- Don't believe the anti-Trump hype – corporate sedition still endangers America https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jan/24/donald-trump-twitter-facebook-corporate-sedition 61 comments politics
- Does Trump Believe His Own Hype? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/10/why-wont-the-world-recognize-trumps-greatness/543126/ 36 comments politics
- Don’t believe the hype: black voters won’t take the Blexit ramp to vote for Trump https://thinkprogress.org/blexit-from-the-grift-shop-a2498194314f/ 17 comments politics
- Don't Believe the Hype About Trump’s Trade Deal with Canada and Mexico https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/why-trumps-trade-deal-with-canada-and-mexico-may-not-change-much-for-american-carmakers 34 comments politics
- What Happens If Trump Supporters Believe His ‘Rigged Election’ Hype? http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/10/what-if-trump-supporters-believe-the-rigged-election-hype.html 76 comments politics
- Trump touts hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid-19. Don't believe the hype https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/apr/06/coronavirus-cure-fact-check-hydroxychloroquine-trump 22 comments politics
- Don’t believe the hype. Donald Trump wants massive tax cuts for the rich. http://www.vox.com/2015/9/28/9411243/donald-trump-tax-rich 48 comments politics
- Trump touted hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid-19. Don't believe the hype - The anti-malaria drug could be ‘one of the biggest game-changers in the history of medicine’, Trump claimed, but study shows there is no magic cure https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/28/coronavirus-cure-fact-check-hydroxychloroquine-trump 51 comments worldnews
- Man dies from ingesting cleaner containing chloroquine after Trump hypes treatment for coronavirus - “Trump kept saying it was basically a cure," the man's wife said. "Don’t believe anything that the president says" https://www.salon.com/2020/03/24/man-dies-from-ingesting-cleaner-containing-chloroquine-after-trump-hypes-treatment-for-coronavirus/ 57 comments politics
- Right-wing conspiracy theorists see coronavirus as a plot against Trump — The president’s supporters believe the ‘deep state’ is hyping the disease to damage the U.S. economy. https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/conspiracy-coronavirus-trump/ 32 comments politics