Hacker News
- 'A slow fiscal death' awaits some countries in this 'decade of debt.' https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/07/debt-crisis-is-in-the-making-and-it-wont-end-well-for-the-world-economist-warns.html 2 comments
- Nassim Taleb says the U.S. is in a ‘death spiral’ over government debt https://fortune.com/2024/01/31/nassim-nicholas-taleb-black-swan-author-national-debt-death-spiral/ 225 comments
- Nassim Taleb Says US Faces a 'Death Spiral' of Swelling Debt https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-30/nassim-taleb-says-us-faces-a-death-spiral-of-swelling-debt 9 comments
- Italy 2020 GDP to fall 6.5%, debt-to-GDP at 150% due to virus crisis - think tank: Despite stringent lockdown measures introduced gradually since Feb. 23 to try to stop the spread, Italy’s coronavirus death toll rose to 8,215 on Thursday. https://www.reuters.com/article/italy-economy-prometeia/italy-2020-gdp-to-fall-65-debt-to-gdp-at-150-due-to-virus-crisis-think-tank-idusl8n2bk2cx 6 comments worldnews
- The death throes of the debt-based consumerist lifestyle are already visible beneath the glossy propaganda of "rising revenues this Christmas season." http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-2011-last-debt-consumerist-christmas-america 4 comments economy
- How does the U.S. deal with the death-spiral of its currency, markets, and huge debts: 1) default; 2) hyper-inflate; or 3) war. None 6 comments economy
- Heavily indebted Chinese railway company reportedly loses president to suicide - He leapt to his death from his family home, the latest in a series of deaths & corruption investigations that have plagued the country’s debt-plagued railway industry. http://qz.com/163692/chinas-heavily-indebted-state-railway-reportedly-loses-president-to-suicide/ 19 comments worldnews
- Billionaire Ray Dalio warns U.K. is at risk of entering ‘debt death spiral’ https://fortune.com/europe/2025/01/21/billionaire-investor-ray-dalio-warns-uk-risk-entering-debt-death-spiral/ 3 comments economy
- Death and Debt Survey: 55% Expect to Pass Their Debt to Loved Ones https://www.debt.com/research/funeral-debt/ 2 comments economy
- 'Death Should Not Be the Only Relief': Seniors Lead Their First Action Against Student Debt | "This week for the first time in history, older student debtors have gone to Washington to demand our student loan debts get canceled in our lifetime, not at our funerals," one older debtor said. https://www.commondreams.org/news/student-debt-cancellation-seniors 6 comments politics
- Britain, land of the eternal mortgage — ’Til death do us debt? https://www.ft.com/content/4fcb507e-d03c-4ef7-b385-74bc1e459d47 35 comments economics
- Debt, crowdfunding, or death: America's very broken healthcare system https://therealnews.com/debt-crowdfunding-or-death-americas-very-broken-healthcare-system 45 comments economy
- Scary! "Over the next few years as $31 trillion in national debt matures and get refinanced at 4% (or higher) the interest we pay on the debt will more than double from $600 billion annually to over $1.2 trillion per year. We are entering a debt death spiral." https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1570095030446047233 128 comments economy
- Big Pharma wants as many sick people as possible. Big oil wants as much fossil fuel use as possible. Big ag wants as much pesticide use as possible. Big banks want as much individual debt as possible. Our economic system is a death spiral. https://twitter.com/leecamp/status/1561976192844107779 144 comments economy
- Death, debt, and degradation: Trump’s border wall after four years https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-us-border-wall-native-americans-immigration-drugs-promise-b1352289.html 5 comments politics
- Dubai: Chimera on a spiral towards its death Dubai faces about $10 billion in debt maturities this year with revenues expected to drop in line with the pattern of the 2009 crisis. http://www.opindia.com/2020/06/dubai-economy-chimera-on-a-spiral-towards-its-death-detailed-explainer/ 68 comments geopolitics
- From opioid deaths to student debt: A view of the 2010s economy in charts https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-economy-decade/from-opioid-deaths-to-student-debt-a-view-of-the-2010s-economy-in-charts-iduskbn1yz0as 18 comments politics
- UK truck deaths: families of missing Vietnamese migrants stuck with crippling debt. Parents borrowed thousands of dollars to pay for children’s flights, fake passports and truck rides https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3035445/uk-truck-deaths-families-missing-vietnamese-migrants-stuck 3 comments worldnews
- I owe $10k on my vehicle and have under $5k of miscellaneous debt. Inherited a 72k IRA as a death beneficiary and not sure if I should do this. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/ad8p01/i_owe_10k_on_my_vehicle_and_have_under_5k_of/ 19 comments personalfinance
- Credit Card Debt After Death https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/9v753m/credit_card_debt_after_death/ 8 comments personalfinance
