Go, NodeJS, and Ruby • /r/programming https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/50n9sg/websocket_shootout_clojure_c_elixir_go_nodejs_and/ 3 comments rust
- Important information about Plataformatec's Elixir and Ruby Open Source projects http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/2020/01/important-information-about-our-elixir-and-ruby-open-source-projects/ 13 comments ruby
- What is Project Catalyst and how to prepare your iPad app for it? - Prograils - Ruby on Rails and Elixir Software Development Team https://prograils.com/posts/what-is-project-catalyst-and-how-to-prepare-your-app-for-it?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=project-catalyst-1 3 comments apple
- Intro to Elixir for non Ruby programmers (PHP and Javascript perspective) https://ryanwinchester.ca/posts/intro-to-elixir-for-non-ruby-programmers 3 comments elixir
- For those looking to try out a functional language (e.g. Elixir) I've written a guide about the basics of recursion and pattern matching from a ruby perspective. Let us know what you think! http://www.weeklycommit.com/elixir-for-rubyists-pattern-matching-and-recursion/ 7 comments ruby