Hacker News
- ToroDB – Document-oriented JSON database on top of PostgreSQL https://github.com/torodb/torodb 49 comments
- Documenting your PostgreSQL database http://www.craigkerstiens.com/2013/07/29/documenting-your-postgres-database/ 30 comments
- ToroDB: A MongoDB-compatible, document-oriented database on top of PostgreSQL http://www.8kdata.com/torodb/ 13 comments
- A small look at a no code postgres database + documentation + C# class designer i'm developing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJTeTBvVJtI 0 comments programming
- Pongo, using PostgreSQL as a strongly-consistent Document Database https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P4r19rv4vOg 4 comments node
- A Pure PostgreSQL Document Database API https://rob.conery.io/2018/07/05/a-pure-postgresql-document-database-api/ 25 comments programming
- ToroDB | A MongoDB compatible document oriented database built on top of PostgreSQL http://www.8kdata.com/torodb/ 26 comments programming