Hacker News
- “You filthy-minded little pervert” error when registering obscene .to domains https://www.tonic.to/ 37 comments
- Creating Domain Specific Error Helpers in Go With errors.As https://blog.carlana.net/post/2020/working-with-errors-as/ 3 comments go
- Domain-Centric Approach to Error Handling using Go (article) https://medium.com/@oberonus/domain-centric-approach-to-error-handling-using-go-golang-e8340147959d 2 comments golang
- Domain-Specific Type Error Diagnosis in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuqSkWOcnSA 7 comments haskell
- I am trying to enable cross-domain-requests in my Heroku app, but I keep getting a 503 status error https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48015556/still-getting-a-503-error-when-making-api-calls-in-my-react-app 3 comments node
- Returning error types in the domain layer in a domain-driven-design app https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/6p6tlv/returning_error_types_in_the_domain_layer_in_a/ 4 comments golang
- Cosmetic Filtering and "Invalid Filter: Bad Domain Error" https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+bad+domain 11 comments ublockorigin
- Creating Domain Specific Error Helpers in Go With errors.As https://blog.carlana.net/post/2020/working-with-errors-as/ 2 comments rust
- Several services on our domain are down due to authentication failures. Logs are showing LDAP and Kerberos errors. I'm in over my head and need a lifeline. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/group-policy/scecli-1202-events 41 comments sysadmin
- Error "Page not Found" when deploying Flask WebApp on domain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dam0GPOAvVI 7 comments flask
- Windows 11 Failing with Domain User Login. ERROR RDR_FILE_SYSTEM https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11 26 comments sysadmin
- Reverse proxy: Traefik dashboard (running on docker) gives error 522 via personal domain https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/lz59nt/reverse_proxy_traefik_dashboard_running_on_docker/ 21 comments docker
- Creating domain specific error helpers in Go with errors.As https://blog.carlmjohnson.net/post/2020/working-with-errors-as/ 4 comments golang
- TIL: There is a special top-level domain that will always return a DNS error https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/ft39ul/til_there_is_a_special_toplevel_domain_that_will/ 52 comments webdev
- Internal domain can't connect to MS Teams, Sign in error, you no longer have acces to this org https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/fhx70a/internal_domain_cant_connect_to_ms_teams_sign_in/ 5 comments sysadmin
- Mapped SMB drives give "An unexpected network error occurred" after Domain Controller Update https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/e3c7f29a-5208-4a16-8ab8-98a628880ea5/dfs-shares-mapped-drive-unexpected-network-error-occurred?forum=winserverfiles 6 comments sysadmin
- Somehow broke my Windows VM (Error starting domain: Path '' is not accessible) https://pastebin.com/xTBQZF7Z 3 comments archlinux
- Trying to share SharePoint site with an adress outside the domain, getting error message that my company policy dont allowing that. http://prntscr.com/l5klix 4 comments sysadmin
- How do you activate a Windows 7 license? "Go online and resolve now" results in a page not found error message on the Microsoft domain https://microsoft.com 6 comments techsupport
- SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN for https://www.google.com https://www.google.com 11 comments archlinux
- Error after raising domain function level....help. https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/5xucsc/error_after_raising_domain_function_levelhelp/ 12 comments sysadmin
- Windows server, application errors when drive not mapped with domain admin credentials https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/5wz2c3/windows_server_application_errors_when_drive_not/ 27 comments sysadmin
- No, North Korea's internet doesn't only have 28 websites, but Reddit did manage to crash them | Users of the social bookmarking website got hold of 28 URLs due to a domain name system configuration error. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/no-north-koreas-internet-doesnt-only-have-28-websites-reddit-did-manage-crash-them-1582750 50 comments worldnews
- Office 365 Migration Question, .local domain, proxyaddress topleveldomain error (x-post from /r/exchangeserver) https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4zdxba/office_365_migration_question_local_domain/ 3 comments sysadmin
- Mail Server Can't Contact Domain for Account Replication (1355 error), Any Thoughts? http://help.altn.com/mdaemon/en/index.html?active-directory_overview.htm 23 comments sysadmin
- Google own "https://www.gooogle.com.au/" but use the same ssl certificate for their normal domains, causing a SSL error on valid server names https://www.gooogle.com.au/ 3 comments sysadmin
- [web development] Connection timeout error when trying to display content on webpage (using AWS EC2 and Google Domains) https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu 9 comments learnprogramming
- [PHP+Swiftmailer] Error 5.5.4 Invalid Domain Error... I'm really struggling here. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vm9yushy2gxa07c/AAAasrEbv-Oz6r8vUAy0xUr5a?dl=0 18 comments learnprogramming
- Possible Kerberos Authentication Errors - Windows 2003 with 2012 R2 Domain Controllers http://blogs.technet.com/b/askds/archive/2014/07/23/it-turns-out-that-weird-things-can-happen-when-you-mix-windows-server-2003-and-windows-server-2012-r2-domain-controllers.aspx 7 comments sysadmin
- Previously Chatty Homeland Security Clams Up After Errors In Domain Seizures Pop Up: The basis for the domain name seizures was full of serious technical and legal errors, which called into question the expertise of ICE on this subject http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110104/11205512511/previously-chatty-homeland-security-clams-up-after-errors-domain-seizures-pop-up.shtml 6 comments technology
- One guy's typo takes down 660,709 domains (dreamhost error) http://www.dreamhoststatus.com/2008/03/07/dreamhost-firewall-error/comment-page-1 49 comments reddit.com
- ElectronCash:"It looks like trolls have convinced our domain provider to revoke our domain. This will cause an error msg when trying to get to our site." https://twitter.com/electroncash/status/905094142841237505 55 comments btc
- The .io Error - Taking Control of All .io Domains With a Targeted Registration https://thehackerblog.com/the-io-error-taking-control-of-all-io-domains-with-a-targeted-registration/ 2 comments technology
- Using Either for representing errors AND Allowing easy composition in a Domain API? https://github.com/vacationlabs/haskell-webapps/ 35 comments haskell