Hacker News
- The Little Book of Deep Learning [pdf] https://fleuret.org/public/lbdl.pdf 36 comments
- Fast.ai releases new deep learning course, libraries, and book https://www.fast.ai/2020/08/21/fastai2-launch/ 81 comments
- Show HN: I wrote a book about Grokking Deep Learning https://www.manning.com/books/grokking-deep-learning 2 comments
- Dive into Deep Learning: Interactive deep learning book with codes and maths https://d2l.ai/ 10 comments
- [Book] Deep Learning for Programmers 2.0.0 released https://aiprobook.com/deep-learning-for-programmers?version=2.0.0 2 comments clojure
- [P] New book: Understanding Deep Learning https://udlbook.github.io/udlbook/ 30 comments machinelearning
- [R] Physics-based Deep Learning (Book) https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.05237 10 comments machinelearning
- [BOOK] Deep Learning for Programmers 1.0.0 Released https://aiprobook.com/deep-learning-for-programmers/?release=1.0.0 8 comments clojure
- Which deep learning book will you select? https://deeplearning.ai 11 comments deeplearning
- Deep Learning books to read in 2020 https://towardsdatascience.com/deep-learning-books-you-should-read-in-2020-7806048c1dc5 3 comments deeplearning
- Deep Learning for Programmers | Book release 0.13.0 https://aiprobook.com/deep-learning-for-programmers?amp%3Brelease=0.13.0&src=lml 6 comments learnmachinelearning
- A Roundup Review of the Best Deep Learning Books https://blog.soshace.com/en/python/a-roundup-review-of-the-best-deep-learning-books/ 7 comments deeplearning
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning the online book http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap1.html 7 comments deeplearning
- [D] The Little Book of Deep Learning https://fleuret.org/public/lbdl.pdf 2 comments machinelearning
- New release Deep Learning for Programmers book 2nd edition https://aiprobook.com/deep-learning-for-programmers/?release=0.33.0 2 comments clojure
- [P] Efficient Deep Learning Book https://efficientdlbook.com 16 comments machinelearning
- [Book] Deep Learning with Swift for TensorFlow: Differentiable Programming with Swift https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-6330-3 8 comments swift
- One book recommendation on Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning. https://www.manning.com/books/natural-language-processing-in-action 3 comments learnmachinelearning
- Deep Learning with PyTorch [Free Book] https://pytorch.org/assets/deep-learning/Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch.pdf 5 comments deeplearning
- Deep Learning with PyTorch book is now available for free https://pytorch.org/deep-learning-with-pytorch 10 comments deeplearning
- [Clojure book] Deep Learning for Programmers, new release 0.5.0 http://aiprobook.com/deep-learning-for-programmers/?release=0.5.0&src=rlisp 5 comments lisp
- Free Deep Learning Book (MIT Press) http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/free-deep-learning-book-mit-press 4 comments deeplearning
- A Deep Learning book gift for AI beginners/enthusiasts https://youtu.be/0wr04z8Jfqs 6 comments computervision
- [P] New book explaining more advanced concepts in machine learning, deep learning, and AI https://leanpub.com/machine-learning-q-and-ai/ 3 comments machinelearning
- 40,000 HackerNews book recommendations identified using NLP and deep learning https://hacker-recommended-books.vercel.app/category/0/all-time/page/0/0 2 comments webdev
- Bunch of books on Deep Learning & AI are now discounted https://twitter.com/AssortMaoo/status/1128005408407347201 8 comments deeplearning
- Deep Learning for Programmers book RC2 released - a couple chapters to go! https://aiprobook.com/deep-learning-for-programmers/?release=0.25.0&src=rclojure 9 comments clojure
- Are there any free books for machine learning, deep machine learning and data analysis in Haskell? https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/50nply/are_there_any_free_books_for_machine_learning/ 4 comments haskell
- fast.ai releases new deep learning course, four libraries, and 600-page book · fast.ai https://www.fast.ai/2020/08/21/fastai2-launch/ 18 comments learnmachinelearning
- Online tutorial or supplement materials suggestion for Deep Learning Book (by Ian Goodfellow etc) https://www.deeplearningbook.org/ 10 comments deeplearning
- Professor Yoshua Bengio (co-author of Deep Learning book) from University of Montreal wins 2019 Turing award http://www.doradolist.com/yoshua-bengio.html 3 comments programming
- Show Reddit: The exercises from the book Grokking Deep Learning implemented in Rust https://manning.com/books/grokking-deep-learning 3 comments rust
- Humble Book Bundle: A.I. by Packt includes several books about Deep Learning (partner) https://twitter.com/GamerGuyKing/status/973258204061818880 3 comments deeplearning
- If someone knows a place to buy machine learning and deep learning books from Lahore or any other city , please let me know. https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/6t94x2/if_someone_knows_a_place_to_buy_machine_learning/ 27 comments pakistan
- Springer releases 50 Programming books for free: Intro to Python, Data Science, AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Forensics https://link.springer.com/search/page/1?facet-discipline=%22computer+science%22&package=mat-covid19_textbooks&facet-language=%22en%22&facet-content-type=%22book%22&fbclid=iwar2dd_eykjarztajiwg501c7aa9ssa9fgh8ov0pcs6-ey3qfxz2nvqnanhs 53 comments coding
- Springer releases 50 Programming books for free: Intro to Python, Data Science, AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Forensics https://link.springer.com/search/page/1?facet-discipline=%22computer+science%22&package=mat-covid19_textbooks&facet-language=%22en%22&facet-content-type=%22book%22&fbclid=iwar2dd_eykjarztajiwg501c7aa9ssa9fgh8ov0pcs6-ey3qfxz2nvqnanhs 18 comments programming
- [Book Release 0.6.0] Deep Learning for Programmers: An Interactive Tutorial with CUDA, OpenCL, MKL-DNN, Java, and Clojure https://aiprobook.com/deep-learning-for-programmers/?release=0.6.0&src=rprogramming 3 comments programming
- I created a public repository of educational resources for AI developers including technical courses, books, and tutorials on artificial intelligence, deep learning and machine learning. PRs welcome! https://github.com/duncantmiller/ai-developer-resources 2 comments learnmachinelearning
- Dive into Deep Learning. An interactive deep learning book for students, engineers, and researchers. We thank all the community contributors for making this open source book better for everyone. https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/afb1ne/dive_into_deep_learning_an_interactive_deep/ 43 comments learnprogramming
- Dive into Deep Learning. An interactive deep learning book for students, engineers, and researchers. We thank all the community contributors for making this open source book better for everyone. https://d2l.ai/ 7 comments programming