Hacker News
- BlackRock and the US Government Could Be About to Kill Bitcoin Amid Crypto Rally https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2023/11/08/sleepwalking-toward-massive-calamity-blackrock-and-the-us-government-could-be-about-to-kill-bitcoin-amid-huge-ethereum-xrp-and-crypto-price-rally/ 7 comments
- Crypto miners are killing free CI https://layerci.com/blog/crypto-miners-are-killing-free-ci/ 15 comments security
- Banking Crisis Won’t Kill Crypto-Banking Despite Short-Term Pain https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/03/13/banking-crisis-wont-kill-crypto-banking-despite-short-term-pain/ 14 comments cryptocurrency
- An American ‘crypto-anarchist’ fled the country. He was just killed in Mexico’s ‘murder capital.’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/02/04/an-american-crypto-anarchist-fled-country-he-was-just-killed-mexicos-murder-capital/ 22 comments politics
- In 2023, the US government tried to kill crypto | Opinion https://crypto.news/in-2023-the-us-government-tried-to-kill-crypto-opinion/ 122 comments cryptocurrency
- Is the US trying to kill crypto? https://www.bbc.com/news/business-65861096 65 comments cryptocurrency
- CoinDesk Editorial: It Sure Looks Like the U.S. Is Trying to Kill Crypto https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2023/03/30/coindesk-editorial-it-sure-looks-like-the-us-is-trying-to-kill-crypto/ 32 comments cryptocurrency
- The Not-so-Secret Plan to Kill Crypto https://beincrypto.com/exposing-plan-kill-crypto/ 19 comments cryptocurrency
- OneCoin’s Crypto Queen, responsible for a $4 billion scam, ‘killed on yacht’ https://medium.com/@cryptomaton/onecoins-crypto-queen-responsible-for-a-4-billion-scam-killed-on-yacht-9b4612464ca9 31 comments cryptocurrency
- Killing more worthless projects would be a win for crypto - BlockChain Times https://blockchaintimes.news/2022/10/09/killing-more-worthless-projects-would-be-a-win-for-crypto/ 30 comments cryptocurrency
- Killing more worthless projects would be a win for crypto https://cointelegraph.com/news/killing-more-worthless-projects-would-be-a-win-for-crypto 110 comments cryptocurrency
- California State Kills Main Crypto Bill, Why? https://www.newsbtc.com/news/california-state-kills-main-crypto-bill-why/amp/ 15 comments cryptocurrency
- Banks are embracing crypto after trying to kill it for so long https://www.forbesindia.com/article/global-news/how-banks-are-embracing-crypto-after-trying-to-kill-it-for-so-long/71335/1 47 comments cryptocurrency
- Banks are embracing crypto after trying to kill it for so long https://www.forbesindia.com/article/global-news/how-banks-are-embracing-crypto-after-trying-to-kill-it-for-so-long/71335/1 23 comments cryptocurrency
- Are you new to the blockchain community? Here's how to develop your radar to research crypto projects and make sure you make a killing. https://d-core.net/your-crypto-community-radar-is-your-best-friend-develop-it-to-research-blockchains-projects/ 13 comments cryptocurrency
- Logan Paul reveals he's starting his own Crypto project, CryptoZoo . (LMAO 🤣🤣 🤣, just kill me please, I can't take it anymore) https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/logan-paul-reveals-hes-starting-his-own-crypto-project-cryptozoo-1635908/?utm_campaign=article&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web 119 comments cryptocurrency
- China’s attempt to kill Crypto failed — Here’s why https://techyno.com/tech-news/chinas-attempt-to-kill-crypto-failed-heres-why/ 20 comments ethereum
- Crypto miners are killing free CI https://layerci.com/blog/crypto-miners-are-killing-free-ci/ 13 comments stallmanwasright
- Crypto miners are killing free CI https://layerci.com/blog/crypto-miners-are-killing-free-ci/ 1528 comments programming
- Bitcoin Cash killing it in Australian retail - does $52k of $56K combined crypto expenditure in November https://bitcoinbch.com/blog/Australian-Cryptocurrency-Usage-November-2019.html 37 comments btc
- Sued for billions, Facebook is accused of killing crypto businesses https://news.yahoo.com/sued-billions-facebook-accused-killing-160742253.html 3 comments technology
- This is how they will kill crypto https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/c16yf0/this_is_how_they_will_kill_crypto/ 146 comments btc
