- Get Off My Desktop! Windows Needs to Stop Showing Tabloid News - Microsoft’s distracting us with trashy articles when we’re trying to work. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/windows-keeps-feeding-tabloid-news 1065 comments technology
- Does he get another first serve? I'm not sure if this is considered a distraction. https://www.facebook.com/TennisTV/videos/517293456708295/ 2 comments tennis
- These ‘Anti-Procrastination’ Smart Glasses Use AI To Monitor What You Look At All Day - And Ping You When You’re Getting Distracted https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/1/21404004/anti-procrastination-smart-glasses-productivity-boosting-auctify-specs-indiegogo 7 comments technology
- Undermining White House's Public Line, US Officials Say Justification for Soleimani Assassination 'Razor Thin': "They're lying to distract from impeachment. They're lying to get us to war. They're lying to shore up reelection. Don't buy any of it." https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/01/04/undermining-white-houses-public-line-us-officials-say-justification-soleimani 1413 comments worldnews
- Keeping Our Eyes on the Ball: It’s important not to get too distracted by Trump https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/10/keeping-our-eyes-on-the-ball 9 comments politics
- Michigan’s Governor Is Giving Advice To Democrats Trying To Win The Midwest: Don’t Get Distracted By Trump https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/henrygomez/gretchen-whitmer-michigan-2020-debate 6 comments politics
- Bernie Sanders: Pelosi is being too tough on Ocasio-Cortez; needs to stop getting distracted https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/452987-sanders-pelosi-is-being-a-little-bit-too-tough-on-ocasio-cortez 80 comments politics
- Mercedes mustn’t get distracted by ‘other ventures’ outside F1 – Hamilton https://www.racefans.net/2018/11/24/mercedes-mustnt-get-distracted-by-other-ventures-outside-f1-hamilton/ 26 comments formula1
- Trump’s two-track strategy: The rich get richer and the poor get distracted https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/07/31/trumps-two-track-strategy-the-rich-get-richer-and-the-poor-get-distracted/ 242 comments politics
- Sterling about Tatoogate: "It's a distraction you don't need, but it's one of those I've learned to deal with now and block it out so I don't think about it and just look forward to getting out on the pitch." https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newsmanchester/man-city-forward-raheem-sterling-speaks-about-tattoo-outrage-and-england-late-show/ar-aayakxa 18 comments soccer
- Suggestions for visual reminders of my tasks at my work space, so I don't get distracted / stay focused? https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/6twb24/suggestions_for_visual_reminders_of_my_tasks_at/ 7 comments productivity
- Guy gets distracted during his phone call by a CJ Cron Home Run to left field https://mediadownloads.mlb.com/mlbam/mp4/2017/08/09/1706635783/1502315263609/asset_2500k.mp4 10 comments baseball
- How To Get Rid Of Life Distractions but Not Miss Things? https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/6muzq9/how_to_get_rid_of_life_distractions_but_not_miss/ 5 comments productivity
- Mark Cuban tells media not to get distracted by Trump’s tweeting 'sideshow' https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/07/03/mark-cuban-tells-media-not-to-get-distracted-by-trump-s-tweeting/23014603/ 20 comments politics
- Nunes scandal proves need for independent Trump/Russia probe as media gets distracted by bombings http://shareblue.com/nunes-scandal-proves-need-for-independent-trumprussia-probe-as-media-gets-distracted-by-bombings/ 128 comments politics
- Trump’s Russia Distractions Are Getting Desperate http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/war_stories/2017/04/the_bogus_susan_rice_unmasking_story_shows_how_desperate_the_white_house.html 25 comments politics
- [Oram] Paul Pierce: I’m not getting the same reception Kobe was getting, there’s no distraction. (1/2) https://twitter.com/billoram/status/838966452270972928 30 comments nba
- How often do you get distracted by the internet ? https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/5idvnh/how_often_do_you_get_distracted_by_the_internet/ 3 comments productivity
- Camarillo woman distracted by phone kills 2, gets misdemeanor (cross post from r/venturacounty) http://abc7.com/news/chp-says-camarillo-woman-distracted-by-phone-kills-2-people-gets-misdemeanor/1378012/ 222 comments bicycling
- Women Not Allowed To Serve Food At Hague Summit 'In Case Men Get Distracted' http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/03/25/woman-serve-food-hague_n_5027097.html?utm_hp_ref=uk 4 comments worldnews
- Tyke goalie gets a little distracted after making a great save [x-post /r/GoPro] http://www.youtube.com/watch?amp%3Bfeature=youtu.be&v=Ive7xSClsxU 54 comments hockey
- Kluwe's position coach: "Those distractions are getting old for me." http://www.twincities.com/sports/ci_22185689/minnesota-vikings-coach-criticizes-chris-kluwes-distractions 210 comments nfl
- Getting an 'F' in Biology - a woman with bra size 34F tells about her life in college as a human distraction (SFW) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/11/08/ar2006110801473.html 167 comments reddit.com
