Hacker News
- Deepfake anyone? AI synthetic media tech enters perilous phase https://www.reuters.com/technology/deepfake-anyone-ai-synthetic-media-tech-enters-perilous-phase-2021-12-13/ 33 comments privacy
- Deepfake anyone? AI synthetic media tech enters perilous phase https://www.reuters.com/technology/deepfake-anyone-ai-synthetic-media-tech-enters-perilous-phase-2021-12-13/ 4 comments technews
- Deepfake anyone? AI synthetic media tech enters perilous phase https://www.reuters.com/technology/deepfake-anyone-ai-synthetic-media-tech-enters-perilous-phase-2021-12-13/ 6 comments technology
- "Deepfake" Porn is Here, and It Could Happen to Anyone: How It's Almost Impossible to Get a Fake Sex Tape of Yourself Taken Offline https://www.huffpost.com/entry/deepfake-porn-heres-what-its-like-to-see-yourself_n_5d0d0faee4b0a3941861fced?guccounter=1 49 comments technology
- Due to AI fakes, the “deep doubt” era is here | As AI deepfakes sow doubt in legitimate media, anyone can claim something didn't happen. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/09/due-to-ai-fakes-the-deep-doubt-era-is-here/ 150 comments technews
- Revealed: the names linked to ClothOff, the deepfake pornography AI app. | ClothOff, whose website receives more than 4m monthly visits, invites users to “undress anyone using AI”. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/feb/29/clothoff-deepfake-ai-pornography-app-names-linked-revealed 3 comments law
- Show up as a celebrity to your next Zoom meeting with this deepfake tool — A researcher shows how you can become anyone, from Elon Musk to Eminem, during video chats. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/live-deepfake-zoom-skype/ 12 comments technology
- California cracks down on political and pornographic deepfakes - Residents can now sue anyone who puts their image in porn without consent. https://www.engadget.com/2019/10/07/california-deepfake-pornography-politics/ 264 comments technology