- Russian Trolls Ran Wild On Tumblr And The Company Refuses To Say Anything About It https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/russian-trolls-ran-wild-on-tumblr-and-the-company-refuses?utm_term=.ygv06r640#.fwvwzyznw 85 comments politics
- Russian Trolls Ran Wild On Tumblr And The Company Refuses To Say Anything About It https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/russian-trolls-ran-wild-on-tumblr-and-the-company-refuses?utm_term=.huywjkw29g#.hhzrny6vjo 3 comments politics
- Russian Trolls Ran Wild On Tumblr And The Company Refuses To Say Anything About It https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/russian-trolls-ran-wild-on-tumblr-and-the-company-refuses 35 comments politics
- Feds dropping case for 2 Russian companies in troll probe https://apnews.com/7527e051bd8c4be1beef9d7c37c8290e 15 comments politics
- Twitter allowed Russian trolls on its video platform despite knowledge of Kremlin links: Hundreds of Russian propaganda videos were left on Vine for months after the company should have realized the videos were connected to Russian-linked troll groups http://www.newsweek.com/russian-trolls-operated-twitters-video-platform-months-after-company-found-802286 44 comments worldnews
- If The US Government Can't Figure Out Who's A Russian Troll, Why Should It Expect Internet Companies To Do So? https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180311/00323239399/if-us-government-cant-figure-out-whos-russian-troll-why-should-it-expect-internet-companies-to-do-so.shtml 6 comments technology
- A Russian "Troll Factory" in St. Petersburg investigated (by the Finnish Broadcasting Company) http://kioski.yle.fi/omat/at-the-origins-of-russian-propaganda 4 comments worldnews
- From Silicon Valley to Staten Island, Russian troll sites kept online by American companies http://money.cnn.com/2017/10/25/media/itl-green-floid-cloudflare-russian-sites/index.html 6 comments politics
- Did Russian Trolls Have Company?: New Evidence on Israel-based PSY-Group’s Possible Social Media Efforts in 2016 US Election https://www.justsecurity.org/57245/russian-trolls-company-evidence-israel-based-psy-groups-social-media-efforts-2016-election/ 16 comments politics
- Russian company pays full team of trolls to spread misinformation across the web, often with pro-Kremlin bent http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/magazine/the-agency.html?_r=0 6 comments worldnews
- I Was Unwittingly Recruited By An Alleged Russian ‘Troll Farm.’ Here’s What Happened. Peace Data has been tied to the Internet Research Agency, a company accused of employing fake social media accounts to stir dissent among U.S. voters and influence elections. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/russia-election-interference-peace-data_n_5f58f45ec5b6b48507faa39b 14 comments politics
- Russian ‘Troll Factory’ Owner Added to U.S. Sanctions List: Prigozhin owns the holding company behind Internet Research, a St. Petersburg-based firm which allegedly hires Russians to leave pro-government comments and memes on social media and internet forums in 12-hour shifts https://themoscowtimes.com/news/russian-troll-factory-owner-added-to-us-sanctions-list-56600 31 comments europe
- Russian ‘Troll Factory’ Owner Added to U.S. Sanctions List: Prigozhin owns the holding company behind Internet Research, a St. Petersburg-based firm which allegedly hires Russians to leave pro-government comments and memes on social media and internet forums in 12-hour shifts https://themoscowtimes.com/news/russian-troll-factory-owner-added-to-us-sanctions-list-56600 46 comments worldnews
- Russians Again Targeting Americans With Disinformation, Facebook Says | The company said it had been warned by the F.B.I. that a so-called troll farm in St. Petersburg set up a network of fake user accounts and a website. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/01/technology/facebook-russia-disinformation-election.html 5 comments technology
- Russians Again Targeting Americans With Disinformation, Facebook Says | The company said it had been warned by the F.B.I. that a so-called troll farm in St. Petersburg set up a network of fake user accounts and a website. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/01/technology/facebook-russia-disinformation-election.html 4 comments worldnews