- Dear United States of America, please turn off your television, stop playing world of warcraft and please get mad. While we were distracted a bunch of criminals of the lowest caliber have stolen our country http://onefuriousamerican.blogspot.com/2007/08/beginning.html 122 comments reddit.com
- For Mason Rudolph, getting hit in the head with his own helmet ended up being a welcome distraction from the fact that he played poorly last night https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/11/15/meanwhile-mason-rudolph-stunk-last-night/ 580 comments nfl
- I made a Chrome extension for myself that would get rid of a lot of distractions from YouTube - I made that extension public and am wondering what people think. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tidytube/eillffkhnelgaaladkpjeggognlimgbl 23 comments programming
- Ford skips over semi-autonomous cars for fully autonomous ones because humans get tired and distracted http://mashable.com/2017/02/22/ford-self-driving-level-4/ 86 comments technology
- 'Don’t get distracted, don’t get diverted': Hillary Clinton pulls out all the stops in Florida https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/02/dont-get-distracted-dont-get-diverted-hillary-clinton-pulls-out-all-the-stops-in-florida 4 comments politics
- WH on Trump: "When you’re focused on something as big as safeguarding the country and combating violent extremism, it’s important not to get distracted by things that are so small." http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/josh-earnest-trump-orlando-terrorists 16 comments politics
- Fatal distraction: 7 IT mistakes that will get you fired http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9242244/Fatal_distraction_7_IT_mistakes_that_will_get_you_fired 23 comments sysadmin
- Utah Storm, I mean State Trooper beats 59 year old woman and gets a paid vacation. "I did this to distract and stun her and to stop her from trying to drive off and strike our vehicles or possibly run us over. " Even though the car was pinned and he was at the side http://www.cnn.com/2011/crime/01/23/utah.trooper.punches/index.html?eref=rss_topstories&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_topstories+%28rss%3A+top+stories%29 8 comments reddit.com
- The Tea Party was a creation of Glenn Beck and Fox News to sell books and advertising. Don't get distracted by the noise. Lest we forget - the Republican legacy: Deaths of 4300 courageous US soldiers and 200,000 Iraqis in an unnecessary war. Skimped on body armor for soldiers. http://democrats.senate.gov/agenda/real_security/record.cfm 3 comments reddit.com
- Donte Stallworth destroys Tony Dungy's argument about Michael Sam and distractions: Only losers get distracted http://q.usatoday.com/2014/02/10/donte-stallworth-twitter-rant-michael-sam-gay-player-nfl-locker-room-culture/ 21 comments nfl
- Robot Pilots May Someday Fly Passenger And Cargo Planes: "The [United States] government and industry are collaborating on a program that seeks to replace the second human pilot in two-person flight crews with a robot co-pilot that never tires, gets bored, feels stressed out or gets distracted." http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/u/us_robot_pilot?site=ap&section=home&template=default&ctime=2016-10-18-14-26-17 3 comments business
- Sen. Cruz: "We must refocus our investment on the hard sciences, on getting men and women into space, on exploring low-Earth orbit and beyond, and not on political distractions that are extraneous to NASA’s mandate" http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-ted-cruzs-epic-plan-for-nasa-2015-1 22 comments technology
- Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told constituents at a town hall meeting that though he thinks questions about President Obama's birth certificate are mostly a "distraction," but he is supporting legislation to investigate further because if it is true, "we can get rid of everything he's done." http://www.salon.com/2013/08/05/house_goper_ted_yoho_goes_birther/ 29 comments politics
- "Republicans say they’re eager for the presidential campaign to turn away from “distractions” and focus instead on the economy. Someone should warn them that if they’re not careful, they might get their wish." http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/romneys-economic-plan-is-short-on-specifics/2012/05/14/giqa15tkpu_story.html 9 comments politics
- Who else has ever thought of getting a pared-down computer with decreased functionality simply as a means to reducing distraction and procastination during work, study, or writing? I did, so, instead of getting a netbook, I got a 11 year-old ThinkPad. http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/category:600e 6 comments technology
- [Hart] In the end Cam Newton doesn’t think he got beat out by Mac Jones but rather was cut because he would have been a distraction, as many of us talked about. Also emphasized he was almost urged to go get second opinion on his foot leading to COVID violation that left him “bamboozled” https://twitter.com/JumboHart/status/1436313564537630738 21 comments nfl
- Grant Hill on Draymond - "He agitated a lot. It was the defense, energy, passion, emotion. I'm going way back but think back in the 90s...Rodman in Chicago...He gets under people's skin and that becomes a distraction...The antics takes you off of your game...It certainly served them well this game. https://streamable.com/ht8bxt 122 comments nba