- Obamas on McCain's death: 'We are all in his debt' http://thehill.com/homenews/news/403626-barack-michelle-obama-commemorate-john-mccain 54 comments politics
- For inheritance and estate planning purposes, is Bitcoin considered "money in the bank" and subject to taxes and outstanding debts before distribution to beneficiaries on death? [US] https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7bd5ja/for_inheritance_and_estate_planning_purposes_is/ 3 comments personalfinance
- Need advice with large tax debt scared to death https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/6w8egf/need_advice_with_large_tax_debt_scared_to_death/ 10 comments tax
- Spouse responsible for medical debt after death in communal property state? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6f7llq/spouse_responsible_for_medical_debt_after_death/ 5 comments personalfinance
- Medical debts and bankruptcy due to spouses death https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/69zc0h/medical_debts_and_bankruptcy_due_to_spouses_death/ 19 comments personalfinance
- Medical Debt after Death? https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/5xb1jd/medical_debt_after_death/ 4 comments personalfinance
- India Dalit couple hacked to death over 22 cents debt http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-36921346 10 comments india
- Trump proudly tweets endorsement of convicted felon Don King , who once pistol whipped and stomped a man to death over 600$ debt. http://www.famouslyarrested.com/athletes/don-king.html 26 comments politics
- Smaller Euro countries quietly urge Grexit to avoid "debt death spiral." http://www.politico.eu/article/timeout-grexit-greece-germany-athens-berlin-schauble/ 12 comments worldnews
- In March 2015 Forbes touts Puerto Rico as "tax haven" for millionaires and billionaires from President Obama's oppressive taxes. Today, Puerto Rico's Government announces it's in a "death spiral" and will default on it's $72 billion debt. Why hadn't "tricked down" work in this paradise? http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurengensler/2015/02/11/puerto-rico-new-age-tax-haven/ 13 comments politics
- Greece Just Blew Up The Empire's Death Star Of Debt http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-02/greece-just-blew-empires-death-star-debt 4 comments worldnews
- Fort Hood Shooter Gets Death Penalty."He is not giving his life. We are taking his life. This is not his gift to God, it's his debt to society. He will not now and will not ever be a martyr." - Lead prosecutor, Col. Mike Mulligan http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/28/us/nidal-hasan-sentencing/ 21 comments politics
- "In the Death Star of America’s financial oligarchy, the ability of local governments to use eminent domain to seize toxic debt might be the one structural flaw big enough for the rebel alliance to fly through." http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/from-an-unlikely-source-a-serious-challenge-to-wall-street-20120720 4 comments politics
- Six years after the death of student, Key Bank has agreed to forgive his student loan. But the family is not stopping there: It's now fighting to change the laws in the hope of sparing others the trauma it endured as lenders continued to hound it for payment on its dead son's debts. http://abcnews.go.com/business/bank-forgives-dead-students-loan-family-fights-change/story?id=16227855 41 comments politics
- Death of a Fairy Tale: "And serious analysts now argue that fiscal austerity in a depressed economy is probably self-defeating: by shrinking the economy and hurting long-term revenue, austerity probably makes the debt outlook worse rather than better." https://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/27/opinion/krugman-death-of-a-fairy-tale.html?_r=1 36 comments politics
- Europe Spending Itself to Death - Nicolas Sarkozy's problems in France are a foretaste of fundamental challenges to Western democracies: the inability to govern with growing sovereign debt. http://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2010/10/22/europe_spending_itself_to_death_99244.html 4 comments worldnews
- Woman sues debt collector over husband's death http://www.cnn.com/2009/living/12/10/debt.collector.lawsuit/index.html 4 comments reddit.com
- Circle of death: Technical debt and sleep debt [PIC] http://blog.hasmanythrough.com/2009/9/3/circle-of-death 155 comments programming
- “This is a cold place in the winter and I will not give people a death sentence for not paying their debts,” Sheriff Jones said in an interview. “These are human beings, responsible middle-class people who fell on hard times, and I just can’t toss them out onto the streets.” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/18/nyregion/18foreclose.html 16 comments politics
- Fannie and Freddie Bailout Would Double US Public Debt - Bernanke's Kiss of Death http://www.contrarianprofits.com/articles/fannie-and-freddie-bailout-would-double-us-public-debt/3700 19 comments business