Hacker News
- Django Ninja https://github.com/vitalik/django-ninja 3 comments
- Django REST Framework versus Django Ninja (2024) https://www.loopwerk.io/articles/2024/drf-vs-ninja/ 0 comments
- Show HN: Django Ninja CRUD – Rethinking CRUD Operations in Django https://github.com/hbakri/django-ninja-crud 46 comments
- Show HN: Reproducing TikTok with Django Ninja and React Native https://github.com/Yinnerston/Teaser 2 comments
- Django Ninja – Fast Django REST Framework for Building APIs https://github.com/vitalik/django-ninja 34 comments
- django-ninja Schema with django-countries https://pypi.org/project/django-countries/ 2 comments django
- Why I chose django-ninja instead of django-rest-framework to build my project https://baseplate-admin.github.io/blog/why-i-chose-django-ninja-instead-of-django-rest-framework-to-build-coreproject.html 9 comments django
- Building efficient API in Django REST framework, Django-ninja, and comparing to Golang https://github.com/oscarychen/building-efficient-api 31 comments django
- How to deploy Django Ninja to production in 7 mins https://youtu.be/i09gtADuTmk 3 comments django
- Django Ninja 1.0 is out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrIpDXPG41o 17 comments django
- Lazy Ninja: simplifying API creation for Django models https://github.com/AghastyGD/lazy-ninja.git 6 comments django
- Django Ninja – Fast Django REST Framework for Building APIs https://github.com/vitalik/django-ninja 2 comments django
- Django Ninja - The new DRF killer?! 🥷 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J44FpJ2CYnU 19 comments django
- Django REST framework, Django Ninja, FastAPI with Pydantic, and Golang API serialization performance. https://github.com/oscarychen/building-efficient-api 24 comments django
- Django Ninja - Fast Django REST Framework - Does anyone use it? Just played with it, looks good. https://github.com/vitalik/django-ninja 18 comments django