Hacker News
- Google Gives $5M Worth of Java GUI Tools to Eclipse http://mashable.com/2010/12/19/google-java-eclipse/ 2 comments
- Treasury inspector general reviewing Secretary Steve Mnuchin's trip amid questions about his eclipse-watching http://abcnews.go.com/politics/treasury-inspector-general-reviewing-secretary-steve-mnuchins-trip/story?id=49563982&cid=social_twitter_abcnp 7 comments politics
- Holcomb signs eclipse emergency response order https://www.bing.com/ck/a?%21=&fclid=06f97a35-f06a-6de7-35ed-7002f17d6c1a&hsh=3&ntb=1&p=ec006a040ca87f61JmltdHM9MTcxMTU4NDAwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNmY5N2EzNS1mMDZhLTZkZTctMzVlZC03MDAyZjE3ZDZjMWEmaW5zaWQ9NTIwNA&psq=governor+holcomb+eclipse+emergency&ptn=3&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2lzaHR2LmNvbS9uZXdzL3NvbGFyLWVjbGlwc2UvaG9sY29tYi1zaWducy1lY2xpcHNlLWVtZXJnZW5jeS1yZXNwb25zZS1vcmRlci8&ver=2 5 comments nottheonion
- Traveling to View the Eclipse? You Better Stock Up on Supplies https://wbkr.com/eclipse-viewing-locations-warning/ 4 comments space
- Solar eclipse: ‘Ring of fire’ appears over the Americas | CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/14/world/solar-eclipse-annular-americas-2023-scn/index.html 4 comments worldnews
- Solar Eclipse from Space... by NGT https://twitter.com/degreaseneil/status/1536755595323269120?s=21&t=yH2UrW81zlElgLdU-1enmA 6 comments space
- Cosmic dust imaged by the airborne SOFIA observatory reveals a white dwarf eclipsing a variable star in a binary system. https://astronomy.com/news/2022/06/sofia-tracks-eclipse-of-binary-stars 2 comments space
- US coronavirus death toll eclipses 400,000 as Biden prepares to take office https://abcnews.go.com/health/us-coronavirus-death-toll-eclipses-400000-biden-prepares/story?id=75325668 10 comments politics
- Nvidia eclipses Intel as most valuable U.S. chipmaker https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks-chips/nvidia-eclipses-intel-as-most-valuable-u-s-chipmaker-iduskbn2492z8?il=0 6 comments technology
- Total Eclipse to depart: Open-source software foundation is hopping the pond to Europe https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/05/12/eclipse_moves_to_europe/ 23 comments java
- Spain eclipses 100,000 confirmed coronavirus cases today https://covidmetrics.com/country/spain 163 comments worldnews
- FOSDEM 2020: Free at Last! The Tale of Jakarta EE (Mike Milinkovich - Eclipse Foundation) https://video.fosdem.org/2020/h.1302/jakartaee.mp4 9 comments java
- Joe Biden fundraising eclipsed by junior 2020 Democrat https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48849039 8 comments politics
- Eclipse plug-in Payara Tools 1.0 - New and Noteworthy https://blog.payara.fish/payara-tools-1.0-new-and-noteworthy 17 comments java
- Selecting a Memory-Efficient IDE: Eclipse or IntelliJ? https://dzone.com/articles/memory-efficient-ide-eclipse-or-intellij 65 comments programming
- Eclipse 4.10 (due in 2 months) will feature full JDK 11 support https://eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.10/jdt.php 12 comments programming
- Eclipse 4.8/Photon M7 brings JDK 10 support and improved dark theme! https://eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.8/m7 28 comments java
- Russia, China eclipse US in hypersonic missiles, prompting fears http://thehill.com/policy/defense/380364-china-russia-eclipse-us-in-hypersonic-missiles-prompting-fears 21 comments worldnews
- Mnuchin eclipses past travel backlash with pricey request: European honeymoon by military jet https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/09/14/mnuchin-eclipses-past-travel-backlash-with-pricey-request-european-honeymoon-by-military-jet/?utm_term=.590092df1213 6 comments politics
- Yes, Donald Trump really did look into the sky during the solar eclipse https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/08/21/politics/trump-solar-eclipse/index.html 33 comments politics
- The Solar Eclipse is blocking out the Sun all across the United States. Let's revisit the time the Suns lost a coin toss and blocked themselves out of getting Kareem Abdul Jabbar https://behindthebuckpass.com/2016/09/03/milwaukee-bucks-coin-toss-kareem-abdul-jabbar/ 77 comments nba
- Please pick up your trash for the eclipse https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/6tir62/please_pick_up_your_trash_for_the_eclipse/ 9 comments space
- What It's Like Watching a Solar Eclipse From a Plane https://www.space.com/37739-watching-solar-eclipse-from-a-plane.html 9 comments space
- Fake Solar Eclipse Glasses Are Flooding the Market https://www.space.com/37673-beware-fake-solar-eclipse-glasses.html 12 comments space
- Should I use Jgrasp or Eclipse or IntelliJ? https://www.reddit.com/r/java/comments/5x7tyo/should_i_use_jgrasp_or_eclipse_or_intellij/ 48 comments java
- JBoss Tools - JBoss Tools 4.4.2.AM1 for Eclipse Neon http://tools.jboss.org/blog/am1.4.4.2.neon.html 3 comments java
- The Great American Eclipse. Aug. 21, 2017. I am beyond excited. I will see it from Hopkinsville Kentucky. Where will you see it from? http://www.greatamericaneclipse.com/nation/ 35 comments space
- The EV generation: The faithful gather for Tesla event in Monterey - China now has more than 200 million electric-vehicle drivers -- a statistic that by next year is expected to eclipse the total number of drivers in the United States. http://www.mercurynews.com/business/ci_26181417/ev-generation-faithful-gather-tesla-event-monterey 6 comments technology
- Americas set for total lunar eclipse http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-27026339 15 comments worldnews
- TDGotchi - A Tamagotchi that lives in your Eclipse and feeds on tests and refactorings http://www.happyprog.com/tdgotchi/?repost=true 123 comments programming
- Why isn't reddit all over the transit of venus, the rarest of eclipses? (wait for the 20 second promo video to play first). http://www.exploratorium.edu/venus/ 5 comments science
- Red Eclipse: A halo-lookin' FPS based off of Cube 2. I haven't played it, but I'm definitely checking this out. http://www.redeclipse.net/ 26 comments linux
- Never heard of this guy in school. No doubt one of thousands of significant contributors to our society who are eclipsed by bigger names. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/matthew_fontaine_maury 12 comments history
- Java Decompiler in Eclipse (JadClipse) http://wp.me/pxtws-5h 4 comments java
- Partial solar eclipse in pictures [25 Pics] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/worldnews/8238588/partial-solar-eclipse-in-pictures.html?sms_ss=reddit&at_xt=4d231be13e9c88e4%2C0 3 comments space
- A Eclipse From Space http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/1101/eclipse99_mir_big.jpg 6 comments space
- Top 5 Eclipse shortcuts You should know http://aadrat.blogspot.com/2007/12/top-5-eclipse-shotcuts-you-should-know.html 4 comments java
- 12 Tips to make you more productive using Eclipse http://www.turnleafdesign.com/?p=240 17 comments programming
- Partial eclipse yields AWESOME secondary result; thousands of crescents in the shadow of a tree. [pic, apod] http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap001225.html 4 comments science
- Linux developers considering move to Eclipse http://www.linux-watch.com/news/ns4521261966.html 14 comments programming