- Chinese Crypto Entrepreneur Killed Himself after 2000 BTC Loss Using 100x Leverage https://news.8btc.com/chinese-crypto-entrepreneur-killed-himself-after-2000-btc-loss-using-100x-leverage 11 comments btc
- Blockstream killed crypto mass adoption https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/agos0u/blockstream_killed_crypto_mass_adoption/ 80 comments btc
- New Bankless Episode: the US Government is Trying to Kill Crypto https://spotify.link/SlyPUMdGcEb 25 comments cryptocurrency
- Reddit Is Killing Crypto Community Points Tokens—And Holders Are Dumping Their Bags https://decrypt.co/202014/reddit-killing-crypto-community-points-tokens-holders-dumping-bags?amp=1 13 comments cryptocurrency
- Banks have tried and failed to kill crypto. Now they're embracing it slowly https://flipboard.com/@geekierickie/economics-cryptonomics-espionage-protectionism-5lns8m2gz/banks-tried-to-kill-crypto-and-failed-now-they-re-embracing-it-slowly/a-v06WDd1qQY2jgf3Y1Pl9cg%3Aa%3A100400193-cf8edea719%2Fnytimes.com 23 comments cryptocurrency
- Banks Tried to Kill Crypto and Failed. Now They’re Embracing It https://techilive.in/banks-tried-to-kill-crypto-and-failed-now-theyre-embracing-it-slowly/ 20 comments cryptocurrency
- Banks Tried to Kill Crypto and Failed. Now They’re Embracing It (Slowly). http://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/01/business/banks-crypto-bitcoin.html 35 comments cryptocurrency
- Banks Tried to Kill Crypto and Failed. Now They’re Embracing It Slowly https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/banks-tried-to-kill-crypto-and-failed--now-theyre-embracing-it-slowly--10690011 45 comments cryptocurrency
- Banks Tried to Kill Crypto and Failed. Now They’re Embracing It (Slowly). https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/01/business/banks-crypto-bitcoin.html?smid=re-share 12 comments cryptocurrency
- Banks failed to kill crypto, now they're embracing it https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/01/business/banks-crypto-bitcoin.html 37 comments cryptocurrency
- Top Senate Democrat Ron Wyden says regulating crypto would be like killing the internet in its infancy. https://fortune.com/2022/03/07/crypto-regulation-ron-wyden-internet/ 34 comments cryptocurrency
- Gensler can destroy the U.S. crypto industry, but he can’t kill crypto https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gensler-destroy-u-crypto-industry-150051731.html 3 comments cryptocurrency
- How a Failed VC DAO Almost Killed Ethereum - Crypto History Lessons https://youtu.be/epSy23S1ru8 6 comments cryptocurrency
- Bitcoin (BTC) Futures Killed The Crypto Rally in Early January, says Economist https://cryptomonster.net/news/bitcoin-btc-futures-killed-the-crypto-rally-in-early-january-says-economist-ethereumworldnews/index.html 7 comments btc
- SEC kills two more spot Bitcoin ETFs applications with concerns over fraud, preventing manipulation, and protecting investors. Of course, they still haven't provided any crypto regulations to combat those concerns either. https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nysearca/2022/34-94006.pdf 48 comments cryptocurrency
- As if killing crypto with 30% tax and 1% tax deducted at source wasn't enough, Indian Govt is now planning to add GST tax on the entire value of the transaction. It could take the total tax on each crypto transaction to as much as 40-45%! https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/indian-govt-working-on-classification-of-cryptocurrency-under-gst-law-122032000357_1.html 122 comments cryptocurrency
- Fed Chair Powell recently said "We do see payment stablecoins as a form of money". This is very eye-opening since the response was specifically about stablecoins and nothing about CBDCs. It is also refreshing that not all of the government seems intent on attacking (or even killing) crypto in the US https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=61s&v=qmddoaBAXXk 33 comments cryptocurrency
- Crypto-currencies are killing people in a "fairly direct way", Bill Gates has said. He was referring to the way digital currencies like Bitcoin are used to buy drugs like synthetic opioid fentanyl. ""The main feature of crypto-currencies is their anonymity. I don't think this is a good thing." http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-43239781 20 comments technology