- New York Times’s Response to Donald Trump’s Letter http://www.nytco.com/the-new-york-timess-response-to-donald-trumps-retraction-letter/ 6 comments politics
- The New York Times’s Response to Donald Trump’s Retraction Letter http://www.nytco.com/the-new-york-timess-response-to-donald-trumps-retraction-letter/ 3553 comments politics
- Read the letter the New York Times sent Donald Trump's lawyer in response to his libel claim http://qz.com/808949/read-the-letter-the-new-york-times-sent-donald-trumps-lawyer-in-response-to-his-libel-claim/ 6 comments politics
- Donald Trump sends a ridiculously badly written letter to the New York Times complaining that a columnist called him a "birther." Columnist responds with an utter smackdown. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/09/opinion/09collins.html 32 comments politics