- Can somebody explain why DwarfPool mostly creates 0-transaction blocks? Isn't it in their best interest to collect fees? Does it have a negative impact on the network total capacity? https://etherscan.io/blocks?m=0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226& 19 comments ethereum
- Hey Team. Please help me persuade Dwarfpool, Nanopool, F2Pool and Coinotron to update their miner settings in order to re-enable the flex cap. http://ethgasstation.info/ 27 comments ethereum
- Dwarfpool is now at 85% yes votes!! http://dwarfpool.com/eth/voting 5 comments ethereum
- A little over 2.5% of Dwarfpool hashrate voted on #Ethereum hard fork so far. 31.1% of those against it. https://twitter.com/kyletorpey/status/754391234261778433 3 comments ethereum
- DwarfPool enabled Hard Fork voting http://dwarfpool.com/eth?hf 20 comments ethereum
- "dao-soft-fork" now enabled on all servers of DwarfPool. Voting finished. http://dwarfpool.com/eth/voting 27 comments ethereum
- DwarfPool started soft fork voting http://dwarfpool.com/eth/voting/ 45 comments ethereum
- Dwarfpool controls 50.1% of mining power. Very sad. https://etherchain.org/statistics/miners 92 comments ethereum
- PSA: Could DwarfPool please take some responsibility over it's 46% of the network hashrate? Why not limit to 40% before allowing new miners to join? https://www2.coinmine.pl/ 31 comments ethereum
- If you are miner, please consider moving away from dwarfpool (44%) https://etherchain.org/statistics/miners 20 comments ethereum
- DwarfPool has almost 40% of the mining network. Perhaps some miners should move across to other pools? https://etherchain.org/statistics/miners 16 comments ethereum
- DwarfPool - stable pool with PPS system http://dwarfpool.com/eth 3 comments ethereum