Hacker News
- Power is off at Internet Archive, people are keeping track of any water leaks https://twitter.com/textfiles/status/543111994677547008 2 comments
- [Will Buxton] Today's race ending was far from perfect, but post Abu Dhabi, nobody can say the rules weren't followed. Perhaps a discussion needs to be had for compulsory red flags for on-track retirements with less than 10 laps remaining. Maybe no free tyre changes? Worth some thought. https://twitter.com/wbuxtonofficial/status/1568991940854648833?s=19&t=R8AsCDsbzl45xcd-TCFcsw 781 comments formula1
- Russia offers fast-track bankruptcy to departing companies | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/russia-offers-fast-track-bankruptcy-departing-companies-2022-03-04/ 25 comments worldnews
- Google will settle $5 billion lawsuit over tracking Incognito Chrome users https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-google-will-settle-5-billion-lawsuit-over-tracking-incognito-chrome-users-121651324.html 52 comments technology
- Looking for testers for a new Focus tracking app: Contadino https://testflight.apple.com/join/vwhQ6dzJ 7 comments apple
- No hope Spa F1 struggles were track specific, says Ferrari https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/no-hope-spa-f1-struggles-were-track-specific-says-ferrari/10359989/ 16 comments formula1
- [Highlight?] Alex Verdugo does a lot to catch a ball on the warning track https://streamable.com/h1ha13 70 comments baseball
- By monitoring sweat glands, researcher develops algorithm to track mental states through the skin almost instantly, using a non-invasive wearables. This work could represent a breakthrough for mental health care https://engineering.nyu.edu/news/nyu-tandon-researcher-develops-algorithm-track-mental-states-through-skin 113 comments science
- Red Bull: We want to win the title on the track, not in the gravel https://www.motorsportweek.com/2021/12/06/red-bull-we-want-to-win-the-title-on-the-track-not-in-the-gravel/ 145 comments formula1
- [Nicholas Latifi] A warm welcome to my new @WilliamsRacing team-mate @alex_albon. We were last team-mates in 2018 when we raced for DAMS in F2. Alex is a great guy and a good fit for the team. We’ve always got on well off track, but most importantly I know we’ll push each other on track. https://twitter.com/NicholasLatifi/status/1435603907397443584?s=19 46 comments formula1
- [Rodolfo Alves] StyrianGP 14:51 LOCAL TIME - Radar is clear around the circuit. Qualifying dry is highly likely. Official Risk of Rain from FIA/Meteo France is 30%. Air Temp 25ºC, Track: 54ºC. https://twitter.com/Rodolfoar07/status/1408770244579975171?s=19 9 comments formula1
- [Feedback] Developing a privacy focussed app for Indians to track finances! Would love feedback. https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/i2c7w1/feedback_developing_a_privacy_focussed_app_for/ 5 comments india
- Hanoi track works completed ahead of inaugural Vietnam GP https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/148441/hanoi-track-works-completed-ahead-of-vietnam-gp 11 comments formula1
- What are they using to track android devices? https://img.glusiness.com/1/v/t1.0-0/p180x540/70706606_2501104130123107_6283585841797267456_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_oc=AQnW_6XXMm0dFg0DHVM5XYV8HDo3CvXZTmqS0lir__kAE5IfKi-GfksfqfPJsyK532r5eNRXpO01nPHtLm8cARyq&_nc_ht=scontent.xx&oh=648661b82c334bd615377eab151a575f&oe=5E173E0D 3 comments techsupport
- Senate puts Hong Kong democracy bill on fast track as violence rises https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3037826/us-senators-urge-passage-hong-kong-democracy-bill-violence-city 6 comments worldnews
- [Palazzolo] One thing we track at @PFF is QB’s playing “in rhythm” and “out of rhthym.” Out of rhythm can be caused by the QB, defense, pressure, coverage, etc. Only two QBs have better PFF pass grades when out of rhythm than in rhythm this year: Russell Wilson & Kyler Murray https://twitter.com/PFF_Steve/status/1181758971201429505?s=09 64 comments nfl
- [Paul Mozur]: "A darker side to the NBA-China scandal. The mouthpiece of China’s Communist Party reporting on a Rockets fan who police tracked down and detained after he posted about setting a Chinese flag on fire to support his team. A shot of him shackled to a tiger chair got lots of likes." https://twitter.com/paulmozur/status/1181642024031674368 5 comments nba
- Have an embedded "Like" / "Tweet" button? Sites could be liable for helping Facebook secretly track your web browsing, says EU court https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/29/8934924/facebook-like-buttons-court-justice-eu-ruling-privacy-data-protection-tracking 14 comments webdev
