Hacker News
- Do We Worship Complexity? https://www.innoq.com/en/blog/do-we-worship-complexity/ 9 comments practices
- Do We Worship Complexity? https://www.innoq.com/de/blog/do-we-worship-complexity/ 85 comments programming
- TIL that Hindus and Muslims used to worshiped together in the Babri Mosque complex in the 19th century, until about 1855. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ayodhya_dispute#early_historical_surveys 61 comments india
- "3% of U.S. military spending could end starvation on earth" Statists here blame billionaires for everything, but they absolutely worship the Trillionaire Military Industrial Complex. https://www.sharing.org/information-centre/blogs/3-us-military-spending-could-end-starvation-earth 61 comments economy