Hacker News
- Culture Is Stuck https://lindynewsletter.beehiiv.com/p/culture-stuck 86 comments
- Is Culture Stuck? https://paulskallas.substack.com/p/is-culture-stuck 20 comments
- "Congress Stuck In Cancel Culture, So Much Hate": PM Modi https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/pm-modis-reply-to-motion-of-thanks-on-presidents-address-top-quotes-4998156/amp/1 39 comments india
- Are there cultural reasons behind SVO or SOV word orders in languages? Or is it just whatever stuck? https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/6lkr4v/are_there_cultural_reasons_behind_svo_or_sov_word/ 6 comments askscience
- One Word For A Year-II: Chennai sucks, it’s stuck in its own illusory cultural sophistication http://www.outlookindia.com/article/one-word-for-a-yearii/291754 23 comments india
- With Starliner stuck in space, has NASA’s safety culture changed since Columbia? https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/08/with-starliner-stuck-in-space-has-nasas-safety-culture-changed-since-columbia/ 52 comments space
- [Charania] After NBA championship, Portis’ loyalty was with Milwaukee and he cherished the organization’s culture and winning environment. The MIL community embraced him. Portis passed on more money in favor of the Bucks last summer — and this year he stuck with happiness and stability. https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1422337017774546951?s=20 126 comments nba
- [Coller] One thing about McVay wannabes who are being pumped up as "scheme over culture" is that...McVay is a clever fella with culture too. This from 2017 always stuck out to me... him realizing he didn't know everything and looking to Andrew Whitworth for help https://twitter.com/matthewcoller/status/1082738949527949312 36 comments nfl
- Whether He Wins or Loses, We’re Stuck With Trump - He’ll still speak for millions of alienated, disaffected Americans. He’ll still channel their anger at the nation’s rapid cultural and political changes. He’ll still have the star power and resources to carve out a spot in the public eye http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/06/trump_s_next_grift_trump_news.html 12 comments politics
- Contrary to the conservative narrative of poor people "wanting things", there is an entire culture of workers stuck in part-time positions who only want to work MORE. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/28/business/a-part-time-life-as-hours-shrink-and-shift-for-american-workers.html?ref=stevengreenhouse&_r=0 492 comments politics