Hacker News
- The B-Tree: It is like searching in a telephone directory with shuffled pages http://use-the-index-luke.com/sql/anatomy/the-tree 2 comments
- Show HN: Merkdir – create Merkle trees from your directories https://github.com/makew0rld/merkdir 13 comments
- Broot: a new way to see and navigate directory trees https://dystroy.org/broot/ 23 comments programming , rust
- The problem of keeping track of hardlinks as you traverse a directory tree https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/unix/HardlinksTrackingProblem 4 comments programming , unix
- broot - nice way to navigate directory trees and more https://dystroy.org/broot/ 10 comments commandline
- I Wrote a Simple CLI Directory Tree Comparison Tool in Bash https://github.com/langenhagen/scripts/blob/master/ddiff 8 comments bash
- NTFS ACL change on large directory tree https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/a2pdgz/ntfs_acl_change_on_large_directory_tree/ 6 comments sysadmin
- ztree - Directory tree comparison mode for Emacs https://github.com/fourier/ztree 7 comments emacs
- Rybak 0.3 - library for generating directory trees https://github.com/python-lapidary/rybak 11 comments python
- A major caution when using 'rsync -a' to copy or move directory trees https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/sysadmin/RsyncAndHardlinks 15 comments commandline
- Broot – A new way to see and navigate directory trees https://dystroy.org/broot/ 8 comments programming
- Broot – A new way to see and navigate directory trees https://dystroy.org/broot/ 306 comments programming
- Broot – A new way to see and navigate directory trees https://dystroy.org/broot/ 3 comments technology
- Directory tree structure written in Rust(feedback is welcome) https://github.com/smoqadam/rtree 3 comments rust
- "How do you use Emacs without a directory tree on the side of the editor?" http://blog.binchen.org/posts/my-answer-to-how-do-you-use-emacs-without-a-directory-tree-on-the-side-of-the-editor-on-quora-com.html 38 comments emacs
- Introducing Carbon.nvim - The simple directory tree viewer for Neovim written in Lua. https://github.com/sidofc/carbon.nvim 20 comments neovim
- Neotama - A fast tree spider for Apache Directory Listings https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/d4mmpl/neotama_a_fast_tree_spider_for_apache_directory/ 4 comments golang
- Spend a lot of time cd-ing around a complex directory tree? https://github.com/rupa/j/wiki 30 comments linux
- Directory-tree printing in Haskell, part two: refactoring http://blog.moertel.com/articles/2007/03/07/directory-tree-printing-in-haskell-part-two-refactoring 7 comments programming
- Blazing-Fast Directory Tree Traversal: Haskell Streamly Beats Rust https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voy1iT2E4bk 52 comments rust
- PrintLayout: A Fun, Customizable Directory Printer (More Features Than GNU Tree) https://github.com/Ahmedhossamdev/PrintLayout 10 comments golang
- Telescope: Previewer not displaying files that are not a child of the present working directory tree https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/issues/2077 3 comments neovim
- GitHub - maxim2266/DIRT: DIRT (DIRectory Tracker): Monitor changes to a directory tree. https://github.com/maxim2266/DIRT 4 comments lua
- Glide - Manage your vendor/ directories. 0.9.0 out with smarter import tree resolver https://glide.sh 3 comments golang
- ugrep 3.10 - yet another grep for you - this one is fast and has a ton of cool features: now outputs directory trees for your viewing pleasure https://github.com/Genivia/ugrep 9 comments commandline
- Directory tree pretty printer v2: I found a way to do dependency inversion (without meta predicates) and a way to remove the cut. https://github.com/modulovalue/directory_tree_prolog/blob/main/directory_tree_v2.pl 2 comments prolog
- subcmd - Turn directory trees into Git-style subcommands https://github.com/Mister-Meeseeks/subcmd 17 comments commandline
- I think my tool for making/verifying checksums of directory trees is ready to be exposed to the outer world https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/4yhfsy/i_think_my_tool_for_makingverifying_checksums_of/ 15 comments rust
- Use GNU Stow to install compiled-from-source packages to their own directory tree without crapping up your system http://www.gnu.org/software/stow/ 22 comments linux
- Spend a lot of time cd-ing around a complex directory tree? Here's a helpful tool. http://wiki.github.com/rupa/z/ 47 comments programming
- Make tags not trees - filesystem idea based on tags instead of hierarchical directories. http://gregdetre.blogspot.com/2007/04/make-tags-not-trees-filesystem-idea.html 138 comments programming
- Directory-tree printing in Haskell, part three: lazy I/O http://blog.moertel.com/articles/2007/03/28/directory-tree-printing-in-haskell-part-three-lazy-i-o 2 comments programming
- "a virtual machine whose programs are expressed as directory trees containing nothing but symbolic links" http://www.df.lth.se/~lft/obfuscation/symlinks/index.html 3 comments programming
- I just released my first crate! (It generates a random directory tree.) Please criticise my code (would especially love thoughts on my exit code strategy). :) https://github.com/supercilex/ftzz 9 comments rust
- BTFS (bittorrent filesystem) - mount any .torrent file or magnet link and then use it as any read-only directory in your file tree http://www.rootsh3ll.com/2016/02/btfs-bittorrent-file-system-mount-and-download-torrents-in-linux/ 16 comments linux
- "Efficiently traversing InnoDB B+Trees with the page directory" discusses one of the lesser known aspects of InnoDB http://blog.jcole.us/2013/01/14/efficiently-traversing-innodb-btrees-with-the-page-directory/ 4 comments programming
- I got sick of all the broken and unstable directory tree watchers, so I made a fast, simple and stable one that works, even on Windows. Please check it out! https://github.com/beefsack/node-hound 6 comments node
- I knew Atlas Shrugged the movie would be horrible but really?: "Paul Johanssen, whose directorial credits mostly include episodes of CW teen drama 'One Tree Hill', has now brought Atlas Shrugged to the Silver Screen." http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/04/atlas-winced/237405/ 3 comments reddit.com
- ii is a minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client. Yes, you read that right. It builds a directory tree from your home directory representing the servers and channels. http://tools.suckless.org/ii 4 comments linux
- mhddfs -- multi-hdd fs. a simple fuse filesystem to easily unify several directory trees into one mountable filesystem. http://svn.uvw.ru/mhddfs/trunk/readme 5 comments linux