- Activision Blizzard is reportedly giving its employees gift cards in exchange for anonymized pregnancy tracking data https://www.techspot.com/news/79608-activision-blizzard-reportedly-giving-employees-gift-cards-exchange.html 22 comments nottheonion
- Trump vowed to eliminate the debt in 8 years. He’s on track to leave it at least 50 percent higher. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/03/12/trump-vowed-eliminate-debt-years-hes-track-leave-it-least-percent-higher/?utm_term=.3a4122cf2c02 8 comments economy
- Chinese school under fire for buying tracking bracelets for students https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/08/chinese-school-under-fire-for-buying-tracking-bracelets-for-students 11 comments worldnews
- Police make drug bust after tracking package addressed to 'Grandma Stinky' https://www.ajc.com/news/national/police-make-drug-bust-after-tracking-package-addressed-grandma-stinky/pejlwg3swpgxkkxdq74w5k/ 17 comments nottheonion
- Privacy Badger Now Fights More Sneaky Google Tracking https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/10/privacy-badger-now-fights-more-sneaky-google-tracking 6 comments privacy
- Audit finds Pentagon failed to properly keep track of $800 million in projects, says report https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/05/audit-finds-pentagon-failed-to-properly-keep-track-of-800-million-in-projects-says-report.html 5 comments politics
- I've created this R script to keep track of crypto investment https://www.reddit.com/r/rstats/comments/75luj4/ive_created_this_r_script_to_keep_track_of_crypto/ 6 comments rstats
- Does anyone know a good site providing tracking of large share movements, reasons for them and ... https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/6o4pen/does_anyone_know_a_good_site_providing_tracking/ 9 comments wallstreetbets
- [Help] What is the best way to track & store clicked outbound links? https://www.reddit.com/r/rails/comments/6miszb/help_what_is_the_best_way_to_track_store_clicked/ 5 comments rails
- Movier - a Windows 10 app let you keep track of movies and build your own library https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9ncf5gmw8q1q 13 comments windowsphone
- How are you tracking downloads that aren't through the official stores? (Piracy for example) https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/5hsof4/how_are_you_tracking_downloads_that_arent_through/ 13 comments gamedev
- Facebook must stop tracking non-users on the web - French regulator http://in.reuters.com/article/facebook-france-privacy-idINL8N15N3TR 2 comments privacy
- Venezuela’s central bank has filed suit in the US against a website widely used to track the plummeting black market value of the country’s currency http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/23/venezuela-sues-dolartoday-currency-website-cyberterrorism 87 comments worldnews
- Singapore Grand Prix track intruder released on personal bond of $15k https://sg.sports.yahoo.com/news/f1-track-intruder-released-on-personal-bond-of--15k-081610298.html?linkid=17540174 38 comments formula1
- Apple Watch could soon track weightlifting as well as cardio. http://www.cultofmac.com/384608/could-apple-watch-track-weightlifting/ 77 comments apple
- AT&T: Customers can opt out of tracking in advance http://www.att.com/gen/privacy-policy?pid=24339 7 comments apple
- Track public transit in Germany on a map - trains, subways, streetcar, busses and ferries http://tracker.geops.de/?z=11&s=1&x=1494289.8919&y=6894357.1203 19 comments germany
- Obamacare's insurance expansion is working, in one chart: A new Gallup poll shows the uninsured rate fell to 13.4 percent in April – the lowest rate since the polling organization began tracking health insurance coverage in 2008. http://www.vox.com/2014/5/5/5682812/obamacares-insurance-expansion-is-working-in-one-chart 95 comments politics
- Iranian Nuclear Chief Salehi: If U.S. Violates Deal Because of The Jews, Our Nuke Program Will Get “Back On Track” Within Hours http://www.memritv.org/clip_transcript/en/4142.htm 6 comments worldnews
- New system uses low-power Wi-Fi signal to track moving humans — even behind walls http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2013/new-system-uses-low-power-wi-fi-signal-to-track-moving-humans-0628.html 7 comments technology
- Redmark lets your clients annotate and make critiques on your designs easily while keeping track of each edit along the way. http://www.redmark.com/invite/9bbxiy 3 comments web_design
- When they started hating you: tracking the rise of crippleware http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/000433.html 2 comments programming